Anyone else suffer from pied? Gf left me because of it and I'm very close to suicide...

Anyone else suffer from pied? Gf left me because of it and I'm very close to suicide, need some advice or just someone to help me

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are we talking this?

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Porn induced erectile dysfunction. Trouble with erections :(

how do you kiss her like that?

how about you stop watching porn and why didn't you learn to eat vag like a pro if you have ed?

>bouncer last seen in yellow jumpsuit with red gloves, red boots, no hair

I ate her vag a lot. Pretty sure women want a guy who wants to fuck them, and my soft dick made her feel unwanted

Stopped watching porn but it was too late. I'm clean now but it will likely take a year plus for normal stuff to turn me on. Fuck this life

take Viagra you dumb
did you ever try watching porn with her?
if you got used to fucking her while watching it, you could slowly wean off it and just fick her

i usually masturbate 3 times a day, watch lots of porn. Fucked a couple of girls last few days, i can keep a half hard on but i can't enjoy sex at all. It really sucks

How much of a weak jawed pussy must you be to die of one bunch?

hit his head on the pavement most likely.

Pretty low test but thats not something i can change

should've been more subtle reference but sure

I wish i did this man. I saw her with another dude and it made me want to die. I just want her back

You know how I know you've never got in a real fight since grade school? When you put two grown adults that aren't soyboys and actually have a bit of strength in a bare fist fight, one punch can be fatal. Most of the time, it's a completely accidental freak occurrence, but fist fighting is generally a bad idea.

>hahahaha you weren't in a real fight

You mean he's a normal person that lives in a civilized society? Maybe if you're a third worlder or an amerimutt you can get into a fight but not in the civilized world.

>I don't fight so I'm more civilized than you
>I fight so I'm not a coward like you

Question, do you do any drugs?
People spout weed on here as nothing but can induce ed, if you can't get hard kissing or eating pussy you might want something else in your mouth

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Dying From One Punch Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Dust Yourself Off And Walk Away Like Nigga Get The Fuck Up Haha

Shitty luck, a strong opponent, not paying attention, and unfortunate surroundings. More than likely he hit his head on something like the other guy said

>one punch can be fatal
Not between two untrained people who don't know how to throw a punch and ignoring sucker punches

i used to have this, it was hell.

if you do nofap noporn, i promise you it will go away. 1 month should be long enough if you are young

>Not between two untrained people
If they aren't weak it certain can, and has happened. Like I said, it's not something they knew how to do, it's accidental, or a freak occurrence.

and whats the chance that a fucking nightclub bouncer is untrained?

Not him, but actually extremely likely. Bouncers get hired because they are just large and intimidating. Some may be jacked, but many are just 6'6"+ 300lb+ fat guys.

most bouncers aren't trained in MMA/boxing genius, they just get security training

It is extremely easy to die in a fist fight, it is all about being in the unlucky circumstances necessary. For example, this kid did hit his head on something, it was not just the punch. Also he was not taking to a hospital for immediate care. Humans are incredibly durable AND fragile, it is amazing how stupidly easy you can die. You can die from fucking tripping on the street if you hit the wrong spot.

holy shit this thing it's my biggest fear, how can i avoid it ? im on noporn already

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>Porn induced erectile dysfunction.

it's not a real thing. just closeted fag cope.

I used to. It took a two-pronged fix. First problem is physical, your dick is used to being choked way more than is natural. NoFap can help with that, but using more lube and being more gentle with yourself worked for me. The more important, and more difficult, aspect is mental. I realized that I was nervous about sex, and there was no sense of urgency because I knew I could just jerk off. I was lucky that I had a lot of formative sexual experiences with a super awesome girl who knew I had a problem and so she was patient with me, but once I started working through the mental aspects of it (getting comfortable in bed with a girl, not overthinking shit, "giving in to the moment") things started to improve.

You can make it, user, but it's gonna suck. Good luck.

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Oh P.S. maca powder helped as well. Look in to it if you haven't for everything libido or erection-related.

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Where can you get legit viagra? Too many scam sites out there

Need advice lads

This girl im fucking Im pretty sure is fucking/seeing someone else. I never claimed her as my gf or anything but shes claimed me as her man (?) but Ive only been fucking her for like 3 weeks

anyway, Im gonna see her in a few days so do I just fuck her one more time then let her know that I know whats up and kick her out, or just not fuck her and end it immediately?

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If you have legit ed the fuckin doctor

Ahahahahaha sorry bro but it's funny how pathetic people get because of a relationship


you can head right on back 2 reddot you are so obvious

i dont

>creme wins again

This, fighting is for niggers.

Fuck her first. Tell her you want your relationship to be exclusive. Slide your question in as smoothy as possible and avoid making it sound like you're calling her a whore when you ask her if she's fucking anyone else right now.

But it’s my understanding that she thinks we’re exclusive, so at this point isn’t she just cheating on me? I mean idk because sometimes she takes my tinder and swipes for lulz so maybe her seeing that I still have one is telling her we’re nkt exclusive, but then why is she telling her friends I’m her man?

Stop watching porn. Maybe give wanking for a bit. Get out there and start dating more girls. Putting yourself in sexual situations will help you get used to it

A 6'6" 300lb fat guy will hit you hard

I can pretty much guarantee the blow that caused death was his head hitting concrete when the initial blow knocked him out.