Are Asians more feminine because they eat 20 to 30 times the normal amount of soy compared to Americans?

Are Asians more feminine because they eat 20 to 30 times the normal amount of soy compared to Americans?

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factually incorrect and not fitness related

Trying to increase my testosterone without steroids

>20 to 30 times compared to americans

literally lmaoing

japanese woman r beautiful.

Attached: 5C2DD7E8-71A7-4195-95DF-464EAF8FF0AA.png (1242x2208, 532K)

They're more feminine because over centuries asian groups preferred softer and lighter physical features when it came to picking a reproductive partner. Any other theory is just broscience

Giggled at the name Kucuk. He has double the cuck powers than your normal cuck.

But then why do hormones change mood and behavior?

fake and gay

Maybe outright obvious soy products, but soy is pumped into EVERYTHING Americans eat.

So did I, user.

Plant hormones are different.
If anything asians must be pretty high test from how much war and rape they would have not too long ago


soy is so fucking prevalent in the average amerilard's diet its actually amazing

Because they're more traditional meanwhile in the U.S, people want different genders and everyone is insecure and wants to be at the top of the dominance heiarchys. They accept that women are supposed to be feminine

ahh i recognize that mall/amusment park.
Lotte world

>Soy is good look at how much people take it daily
Are they even trying to conceal it at this point

multiple meta-analyses have shown that soy has no effect on testosterone. Secondly, although it acts as a mild estrogen receptor agonist it displays a thousandfold less estrogenic effect than actual mammalian estrogen. Soy isoflavones have actually been seen to downregulate the human production of estradiol by a kind of negative feedback loop. To experience any kind of deleterious estrogenic effects from the phytoestrogens in soy you would have to consume between 18-36 servings of soy a day. And for the record, no the extremely minute amounts of soy used as emulsifiers/binders or flavouring in processed food have tiny amounts of these phytoestrogens, far less than what constitutes a serving of soy product.

Shut the fuck up you brainlet retards, anyone with half a brain can understand how idiotic this soy boy meme is.

>inb4 meme posters move the goal posts and say something about how (((jews))) funded these studies.


Are you clinically retarded? Holy fuck.

>Are Asians more feminine

Attached: avgkoreans.webm (720x720, 2.69M)

literally dr.kaKEK


ok soyboy

Oh man

The moon face is kind of cute

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they're different because they're a different species
it's genetic

Is it too late for me bros? Has a lifetime of American soy products irreparably damaged me for life? At the age of 21 I definitely feel low test. I have the symptoms. I have a good diet and exercise routine that I've followed for over a year but I still have extremely low libido, low body and facial hair growth, and (very slight) gyno. What do I do now? Should I just end it?

I just want a korean girlfriend i would do anything for a korean cutie telling me "Fighting!" when i'm down i want to hold hands with a korean girl fuck my life fuck my life fuck my life my life is in shambles but the only thing i think about is having a korean girlfriend i will keep on lifting and dreaming for a life with her

Attached: Won-Jin-Ah.jpg (798x450, 45K)

I, too, had this same dream and finally managed to land one after years of trying. After breaking up, my life was left in shambles and I still never fully recovered half a decade later and ended up on Jow Forums... still miss her breh...

learn korean, literally that easy. doesn't have to be a lot

t. learned korean

They havent been poisoned by modern feminism is as large of proportions as Western women. Asian women still strive to be feminine.

Thats a gook in OP m8. Also there's probably equal uggo:hot ratio in japan and the west. Obviously far less fatties.
t. Lived there for two years

asian men also strive to be feminine

>he doesn't realise fermented soy and processed shit soy are different

how? online or IRL? i doubt there's any korean classes where i live. which websites did you use?


Plays a role plus mainly culture enforces it mainly it....otherwise theyd act like us if exposed or raised in oyr culture

Dam causcoid skull best skull.
Asians like to shit on dark skin but dam pajeets are better looking as a whole then

thx user i'll give it a try.