Do i count the fucking bar or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop fucking with me and tell me the answer!!!!!!!!!!

do i count the fucking bar or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop fucking with me and tell me the answer!!!!!!!!!!

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it doesn't really matter either way, some people do (retards) and some people don't

No you dyel

>Caring if the bar counts or not
This is why this board never gets fit, you keep focusing on stupid specifics



no you fucking weak faggot

Yes, count the fucking bar. It weighs 45, pounds, which is another plate.

You fucking worthless mongoloids.

Sorry for your loss

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>that one guy at the gym that actually counts the bar

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bar is 45 it is counted universally...fags just could not do the math and said leave it out.

Yes. A 7' bar with 2" sleeves is ~45lb or ~20kg. That's why benching "1 plate" means benching 135lb, not 90lb.

why the fuck halve the thread they dont count it while other halve tell me to count it? can you stop fucking me and just ANSER

Count it, it's another 20kgs. When normies ask you how much you bench you can say '80kgs' for example and sound strong. Nobody outside this gay board uses 'plates' to measure how much they're lifting.

if you count or have ever counted the bar you're not gonna make it, just stop trying

It matters for sites like symmetric strength

Bro for real here, you don't count it. Those clow s that are telling you to count a FUCKING BAR are weaklings and don't lift.

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Sometimes I count it, sometimes I don't. It confuses my muscles that way

that depends, are you lifting the bar?

You subtract the bar from the total.

the bars weight gets nullified because you're holding on to it, physically your muscles aren't holding the weight of the bar so you don't count it

unless you're squatting

This...the weight counts for some its easier not to count it but just ot on as u progress

How the fuck do you not count 45 fucking pounds yo dolt? When literally everyone is doing small incremental 5lb gains which may take weeks or even months? Whoever tells you otherwise is a fucking liar and a poser piece of shit.

It's okay to count the bar if you remember to tip the gym receptionist

what if I have a home gym?

>warming up with the bar
>doing 50 reps of 0 pounds

Tip your mum faggot

ayyy it’s my brah sminem

To answer your question...
>Why do we care if the bar "counts"?
Because we want to know how much weight we are lifting at a given moment.
>Ok, so we want to know how much we lift, but that still doesn't answer my question user...
Well, you see all objects that have mass, have weight.

SO, if you are lifting a bar that has mass, then it weighs something. If you are lifting a bar with mass, then you are lifting weight.

IN short, the bar weighs something. You are lifting the bar. Therefore you are lifting weight. Therefore it counts.

It also depends on where you are located. The bar is heavier towards the equator due to the increased gravity and also fluctuates according to the moon phases (remember how the tides work?). So it may be >20kgs, i.e pretty much exactly 45 pounds.

If you are this retarded just say plates

>that guy that counts the bar

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It doesn't fucking matter unless you personally care to know the exact number for whatever reason you might have.

Count it if you want to, I don't because I'm lazy and is easier to just read the numbers on the weight.

exactly. and when you are just lifting the bar, you are lifting zero pounds! you can do thousands of reps and you will never get tired.


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kek wait you guys actually count the bar? You mean you count the stick you put the round things on wow

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No, you don't count the bar because it's the default position. Have you ever seen a food scale where you put food in a bowl or a plate before weighing it? You don't eat the bowl or whatever so it doesn't count towards what you're measuring. Wouldn't it be stupid if you were weighing 1lb of meat, but you put it on a 0.5lb plate you wouldn't go "wow I'm gunnar eat 1.5lb of meat! Gainesville here I come hurrr!"
The bar is the equivalent of the bowl and your plates are the food in that bowl.

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Depends. You add it in the northern hemisphere and you subtract it in the southern hemisphere. And you don't count it in the equator.

>Dont count the bar
>Warmup with 20kg/45lb barbell
>Somehow be warming up with zero kg/lbs

I don't get sarcasm very well. Can someone please give a real answer?

You count the bar you spastic cunt, are you lifting the bar or not?

your analogy is retarded bro
you dont eat the bowl

might as well count the collars as well you dyel. how about the shirt you are wearing whilst lifting.

