Would you get with a fat girl if she had a nice face? I'm debating whether or not to tonight

Would you get with a fat girl if she had a nice face? I'm debating whether or not to tonight.

Attached: Actually+i+personally+like+bigger+girls+faces+i+think+that+_bac468eec42902cb4c785ed1c4b5c1da.jpg (600x896, 220K)

can you post an example of a fat girl with a nice face?

Yes. 9 times out of 10 the only thing that turns me off of fat girls is that they have a fat nasty face.

I would fuck anything born female to be honest, hell i'll even fuck some tranny if he's passable and shut the fuck up
It depend if you're desperate or not

Don't, it's not worth it. Chances are, you'll regret it, especially if you have to ask.

Fat women have poor impulse control and it's usually a red flag. If you're no looker yourself, then you can't complain

First gf was chub with a beautiful face and huge tits. Above thicc but below slampig while I was a complete skelly. It was fine and the sex was great. Not particularly smelly aside from that occasional butthole musk during doggy from what I remember. Would date a beautiful chub girl again, and eventually drag her along my Jow Forums journey.

i need to get laid man. we already made and cuddle and shit, but haven't fucked yet. she has a big ass too, not perky and amazing, but at least she has one

Fuck yeah op, its like one of my types is a thiccer chick with like the face of an angel. Its what my ex was like.

she is slampig level but her face is good enough that i think i can accept it

yeah i would

fuck it

Sure, many chubs are kinda cute.
If she's anything like pic related I'd smash instantly.

she pretty much looks like pic related, face, bodtype, and all

I did that to lose my virginity. she would have been a 8 at least if she lost the girth.

Attached: ww2-146.jpg (960x570, 77K)

I would. Being fat is a function of bad habits but she could still theoretically pop out some grade A offspring.
Also they usually have a better pesonality than a trophy wife looking chick who always has guys waiting on them. Maybe you can get her into fitness?

Yes, because there is hope that through a change of diet and exercise she will drop weight relatively quickly. Though keep in mind when she pops out her first kid she will likely balloon to mega-hambeast size.

These girls are probably the sluttiest on the planet. Can't say no to ice cream, can't say no to cock.

And how the fuck would I take this bitch outside and do anything with her when she's so fat? The only thing I could do with her would be roll her down the street.

No fucking way.

If that pic is your definition of nice face then no.

>Would you get with a fat girl if she had a nice face?
I had the oppurtunity to do this, and she wasn't even chubby, just larger than ideal. Wasn't feeling it at all.

Any port in a storm bud. Wrap it up and don't tell your friends.

aren't fat girls lazy af?

Never ever ever.

Due to my bad self esteem and such I've only fucked fat girls and even now Im still attracted to chubby chicks and even some super thicc girls.

a lot depends on the face but I aspire to fuck a fit chick, and see the difference

yeah as long as she's cool