Am I aesthetic Jow Forums ?

Am I aesthetic Jow Forums ?

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No, your face is ugly

shave scumstache get haircut get better glasses or contacts take off dumb hat and probably

Aesthetic af

>4/10 Skin
>4/10 Face
>7/10 Physique
>3/10 Fashion
>6/10 Overall

Visit /fa/ and find a skincare routine, better barber, and you will be a 7/8-10 overall

this is the ideal male face. You may not like it, but this is what peak aesthetics looks like.

go make another cum podcast fuck

nice pump nick. Lay off the coke, god its such a gay drug.

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He's so handsome, and his mustache is manly as fuck... and I love him sorta

fuck off train boy

where did you get that shirt bro

Your face is solid. That body is tall and athletic. Your mustache looks dum ass fuck shave it or grow beard with it and take a visit to /fa/ Just wear a deep v-neck with designer jeans and diesel sneakers.

He isnt tall and your fashion advice is gay coming from a guy who used to be posted in /fa/ inspo threads.

This dude is like 5’3” tips

OP do what I said to wear and we shall see because these /fa/ggots criticize all looks and end up looking ridiculous

lmao if this is actually nick show us your gay dick

ripping off the mulldogs insta....for shame...

I said I used to. Wearing levis is fine, you don't need $500 ACNE jeans to look good and the leather on diesel sneakers sucks and will start falling apart after a year, if you are going cheap buy cloth sneakers. v necks are fine.

some cheap leahters like suede new balances look good though I should mention. Just don't get shitty corrected leather shoes.

tfw nick dms you shirtless pictues and asks you for lifting and diet advice. All u fuckin normies wish u were me

unironically yes

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you look like a dude id want to get high with

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is that million dollar suit ?

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Here you go big guy. I have some more if you want. Im the guy that gave him the idea to get stav the penis pump.

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and they say autistic men can't be hot

Lmao wtf post more

he's such a babe

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Stop eating on mic, faggot.

Ooh catan. Mirin yo games

Have you ever actually gone to /fa/? It is an absolute joke. It is nothing more than a bunch of losers seeing who can dress the most ironically. I've never seen a single post offering good advice other than for unemployed 17 year old gays living with their parents in New York city.

I don't know where you go for good advice, but /fa/ definitely isn't it.

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literally the first time I've gone on Jow Forums and I see a fucking thread by Nick Mullen

Have you ever actually gone to Jow Forums? It is an absolute joke. It is nothing more than a bunch of losers seeing who can lift the most ironically. I've never seen a single post offering good advice other than for unemployed 17 year old gays living with their parents in New York city.

I don't know where you go for good advice, but Jow Forums definitely isn't it.

It is for women just like E molly and most stims.

Real men do heroin or psychedelics sparingly.

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not with that lame hair, lame stache and girl glases.

>taste level: low

okay, nice post more. Why does he come to you for advice if you dont mind doxxin yourself a bit. Seems like he likes oly weightlifting.

Whatever man this shits boring who cares

tell mulldog to do some west coast shows

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Body looks great just shave and don't dress autistic.

never understood why the guys on cum town pretend to be autistic when im pretty sure theyre all alpha yes even adam

more like 5 am

If I have a crush on nick, whats the best way to get him to play a videogame while suck his dick

I think you're onto something with this

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i like the helmet Nick