>Not Mewing or getting an appliance to do it for you

I lack pity for fools who deny the truth at this point. You will be cursed to narrow airways, shit posture, twisty spines, bad looks, and trap sons.



Anyways let's discuss this appliance, because I'm pumped about it and am going to find a doctor to put it in my mouth ASAP

Attached: Screenshot 2018-03-31 at 3.31.15 PM.png (707x240, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>INB4 angles and lighting
I know it's a shitty comparison. But look at the two pictures and you'll see that there's been indisputable forward growth

>take a photo with different lighting and a different lens and someone's face looks different

>No x-rays


In the right picture her head is tilted back slightly more, and is looking more towards the camera

Mewing has helped my chin and jaw, definitely recommend

How about this

Attached: Neuromuscular-Orthodontics-Before-and-After.png (357x533, 254K)

Can someone please explain mewing to me
i know its makes for better facial aesthetics but i dont know how to mew

rest your tongue on the roof and your mouth and push lightly up and forward above your teeth. if you put any pressure on your teeth your going to fuck your teeth up and cause them to flare out over time. push above and forward and you're good.

so i just do this all day everyday?
do you happen to have any diagrams so i know im doing it right?

Its a fucking meme. You can't change the shape of your jaw lmao

is this how i should be doing it?

Attached: file.png (1392x819, 477K)

i dunno bro theres a lot of evidence and theres no possibility for monetary gain


that looks like the halo alien gun

>Dr Mike Mew
>Had a doctorate of dental medicine
>Is a specialist in orthodontics
>Has devoted his entire life to dental sciences
>Says you can change the shape of your jaw with proper tongue position and breathing

>Random poster wasting your life on Jow Forums
>Says "lol mewing is a meme"

Kill yourself my man

If I have an overbite should I push my chin up and forward?

i get a lot more spit in my mouth while doing this anyone else gets this?
also this?

Instead of appealing to the authority of a guru attempting to make his career, post actual evidence.

Silly jawlets

Attached: 1459822854644.png (251x246, 50K)

user I just want to be beautiful

Attached: file.png (600x583, 345K)

You wanna be a girl huh?

Attached: 2016.jpg (553x539, 46K)


Attached: file.png (480x360, 261K)


Attached: 1478795987645.jpg (480x360, 21K)

i have underbite i've been doing mew ways for almost 2 years now, i am just used to tongue placement by now anyway
nothing has changed, what i need is bracers

there's literally no fucking difference between the picture, her jaw is the same down to a fraction of a goddamn millimeter. you are fucking delusional.
that being said: i don't see any downsides to trying out mewing, so gl with it.

>been mewing since I'm 16 and have seen mayor jaw gains after 3 years
Its the only time my obsession with browsing retard tier forums like lookism has paid off

and coincidentally this happened during a stage in your life where your jaw grows naturally.
really impressed bro, i'm super cereal.

Has anyone else noticed how angry the anti-mew anti-jaw growth people get?
They never just calmly disagree, they FREAK THE FUCK OUT and start calling all sorts of names.

Yeah I'm gonna keep up with the tongue posture and slowly correcting my face, you can continue to be pointless to reply to anyways

>no more undereye circles as of 1 year ago
>eyes now hooded
>cheeks hollowing
>cheekbones visible when was potatoface before
>jawline at some angles now decent
>can breath through nose 24/7
>canthal tilt from negative to neutral

2 1/2 years mewing. The
>Not mewing
meme exists for a reason. You're either hopping on this train, or you're literally fucking yourself up.

>Random poster wasting your life on Jow Forums
How do you know the guy you’re replying to isn’t largely successful or maybe even a dentist himself?

Fine, I'll restart mewing.

lel i even said i don't see any downside to trying it.
no i'm not angry, it's just that OPs picture quite clearly shows *no* visual improvement whatsoever and i voiced that.

>eyes now hooded
yeah i'm sure your tongue posture has made your eyes look better. you are not delusional at all.

I can't breathe when I do this

You're always insulting, there's no point in conversing with someone like you. You just go to where people talk online so that you can act bigger than who you are IRL
>He thinks shifting the bones of the craniofacial complex wont change the eyes, which sit on this complex
You're an idiot and there's no point explaining this stuff to you. Why the fuck would anyone invest time with a dipshit brick wall?

I feel sad for you. Like a gut feeling of sadness


is there a better guide than this? I literally cannot tell what to do with my tongue from this

Congrats, you now know that you have an underdeveloped jaw


All the guides are kind of shitty since it's like asking how to park 2 cars in a 1 car garage. There's a proper tongue position for a fully formed jaw. If your jaw isn't fully formed (ie too small for your tongue) you're going to have to use the guide as a guideline and figure out how to make your tongue sit properly until the jaw expands in reaction to your tongue applying force to it all day.


I can breathe fine when I do that but I still have a recessed chin

Attached: CLTEgyzUwAAPz5u.jpg (1024x988, 70K)