/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

'deadlift variation for volume' edition

ITT: bench press, squat and deadlift discussion

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1st for whatever this photo means to you.

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first for /swimming on saturday on your off day/

>small tits
>fat ass
I don't know what the fuck it is about these sluts that's so alluring. Maybe my brain sees it as a challenge to get her bloated with my seed so she'll develop fatty tits and have a perfect body.

1st for new panzer and friends meme

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bench press is the best gauge of raw physical strength. the ONLY reason you would disagree is because you're a weak pussy with a shit bench.

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>not knowing our swedish friend

>bloated with my seed

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>whatever this photo means to you.
My noncel brother.

No hurt feelings points for you today.

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>these are the people giving you advice in /plg/

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>these are the people giving you advice in /plg/
Literally none of those people are left besides sean. The rest are normies or tranny suicides.

but im not in the picture lol

post your stats for bench press, squat and deadlift

to me this photo means bitch needs to do fat-transfer breast augmentation

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It clearly says (loser) no way on earth that's not you boyo

You didn't join the real and active Official Fitness Server on Discord yet??
Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc. Self improvement, nofap and even relationship advice.
We also have some fun channels like memes or tinder thot patrolling.

!!! We have a monthly progress CONTEST wiith prize MONEYY $$$ !!!
Contest rules: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then all server members vote, the winner gets ALL prize money!
New April contest starting now, 2 days to partcipate left!

We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome!!!!!!!

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Nice projection

Lmao weren't you all over Rafaelio??

No lmao

post your stats for bench press, squat and deadlift or concede that you are a weak, chicken shit manlet.

>he didn't consider shaving before taking this image

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I hope Sean actually is what he claims to be

Hm, projection

He isnt

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>I hope Sean actually is what he claims to be
Sean is the biggest larper of all.

Everything he claims to be is a projection.

The most pathetic part is that if he was honest about himself, he would have made for a weird but interesting friend.

A number of trips offered friendship. But Sean's pride in his facade has burnt down any potential human connections around him.

Whether rich or not, sean is poor in spirit.

>i admit that i am a chicken shit coward with shit lifts, sir

i accept your concession.

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It’s not a facade many trips have seen factual evidence, truth of the matter is people can’t accept the fact that there are people better than them in this world (see the Jim incel for an example)

>this embarrassing damage control

you're a faggot incel with less than 10 bucks in the bank account that your mom opened for you


The truth is that I'm poor larper and my boi pucci aches for trappy's feminine penis.

anyone have a link to Barbell Medicines 7 week hypertrophy? I genuinely don't have the money and I don't wanna mooch for it. I have the 12 week strength if anyone wants to trade.

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haha I see I struck a nerve with you

nah. in addition to being a poor, faggot incel, you're too stupid and insecure to think of a genuine refute to any claim against you because deep down, you KNOW that even a total stranger on the internet can see right through you and doing anything to risk further exposing who you are leaves you shitting your pants like a little bitch.

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I'm doing a perfect job at refuting it, I'm calling a projection a projection since that's what it clearly is lol

oh also, nice projection

Just did a 10x10 deadlift @ 275 yesterday as a part of the German Volume Training I'm doing. Any experience with GVT/Ten Set Method?

Is it too early to start Candito 6 week? Currently 70kg with 120kg squat, 75kg bench, 130kg DL all for 5 reps.

Should I wear a weeby anime shirt to my next meet?

You should never start candito 6 week

It's a bad program

You're welcome


Will unilateral work fix my lower body? I’m trying to LP my squat but it’s getting nowhere because of how bad my lower body is due to complete inactivity for years. I stretch but I don’t get the stability.

My hips all kinds of shit, they feel unstable, can’t use glutes, my knees aren’t stable, my ankles and feet don’t feel strong and not just for squats. Wondering if lunges or BSS could help.

What the fuck?

why not lower the weight on squats then

circular reasoning is not an argument. try harder, faggot incel.

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My name is Sean, everyday I crawl out of my hovel with my disfigured feet and fake wood floors to post drivel on a meaningless image bored.
For every post i make my chastity cage encased benis starts to leak. At nights I cry as i hear the sounds of my mother being taken by another new daddy.
It fills me with disgust and arousal.
My name is Sean and I am an incestuous cuckold.

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It's not circular reasoning, stop using words you don't know the meaning to, you just keep projecting lol

> faggot incel.

case in point, another projection

I have instilled anger in you lol


your being too stupid to know the definition of something does not change reality, faggot incel. try harder.

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The issue is there regardless of weight used.

