Dude women don't care about looks, they care about confidence/personality/some stupid arcane shit I read on reddit...

>dude women don't care about looks, they care about confidence/personality/some stupid arcane shit I read on reddit, just ignore the overwhelming evidence lmao
Why do men cope so hard? Aren't we supposed to be the rational sex here?

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>just lif-

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Women do care about looks, but they care about status more. A woman is attracted to men who are a winners in this world whether it be looks/wealth or anything like that.

she's deformed with a stomach scar. she doesn't count

This board is overrun with insecure beta faggots that think making fun of other people makes them alpha because they have no idea how to interact with other human beings.

We are, and any truly independent and confident man would've taken the blackpill long ago. In the spirit of Howard Roark, I have abandoned all my desire for women - I do not think of them, I do not lift for them, and I try to avoid looking at them - they do not deserve any more attention. If at all possible, I try to ignore and not talk to them. I had an incident the other day at the gym where I was doing squats and this grill came up from behind and asked me how many more sets I had left, I was just about done, but since I didn't want to turn around and face her, I started pumping out more sets and grunting really loudly. She eventually went away, today my legs are dead. Anyhow, back to the blackpill - if you are living your life for the attention and approval of women, you are literally cucking yourself. Women do not care about anything other than chadhood, and one cannot simply become a chad. I haven't had sex, but I know that if I can continue upon this stoic path, I will emerge stronger and more successful than my chad counterparts. It's all in the will, and girls are just gains goblins. I think that if I was offered sex, I would have to turn it down, but I can't say for sure since that hasn't ever actually occurred.

Take the blackpill, my brothers

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The problem is caring about what women think in general.

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100% this. I'm marrying myself tomorrow so that every easter holiday will be my anniversary.

I feel you brother, I too have taken the blackpill

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Is it weird if I give my sister a Fwb tshirt she gave me

Ultimate blackpill, in the form of a question to ponder:

If women are so attracted to status, why do they almost never have noteworthy status themselves?

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You're just an autistic misogynist

same reason we crave food, but we aren't our own food supply

It was clearly a facetious post, you fucking idiot. Who in their right mind would refuse to turn around and keep squatting? It’s a joke. Kill yourself.

And that reason is...

You're on a higher plane of understanding

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>Cropping out the chad castle

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Take your Reddit philosophy out of this board. Thanks.

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jesus christ lol
can I save this?

I'm so curious what this guy looks like.

Save it, it's all yours my friend :)

Does anyone have more pics of the girl? She looks good but not on the same tier as the guy. Curious if it's just a bad pic of her.

Nice argument.

Kys roastie

I have an 8/10 face .
Also autistic as fuck.
I am a virgin.

In other pics she looks the same and the guy looks worse.


fucking kek

nice comprehension skills

Why do guys trick themselves into thinking that women aren't as visual as men?

Also have you ever overheard women talk? All they talk about is guys, literally 24/7.

Idiot. You’re not saying anything to comprehend.