How do you avoid becoming skinny fat?

How do you avoid becoming skinny fat?

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Avoid stress

Avoid WoW

Wax and you can be a decent twink-trap

Don't live to be 25

you cant become skinnyfat if you lift properly, maybe just fat with some muscle if you bulk too hard

Just go full-fat

this isn't skinny fat

of course it is

nah, it's this on the left

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nah it's just plain skinny

skinny fat is just a step below chubby
they look slim in clothes, but naked they have flab
love handles, maybe small paunch, moobs.

is this skelefat

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Nice face

Mirin face, but damn than body is pathetic.

2 years tops and you'll be a chad.

Thank god I'm not the only one.

Motherfucker you're making me gay, go get fit and fuck some girls and never come back to my chan.

thanks friends. will work on looking like i actually lift

Either focusing on building muscle, or focusing on cardio will get you out of the skinny fat prison, by getting big and chunky, or by becoming a cardio riplet
Do both

Also eating properly, you become skinny-fat because of a poor diet and lack of exercise.
Literally eating healthy and a lot while pumping iron will get you out of skinny-fat mode to just fat in 3-6 months, then you should be able to cut or keep bulking and go bloatmaxx!

looking good fix your head tilt


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Stop eating start lifting.

Lift at a deficit (srs)

Get a rhinoplasty.

>getting cosmetic surgery

it's actually more narcissistic to not change your appearance

self esteem != narcissism
paying to have your appearance changed, assuming you aren't mutated, is beta
might as well buy synthol injections instead of lifting

Get a tan, lift weights, and get a good skincare routine.

Keep the hair but become this dude

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