How do I achieve this level?

How do I achieve this level?

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Drop your IQ 30 points below average.

>nogs think they can mew themselves white
thats some next level juju sheeit

>How do I achieve this level?
3 sets of repeat grade 3
4 sets of go to prison for selling drugs
6 sets of have children with different moms
1 set of never get a job
1 set of be a fucking nigger (finish set to muscle exhaustion)

This should cover it user

Have 10% homo erectus dna

Thanks and for my diet i should eat fried chicken and watermelon everyday right?

Yes but dont forget to wash it down with grape drank and a 40oz of schlitz. You are going to want to stay hydrated user.

Having another 2 niggers holding the bar of screen

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When you’ve grown up hungry all your life you’d be surprised by what you can eat too

literally every post in this thread is racist.

t. nigger

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I don't think is racist at all. Africans are pretty fucking stupid tbqh.

And yet none of them are wrong

>complaining about racism on Jow Forums

New or retard?

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You've come to the wrong place redditor

So black he's gone blue

Get that bozo ball out of your ass.

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tfw you realize racism is based on truth

Name one thing wrong with racism that isnt MUH FEELS


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He's training to eat prison bars, pretty smart for a criminal nigger


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