How do ensure my unborn son it tall?

>How do ensure my unborn son it tall?

I'm 6'4" yet my sister is 5'1".

My uncle is 6'6" and his sons are 5'7" and 5'11".

My good friend is 6'4" and his brother is 6'2" yet his dad is 5'6" and mom is 5'.

Is this shit completely random or do genetics really play a factor? Is it morally bad to shoot my sons with HGH if they aren't growing fat enough. Should I be looking to knock up a tall girl or does it not even matter?

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just procreate with a woman at equal or an inch or two above/below your're height and you will be okay

Don't worry op you're probably never gonna get the chance to knock up a woman anyways

Pretty random, unless you're short, then its all your fault.

I have this revolutionary idea, and i think it's going to blow your mind.

Love your family for who they are. No matter what.

Thinking about shooting up any child with growth hormone is child abuse.

You might not ever get a chance to have a son, if this is where your mind is at.

wat a fag


half genes half nutrition
make sure he eats enough from conception to ~18

Good nutrition lad

>How do ensure my unborn son it tall?

stop worrying about your genetics and start worrying about providing proper care for him

good eating habits along with regular and varied physical activity go a long way

Trust me this isn't a problem

You inject your sons with HGH BECAUSE you love them.

make sure your wife watches what she eats while pregnant and takes supplements so the kid is exposed to a good environment. The amount of test she has in her system will also have a large impact.

>conception to ~18

I think this is a big one. My mom had me fat as fuck off that titty milk. Shit I looked like a round ball then leaned out to 6'2" 130 in 9th grade because I grew so fast. Going to have to get the kids on SS + GOMAD when they hit highschool so they don't grow up skelly like me.

Dang, how do you increase your wifes test? Make her lift while pregnant?

And letting your sons grow up to be manlets isn't child abuse?

who is this semen demon

good nutrition, lots of exercise through their teens and lots of sleep. look up how to maximize hgh. also cycling may help leg growth in those years.

I remember this from college bio. It is a recessive gene on the maternal side...i forgot how they cross on the chromosome. I think it is just look at the males on the mothers side. Oh shit xx and xy it might be females on mother side. Either way ask her about her mom's side of family.It is also several genes not 1 or one set which makes the combo difficult.

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Shit, that would make sense because my 6'6" uncle is on my moms side

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Feed your kid and they'll grow big and strong

make sure she taller then 5'4/164 cm
your kids will be fine

height doesn't cure autism

>mfw 6' even and stocky
>mfw falling for a 5'2 thin qt

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5'7" son inbound

genetics do play a factor, but diet is hugely important and is probably the main factor
make sure your kids eat more than just pasta and potatoes. kids are picky little shits and would gladly survive on that shit, but they won't get enough protein and they won't reach their height potential

Probably shorter dude, my dad is 5', my mom is 5'1 and my little bro is 5'6, I don't know why I ended up being so tall


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i got sauce from this one, nice.

Height is all related to diet and a little bit of genetics. Most girls starve themselves instead of exercising to stay lean so they become deprived of the nutrients needed to be tall.

I'm 6'2" Korean, my parents are from a very poor region so their diets were mainly tofu and seaweed and fermented vegetables. When I came here I ate lots of meat and high calorie diet so I grew really big.

>grow up

Good nutrition and sleep

psst, hey faggot...
You inherit your height from your ancestors who are the same sex.

source now

well the math is
>your dads height+your moms height /2+2.54 =
the formula is 90% accurate give or take 4inches.

try it worked on me an bro

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Proper nutrition my dude. In the last few decades because of proper nutrition everybody in developed countries has been getting taller on average. Lets people reach the maximum genetic potential in terms of height; if their body doesn't have what it needs to grow then it doesn't matter how good your genes are.

>I'm 6'2, my Dad is 6'1
>Sister is like 5'4 fucking midget
>She made a lot of shit decisions since highschool and stunted her growth through lack of nutrition
>She literally can't even cook bacon; just microwave meals
>"B...b...but all the women in our family are short!"
>They aren't
>She starts telling people that she's from a short family
>Meet one of her boyfriends; he's under 6'0
>He is shocked that every single person in our family bar my grandfather is fuckoff huge
>There are description of one side of the family from a few generations ago and the men are mentioned as being large, hardworking folk, and the women tall, lean and "handsome", with a perchant for riding horses
>My sister fucking stunted herself and became a disgusting midget

Nutrition is important.

>fuckoff huge
lmao, cutoff is 6'3 if you haven't heard

Bitch needs to get CREMED

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When I say family, I mean my extended family. A lot of bodybuilders, lifters and tradies, so they're pretty large.

Plus I sometimes turn off my computer and go outside, so for me the manlet cutoff is a lot lower than what Jow Forums thinks.

Nah, she likes it thicc like PeaNUT butter.


The dubs have spoken.

>tfw i have a fetish for thicc booty latinas
>i don't want manlet sons
Is this suffering bros?