>still lifting

If you’re a carlet then you don’t exist in the eyes of women. What vehicle do you drive to the gym?

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98 e36

my gym is in my bedroom, but I don't have a driving license anyway


yes :/

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>he doesn't roller blade to the gym

My nigga

13 LS460. Will probably upgrade in a year or so, hit 100K miles last November.

>my nigga

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2009 nissan sentra
ye it gets the bitches wet

>trying to get girls because of his car

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>car thread

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'91 E30 here

>What vehicle do you drive to the gym?
My aunts old bike. Literally gets thots soaking.

04 e46. It's pretty fucking glorious.

I come rolling in on the pussy wagon. Bitches at the gym are always speechless.

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1994 Ford F150


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tofu drift machine

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>doing and/or owning things for the validation of women

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/o/ here. Women aren't attracted to sports cars (unless you are a fucking high schooler, and even then, it will only serve to break the ice).

Unless you are into wrenching on shit and driving, you will hate driving something "cool". Sure, people will look at you while you're driving, but that isn't worth the added hassle of paying extra for gas, repairs, and sifting through obscure forum posts for rat nest diagrams)


For me, it's the 04 P71.

>complete with handcuffs for the kinky

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2012 Dodge Ram single cab with da hemi.
just hit 120,000 miles, never had to do anything to it except oil changes and replace brake pads once.

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1996 mazda miata yall

I walk to the gym, it is only a 2 minute walk. My car that I leave at home is a 2006 Toyota matrix covered in bird shit. I clean it once a month but the fucking birds shit on it 24 hours after I clean it.

The Chad of compact cars

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what are these teams
how do you pick one


3 you dummy. its also a great excuse to say no when retards want a free ride. also i live in georgia where its legal to ride in the bed, so technically it seats 14 you stupid fuck.

>getting this angry about his single cab

No thanks you cookie cutter porn addict that only has a car so he can look up trannys on backpage and drive to them to fuck them.


>caring what another man drives.
imagine being this insecure

The 2 seaters look like giant toys, crew cab or nothing imo

Are you the dude who posts on /fa/

>driving some piece of shit quad cab with a tiny bed

>single cab drivers reporting in
you guys are lonely faggots.

>what is a long box

>tfw 26 nd just got license 4 months ago a few days before turning 26 because autistic shut in
>driving school guy said i was great driver, had no marks off driving test
>too overcome with nervousness and fear to drive alone, literally have had nightmares getting behind wheel

kill me

F250 yeee boi 150k miles
I also drive a beat up scion that's 14 years old, also 150k miles
Idgaf I love beat up cars, they are like me, continuously hauling ass

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>getting upset over someone driving something with 2 doors and a v8

how do you like your soy in the morning?

nigga i was deriding you not getting upset, you're the one getting upset LOL

>TFW I actually drive a Porsche
>Hasn't helped me pick up a single woman
At least my car is cool though.

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all i did was say what kind of car i drive and apparently i trigged the fuck out of you enough to start making a scene trying to make yourself feel better


> economical
> reasonable
> rational

2016 Ford F150 XLT - Silver

straight piped 06 sti

the biggest projection I have ever seen hahahaha

you're an embarrassment dude. so is your truck.

2012 Mustang GT

Supercrew cap
...also wtf is this "Team Peanutbutter" shit? If I wanted a larp I'd tripfag like a proper homosexual... or browse reddit.

wheres your car in this thread faggot?

2004 and rusting, beat that

‘13 Accord EX
Pretty comfy coming from a beat up ‘98 Eclipse.

Lmfao, makes fun of other peoples rides,
too much of a pussy to post his own.

bus card, bitch. falling for the Jew-car

Put it up on Tinder.

r8 lads.

Jow Forums got me this

Can confirm that I get more mires in my car than without it.

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2016 Golf R



>tfw I spent my crypto gains on clearing $90k in student loans instead

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2018 m2. I don’t even like cars I just bought it to try and help curb my never ending depression

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>spending a shitload of money on a contraption that gets you from point A to point B and depreciates in value faster than anything else you could buy and is constantly in danger of being destroyed by some incompetent jackoff
I'm rich and drive a cheap reliable vehicle, lol @ you homos

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LOLing hard @ you car cucks. Your oneitis is giving Chad and Tyrone a ride to her birthday party while you guys are busy slaving for a car

97 Isuzu Rodeo with the paint peeling off. I have a newer Mini I use for commuting to work but there’s something about a comfy beat up truck.

So what you're saying is that your penis is small and you use an expensive car to compensate?
Do you also "race" everyone at stoplights, too, to show how dominant and alpha you are? xD

>mfw I buy a 2 year old 1-owner car every 4 years for $20k off MSRP
Look rich without spending a ton of money brehs

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Yea, mires from gay guys heh

Civic is the patrician choice.

>t. soymanlet (or female)

I drive this because I'm not an insecure gymcel who has to strut around like he has something to prove all the time.

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My man. Also, checked


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Haven't been good for 20 years and even then they weren't that great. If you want a 20 year old jap shitbox at least get an Evo, WRX, GTR or RX7, Hondaboy.

>driving a car and not a truck
Some of you need your T levels checked

06 Rav4
She still has plenty of in her

I love my sbsc, too.

2002 1500 sport, 5.9.

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>He doesn't drive a truck
fucking soyboys with their queef powered solar fagmobiles
pic related

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>Truckfags on damage control
Get over yourselves

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2013 Honda Civic

i catch the bus

I own a 10 second car
>Not going for the originals Vin Diesel bod, Paul Walker eye and hair colour and a 10 second neon rice rocket to complete the set.

Never gonna make it otherwise lads

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Patrician creme car