How you holding up Jow Forums?

How you holding up Jow Forums?

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Going ok
>broke up with gf of 4 years a few weeks ago
>kind knew for a few months it was gonna happen so i was pretty detached by the time it did
>immediately started dating again
>new gf as of a few days ago, been seeing her for like 2 weeks.
>makes me happier than old gf did, so far
all is good i think

ive been better. feelin kinda lonely lately, and its a different kind of loneliness. much deeper than being bored on the weekends or something. realizing that if i keep up my current routine im going to die completely alone. not really a good feelin bruhs

good for you man, im happy for you, i hope any feelings for your old gf dont come back

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I went without a depressive episode for three years and then suddenly over the past week I've been slipping back into it. I just feel crushed. In full damage control mode now, about to go for a sunset beach run and then grab a burrito.

>tfw it dawns on you that no human can understand you
>tfw no gf
>tfw feel like I just exchange meaningless hot air with normie friends
>they recoil when I try to talk about something substantial

Sorry for the blog post, I'll be back later.

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Day 3 of no weed

I want to get high desu

My nigga. Was never bothered if I haven't had a gf for longer periods of time, because I was working my ass off on a lot of things, which kept me from thinking about it, but mainly it was the reason I usually never had time for serious relationship. Now all my bros got gfs and I'm just lying in bed masturbating and always end up feeling lonely as fuck. Even a fuck buddy or random fuck would be good

>be with gf 4.5 years
>seeing noone 6 months later
>sperg lord

Lifting habits have crashed and hating my soul sucking job.

I gotta take the bull by the horns again.

those breakup pains are sure to rear their head at some point
what you think is substantial convo is certainly hot air as well

I feel like getting Jow Forumsl instantly sets me apart from the sea of unfit people. It’s a feel that i can’t get enough of.

My cat had to be put to sleep, but I'm about to move to a new apartment away from my parent's house and closer to work. I just have to keep going is all.

Pic related is my cat

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Same old same old
Still lonely as fuck. No prospects. No friends. There's this girl, everything points to the fact that we should be together but we aren't
So I continue to have dreams of happiness and wake up in the depressing reality

pretty good
just came home from a family gathering, first time I met my 2nd cousins in a while, one of them was hot as fuck and think she found me attractive aswell (guessing so by the glares I got), people I havent seen in a while mired me and said I had gotten big, friends just got me tickets for a huge party thats happening on friday
its going pretty good
i wouldnt have fucked my 2nd cousin even if i had the chance

bouncing between confident and nothing matters. made it out of college, got a great job, no debt, can buy anything I want.... still have no friends of quality

Might get laid tonight after a long dry spell. A bit nervous, but confident. Wish me luck boyos.

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thanks user, i dont think they will, as i dont even think about her anymore.
you need to get out and do something. its the only way to solve that.
i met a few girls on bumble after i broke up with gf and made sure to go out and meet them asap because i needed to fucking see people and interact, because i was so used to living with someone.

even if you dont wind up fucking them, if you meet them at a bar or something then maybe you can meet other people there as well. friends, more girls

month 5 of no weed
day 4 of no kratom
the sober life is not worth living. I'm so fucking bored and atsy , I'm actually kind of looking to going back to work on monday and I hate my job

Me ne frego.

I'm sorry user, my two last cats had to be put down, it's not pretty. Lift for you kitter and get a new one. You won't forget your old, but it will pass and good memories will stay

Pic is mine right now. She likes my thiccness

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Idk man I have a cold right now so I feel like shit/want to kill myself

>24 years old
>gf of almost 3 years
>realize her family sucks, group of fat cows/really stupid
>gf is small/skinnyish but I can't get her to lift or run, claims she gets enough of a workout from her actual job of babysitting autistic children
>I have 120k of student loan debt
>graduated with an engineering degree from a top 10 undergrad engineering school
>make 55kish
>company benefits suck
>hours and work are easy but I don't see opportunities for raises/promotions within my company
>recently quit 5-6years of continuous gambling. I lost thousands of hours as well as about 25kish since I was 18

