What keeps you lifting / cutting / bulking Jow Forums?

What keeps you lifting / cutting / bulking Jow Forums?
t.fills the void of self hatred.

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Looking good, In Florida 6 month a year its shirtless weather

i wish her eyes weren't brown but she's SUCH a qt

She was such a qt. She isn't aging too well desu.
Had a couple good faps to some inception shop's back in the day.
Just bought some new clothes that are a size smaller than some of the stuff I was wearing. Still some progress to go but feels good.

To back up my far-right beliefs.

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This, but my far-left beliefs.

Same answer as this guy.

my nation and race

so i can be a cute twink boy and get my ass fucking destroyed by big guys

you are gayer than this guy

So that when the time comes I can defend ethnic minorities from white supremacists.

Just the fact that the only times I don't feel like killing myself is when I'm lifting

same and also so when I finally lose my virginity she's actually turned on by my body

Cause im vain and i like to look at myself in the mirror

see a real manOP here. This, working out, is the only thing that makes me feel good no matter what.
This, but also so I can wear a tight t-shirt.

I stardted working out almost a year ago because I was looking for a scape to depression

It's been a while since the last time I tried to kill myself and think is because I've become a better person

But still can't make significant relationships... At least I'm getting better looking


Tbh i lift for april fools day shenanigans

this picture makes me hard is that gay?

i hate myself and i want to die, i have no idea.

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quality bait

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>she a gay

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Playing bass and singing in a type o negative cover band and need to be ripped like Peter...

What if whites become the minority and ethnics claim superiority?

To not let down my future self

Years of being an alcoholic friendless loser has made me bitter and resentful. Lifting is the one thing that makes me feel sort of good about myself.

Put all your rage into it, do it for your ancestors, abandon all modern carnal desires, unironically buy Far Cry Primal and... act like them.

I need some autonomy.

Working out is a good way for me to get tired and sleep at regular hour, all the while having a better feeling about myself. Seriously, i relapsed into skinnyfatness after a bad case of hernia, and i immediately noticed the difference. Not only are you flabby from the outside but your insides are fucked up too; you get tired more quickly, your joints can't take the pressure anymore, your sweat smells worse...

Nah, i'm going to go back to that healthy habit that i had : 3 days working out, 2 days cardio and a nice clubbing week end.

This but radical-centrist

i never did any of that what do you mean

Hey your doing better than most people

I'm trying to become the best version of my self that I can possibly be. I also want to be in great shape when I hit 30 so I can laugh at my peers who let their body go to shit in their 20s.

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I want to be mathew fox tier shredded for once in my life.
And to be a pornstar in japan for a couple of years
Already packing 9+ inches. Now all I need is sum girth and to get 1950's era bodybuilder built.

Oh and to hatefuck lesbians into orgasm induced begrudging bisexuality.

innit bruv

probably being a narcissistic fuck with some self-esteem and self-doubt breakdowns between

Based Ellen poster
Less gay than looking at traps I guess.
she didn't age too good
how much did you drink?
>o I can laugh at my peers who let their body go to shit in their 20s.

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