>I’m trying to LP my squat but it’s getting nowhere because of how bad my lower body is due to complete inactivity for years
In your situation, some months of dumbbell squats, pushups, lat pulldowns, kettleball swings, jumps, general calisthenics, and throws would be beneficial to make up for the years of motor patterns you didnt engrain.

>confirming that i have gotten to you so much that you are doubling down back to your usual ways of being a cowardly faggot incel who fears being exposed

lol. you lose again, shit head. run along now, i'm done with you.

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You are correct I am a pathetic incel


I have instilled anger in you lol

Sean this is you, except you're skinny and don't actually lift

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Is garagebro here? I need some help desperately.

Would it be okay, um, if I maybe, maybe contacted you about, um, some carpeting to replace some cheap vinyl flooring?

any lads ever tried zercher squats?
I thought they were all for memes until I saw Kevin Oak talk about them, he thinks that they are probably better than front squats and also good to make zerchers the majority of your training for some time

just looks like it might hurt my feelings desu

I hit 2pl8 bench for the first time today, give me (you)s

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Hey lads please bully me and critique my shitty form i get off on it

Deadlifts 160kg x 4
Squats 127.5kg x 4

Attached: squats-deads.webm (566x500, 2.93M)

I see jordan feigenbaum recommending (for intermediates and above) a caloric surplus of 150-200 per week (yes, per week not per day) for a bulk

is this legit y/n or a jewish trick

you're not initiating in your feet for deadlifts, to much back engagement before hips/legs

sit further back on squat, don't let your knees go frward


You have a tiny little prick I want to pop it like a sit

I did 18 reps of lmao2pl8 dl today why is my back sore

You'll get to 3pl8s one day user. Mark my words.

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thanks boys

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your core strength is shit and walking the squat out that far is retarded.

walked the squat out that far so i could get a good view of my depth (the safetys get in the way)

I agree about my shitty core though. I do ab roll outs or =weighted planks @ the end of my workouts now.

>weighted planks

meme shit

What would you recommend to replace em?

DBGT Super 17 > DBS 17
Only numales disagree.

>Tfw when even twinkalexs squat overtakes yours due to chronic health problems

I should just take up rock collecting right?

Is a 50kg bp good for reps for my first try? Im 6'2 and 200lbs or so

>when the waitress gives you a funny look asking for a table for 1

you definitely need to sit back more on your deads at the beginnning of the pull. And your squat could be a hundred things but I think you need to open your hips a bit more, and it doesnt'l look like you're breathing right and its causing you to lose ab engagement when you exhale on the way up and that's contributing to instability.

You’re a big girl

>the only good poster left in PLG is me

Wow I foreseen this

Been lifting for a year or so mainly focused on aesthetics (PPL) and I now want to increase my numbers, what program should I hop on? I've been running texas method but my bench hasn't increased whatsoever. Numbers: 6'4 96kg, B:125kg S:125kg D: 188kg OHP: 84kg

>good poster
Define this


This scared me when I was 10 years old


A good poster
-Squats more than they deadlift
-Squats 600 lbs
-Deadlifts conventional
-Weighs more than 200 freedoms
-Is a member of the Supertotal Ascendant Race

If you REALLY want to do things right, you also have to play rugby. But that's optional.

A good poster:
>is nice
>says nice things to me

>Squats more than they deadlift

t. fat manlet in a blood constricting, organ compressing suit

I lift RAW though.

the only compression his organs are getting are from his visceral fat and not from a gundam suit

what does squatting with short femurs feel like? i want to know that feeling just once, squatting more than my deadlift is beyond my comprehension

I hope you guys have been doing something social this weekend. Remember not to spend all day on Jow Forums, lads.

Posting deadlift again from earlier today.

Attached: Deadlift 525x1.webm (720x1280, 2.8M)

I like how you don't know how to breathe before pulling lol

>let me just sink my hips lower, I don't need to brace

you know how you feel when you're squatting heavy? imagine if it were even easier to do that weight to proper depth since you have to travel less distance.

>you know how you feel when you're squatting heavy?
feels like my torso is horizontal to the floor and i can discern every intricate detail of the gym floor

But I do breathe and brace. What's your deadlift?

For some reason my trip didn't autofill

there's nothing wrong with his deadlift

quick question

what's your TDEE

I just watched a video where you literally don't do either correctly.

I deadlift 247.5kg

Wtf... I'm putting my trip in the name field and it's showing up as user

About 3100ish

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it's showing up as user because it's april fools on the east coast, and the tripcode fields are now this

team peanut butter reporting in btw

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