What is your kryptonite Jow Forums?

What is your kryptonite Jow Forums?

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any bag of chips, ill finish a family size bag in one sitting. i dont do it often but when im tempted its bad

>having a kryptonite
never gonna make it

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yeah alcohol. somehow i always end up drinking after a great training session. going for a second day of lifting soon

Soda. The grocery store I go to, I go there specifically because the soda aisle is way in the back of the store and I can shop without getting anywhere close to it.

Beer, liquor, cocaine, mdma, acid, anything salty or fatty.

Weed and sweets don’t tempt me at least.

>fluffy bud
don't post on my Jow Forums ever again

This right here.

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>pabst blue ribbon
I never understood how people enjoy this shit beer

it's cause you can drink 6 of them for the price of 1 beer at a restaurant. even though they taste pretty bad, I usually don't care by the 3rd one

Canr contain urges to drink sweet bubble drink
> never gonna make it

Fucking bbq. Pulled pork and burnt ends my fav, absolutely drenched in whatever sauce the place makes themselves.
Add some buttery cornbread and cole slaw and I'm in heaven.

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Movie Theater Popcorn
Chips and Salsa (Can eat an entire bag)
BBQ Ribs
Fried Chicken
Gummy Worms

Fuck me up some more

Day 6 of my fast and this shit is driving me crazy

Jesus fucking Christ are you me?

The most niche kryptonite I have are those buttered cinnamon pretzel bites you get at the mall. Funnel Cakes too

>giant steak


>knows his weakness and avoids it because he knows he lacks self control
that's literally how you "make it", you sperg

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pop and chips are the two big ones

i wish winco was like this. the soda aisle is right next to the self checkout. and on the other side? chip aisle.


Milk truccs.

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Laying in bed with my bf for too long.

This and this

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Weed and Mtn Dew. Any other soda is shit, but I'm addicted to it. Weed helps me sleep, I could give up the soda but I don't wanna

Every bar I go to they always have a tall boy for like $3 when every other beer even small cans are $5 minimum

Post pics fags, I need to get off to your kyrpto

Cheesecake is by far the best thing ever. Can make a homemade one with decent macros too, can't wait to have some once my cut is done.

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Big fat anime titties. Tits that can’t exist IRL. Impossiboobs.

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Used to drink mtn dew like water when I was a teen, the only soda I found "addicting" besides oranga fanta


This even tho peanutbutter + bananas combo is getting out of control.

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You're goddamn right.

I'm actually cooking pulled pork and burnt ends right now. Tomorrow is cheat day....

Motherfucking haribo gummy bears

PB+banana is so good as it is. If you have it on a sandwich, I just get out of control.

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I don't see the problem?

>beer, spirits, any alcohol

I never eat fast food, even before i started working out, but god damn i love sinking some piss