Is Johnny Sins natty?

Is Johnny Sins natty?

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at his peak, no. Can also tell when biohazard is blasting, hasn't recently, though

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How did he get the job? He's ugly, barely Jow Forums and has an average dick.

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>and has an average dick.

yeah no, and it was a different time. His videos are 15 years old

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What? He's still active

Dudes like 8 inches. World avg is 5

and obviously producers are going to hire him based entirely on the fact that he has 10+ years of experience in the industry, doesn't mean he would get hired for a first time again

stamina, performance. getting an erection on que and fucking hot women in front of camera crews is extremely difficult. male porn stars are in high demand because so few men can actually do it.

Isn't that guy like 5'3" or something

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It's possible, but I would say no.
All he has to do is to be healthy and take care of his balls and dick. I don't think they would let somebody hop on roids. He needs top level blood pressure and circulation, he probably does a fucking lot of cardio, to keep erections heavy and that's why he is pretty lean all the time.
But since he needs to have very high libido, it's possible that maybe he is cruising somewhere low. It could also help him go through stress, which is pretty high, since there is a big fucking camera aiming at you dick from a meter away

>Not posting the best male pornstars

Attached: jamesdeen.jpg (467x700, 29K)

Back to the manlet pit
>first link
Back to the manlet pit, last floor
>second link
Literally who
>third link
Shilling lib shoo shoo

Danny D is the goat

Am I gay for watching porn specifically with Manuel in just because he fucks them so good not because I want to watch him. G-guys....

WTF, he's 39 years old, dude.
Also, 8" white dick.

He has one of the most desirable jobs in the world. If he wasn't good at his job, they would replace him.

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>Watching porn with guys in the video
>Being straight
Pick one you faggots

Yeah, he is, but he's also a manlet

I do the same desu

I self insert as the guy!!!!!!!!

I like him. He fucks every bitch like how we would if given the chance. Like it's his last fuck ever

Heard being male pornstar is a type of hell.

Also manuel ferrera is best male pornstar

>How did he get the job?

1. be jewish
2. have big dick
3. know a guy on the inside (see #1)

lol sure thinng brahhh

That's what they want you to belive

Who is 'they', and why would they want people to believe that?

>one of the most desirable jobs in the world

underage plz

>Who is 'they'
>why would they want people to believe that?
C'mon man

Everything is a type of hell

yeah and they have to fuck dudes

>the joooos!