What's your excuse for not eating kangaroo meat?

What's your excuse for not eating kangaroo meat?

9 dollars for 1kg of minced kangaroo. 125g of it consist of 26g of protein.

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No kangaroos within a thousand miles of me unless in zoo

if only we could import kangaroos to the US

Stay away from red meat it is like smoking.

It's way more expensive than that and doesn't taste very good.

because we aren't ausiecucks

I think they did this at McDonald's in the 90s. According to my neighbor who was from Australia, you are not suppose to eat kangaroo meat because it's full of worms.

Where am I going to get Ausie meat? I don't live in the savage lands now.

Aussie dollars? That'd be cheap

Eh, I'd try it, but I don't think you could get it anywhere in the US, except for an exotic butcher, and it'd wind up being $20+ a pound.

Just pick the worms out, pussy.

>buying fat free minced meat
Fucking retard, the more fat the better quality and tastier it is
>buying minced meat instead of mincing the cut of your choice yourself
Enjoy eating minced trash of the trash cuts that weren't good enough to be sold unminced.
Wish meat from different animals were avaible where I live. I only have access to beef, chicken, pig and lamb or rabbit off chance

Not Australian. I mean for a global board with a 1% at the max aussie population, was this even worth posting?

yeah I heard it increases test too

so it has average to below average protein for meat and costs double.
amazing thread op.

am not a bogan

>Enjoy eating minced trash of the trash cuts that weren't good enough to be sold unminced




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Must suck, kangaroo meat is considered one of the healthiest.

I cooked 300g for today.

Your neighbour's a dumb cunt, eating any raw mest will result in worms or ither parasites, especially chicken.

Otherwiise if cooked it's 120% fine.

Shut up you gigantic poof.

Yes, even for us aussies it's cheap as fuck, ignore the retards who say otherwise. They are the same cunts on a 18$ an hour wage.

If you say so.

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Your neighbour is full of shit.
t. Ausfag

Also just to add a little, since so many americans are unaware on our golden healthy meat.

Biggest reason mcdonalds cant use kangaroo meat is because of its availability and not because of some bullshit worm conspiracy. Kangaroos are naturally sourced so they are shot by professional shooters and aren't locked up in a cage like your chickens.

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Every meat is full of worms, that's why we cook them.

Steak isn't. That's why you can eat it so rare.

Damn so much jelly cunts in here, I usually get the kanga Banga or macro meats stuff from Coles

Does it feel weird eating something slightly humanoid? I know it's not uma delicia level, but it must still be kinda freaky. I mean, look at it, they could pass for a humanoid alien/monster hybrid thing.

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Nah mate, end of the day it's meat and packs a nutritional punch.

Same thing could be said of primate meat. Or human meat. :/ Well at least you're not the one butchering it so you don't get to see its carcass. I've hear from hunters that a skinned bear sorta looks like a human, so I'm thinking a skinned kangaroo should look even more creepy.


Actually don't know. Might pick some up next shop. Do they sell it at woolies or do I need to go to a butcher?

Sell it at most supermarkets.

how do you lads prepare your kangaroo meat? it tastes pretty shit compared to lamb or beef, but that might also be because it's so lean.
Yeah you can get it at woolies

Op here, extra virgin olive oil in pan, throw meat in, maybe use taco mest powder to give it a tiny bit of flavor.

Otherwise on pan and then on plate. People who need all kinda of flavoring can go fuck themselves

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Cause I'm Canadian. I eat moose, not kangaroo

>needing to season roo meat

Kanga steaks are already so tasty by themselves. You save money on the quality of meat and the fact that you don't need any seasoning

I buy the kanga bangas and patties, cooking the mince is too much effort.

Is it available at Costco?

>a fucking leaf

>I got this one thing I obsess about
>Sucks if you don't have it lol I do

Ok kid, it's getting late now.

Ill keep eating Rabbit and Venison.

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Because I don't fucking live in Australia. I love kangaroo though

because i don't eat something adorable that i love

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> kangaroo meat is considered one of the healthiest.
It's one of the leanest but it's still red meat.

>Kanga steaks are already so tasty by themselves
This I absolutely don't believe. If it's 98% fat free, then there is no fat to add to the flavour. The most widely praised cuts of meats in the world, such as wagu beef, are so praised because of the intricate think layers of fat woven between the muscle fibers.