>updating resume/making a portfolio of the cool projects I did work on with current company
>started applying for new jobs, few phone interviews with recruiters but nothing has stuck yet
>been lifting 3-6x a week over the last month
>I'm trying to go from 208ish to under 200 at the end of April
>few fun events planned in the upcoming months with friends and family, cinco de mayo party, brothers b Day, bachelor parties and weddings

Idk man could be better could be worse. I just wish I didn't have any debts and I could start investing money for the future. Love you Guys as well as lol and biz. I don't post very often. Looking for a couple ((you))s

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Here’s a (You)

Go on user. Just remember to breathe and smile.



not very good
>unironically Listening ace of base @ 2.00 as neet

When I settle into my apartment, I'll get me a pussy.

Btw user, you have a cute cat.

I don't have an enough honorable reason to commit sepoku yet

I feel the same way. Approaching 30 is pretty scary. Everyone I know is starting to settle down and I've been alone for 8 years now.

Tinder/bumble makes me feel worse.

How the fuck I fill the time and learn to enjoy myself alone? I couldn't imagine going rock climbing or to a pub alone on the weekend.

sleep tight little guy. i'm about to move house and gotta leave my cat behind :(

>120k of student loan debt
lol you idiot

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>Go out and get drinks with a girl (who is friend)
>Go back to her place, cuddle on her bed and talk
>We admit feelings for each other
>Things getting a little hot now
>"I have to tell you something, last week i got check and turns out I have HPV"
>Fall asleep together etc

What do I do fellas? She's a genuinely interesting and sweet girl but I know she's slept around....

Pls advise

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It's going pretty good. Me and gf are happy together. I've gone from 275 to 235 and still losing. Pretty much no cravings and I'm in control of my diet.

I'm going to start working out in one way or another soon. I don't really know if I'm going for BJJ or gym yet. Both alternatives include me swimming and having access to a sauna, but I'm not sure about what option to go with yet...

>tfw work is the only thing giving me meaning
This job is the only thing that managed to keep the panic attacks at bay. I've been working 60 to 70 hour weeks ever since I started working as an electrician 2 years ago and my boss made me take a 2 week holiday and now at the end of the first week the attacks came back, oh boy did they come back with a vengeance. Called my boss almost begging him to let me come to work next week, he said he'll think about it. I thought I might have conquered them but I guess I'm stuck with them for life, I don't hate my parents but I don't think I can ever forgive them for this.

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Thanks breh

About to turn 24 and still living with my parents. Feeling pretty bummed about that.

Tell us more user. We want to hear

>relationship with a girl with STDs
no, you idiot. end it immediately

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What do you want to know?

I think she ruined me, brehs.
>be me
>early 20's, just starting out in life
>friend's sister has crush on me
>the feeling is not mutual
>one night, a dramatic anime-tier confession
>says her life is basically over if I reject her
>not wanting to break her heart, agree to date for a while
>hopefully she gets over it soon
>end up dating for 3 years
>fall in love with her
>she finds better options, dumps me
>"I haven't loved you in years"
>this was 4 years ago
>still no gf
Really feel like I got screwed on both ends here. Not sure if I can trust a woman ever again

Much better. I remember posting in a similar thread some months ago and everything seemed horrible after breaking up with the girl I had been for the last 4 years. I don't feel alone anymore. I've accepted she's not coming back and honestly I don't want her to do so. Last wednesday I went to a museum with a girl from my uni and after that we got drunk together and got lost in the city. I haven't felt so happy in months, I don't know if I am starting to feel something for her but it was a great day. Yesterday my ex contacted me and I ignored her which made me feel really strong. Good luck anons, you told me to keep my head up and fuck am I doing it! We're all gonna make it

You mentioned your parents, what happened?

Yeah I know. I just couldn't wait to get out of my house. This debt is a major reason why I'm trying to take excellent care of my health. I have like a 5-7 year delay on everything that all of my college buddies are doing right now. I want to be active until I'm at least 50. I won't be able to retire until I'm like 70 unless I get really lucky.

Good news is I still have 3/4 grandparents that are 80+. Had a great grandma that made it to 106ish?