>do i count the fucking bar
>he has to use a bar to fuck

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Counting the bar is like quarter squatting - you're only cheating yourself and everyone else is laughing at you.

Do you not lift the bar or something? Of course it counts.

Everyone is memeing you because the question is fucking stupid. How can you be so retarded. Of course you count the fucking bar unless you don't care about the exact weight and just count the plates. But everyone does care, trust me.

No you don't count the bar. Jeez.

bowl = lifter themself
meat = total weight including barbell

also pls explain 15kg womens bars and 8kg training bars
kettlebells dont weigh less because of the handles

every barbell sport includes barbell weight for a reason

can i just get some fucking source on this pusy please

Is part of the weight, u lift it, it's not magically assists you. As far as i know all lifting sports count it in?

If you read past this you are fucking brain damaged.

you don't count the pussy

of course!

Slurp slurp I want that pussy for dessert

Is there more of this?

yeah seriously wtf is this from I need more

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only correct answer

Count the bar as 45lbs. But a fucking bar =/= plate. Its two different shapes with the same weights you mongs. 2pl8 = 225lbs

I get Jow Forums is all about "le epic troll newfags" but for fitness that's pretty fucked up. Yes you count the bar, it weighs 45lb, it is weight you are lifting above yourself. You count it as weight you can lift.

please don't tell me you're listening to the trolls bro. don't embarrass yourself by telling people your latest pr then having them laugh at you because you, for some reason, decided to include the weight of the bar.

they count the bar in competition you retard

Is this sarcasm?

A better question is why do you even ask that question? Why are you in doubt? Unless it is a bait thread. Or maybe the OP is a victim of such threads.
>my dick is only 7 inches i am going to kill myself
>i am a 5'11 manlet
>i count the bar

it is a bait you dolt. jesus, how old are you.
i am only wasting my time on you because you are going to fuck yourself up if you keep falling for that shit.

Bro for real. Im going to do you a solid. This is a Jow Forums meme but I’m going to help you because the end goal is always to get people lifting. The BAR ALWAYS COUNTS, just look at ANY professional environment/competition. Olympic weightlifting: Bar counts, Powerlifting : Bar counts . look at any world records, bar counts. All these people are just here to make you feel insecure or they’re so fucking brain dead that they actually fell for the meme. This is the final answer.

>lifting in the gym is a competition

It is called lifting and everything you lift with your hands counts towards the total weight lifted, including the bar.

If you lift a total of four 45 pound plates on a bar that weighs 45 pounds are you lifting 180 or 225. A 45 pound bar counts towards the total weight you are lifting.

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>that virgin larping as an olympian by counting the bar for normal gym sessions


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Fuck off brainlet faggot. They actually count the clips in pro competitions. They weigh the whole thing to get a absolutely accurate measure, so the clips actually count.

Monday, wednesday, friday definitely count it. Tues, thurs, saturday, no way. Sunday, only if the moon is waxing, if waning, forget about it. This doesn't include holiday schedule which is slightly more involved.
I hope this helps. Happy lifting.

Is this sarcasm?

If you are going to count the weight of the barbell you might as well also count the weight of your T-shirt and facial hair, you little bitch.

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>count the bar?
Nobody can answer this because it depends on the bar.

The bar should have a sticker, engravement or label that says if it should be counted or not.
Competetion bars are usually signed with the kg they are to be counted as, while amateur bars aren't calibrated and shouldn't be counted.

If your gym staff has peeled of the labels or bought unlabeled bars, you should ask to see the original labels.
Don't trust their word because they could be buying cheap ass equipment and then claim it's calibrated.
But that would be like a store would rip off the tag from all the Levi's and claim it makes them look cleaner or some shit.

Do you count a week as seven days?
Some people only count 5 days

Your team is fucking trash you faggot


we're team nigger bro

Team big black dick

Creme bois open wide now

>Not counting the bar

This is just a meme, right? I refuse to believe you guys are actually that autistic.

Of course you do. You could be lifting on a lighter woman's bar or a heavier Texas Squat Bar.

why would you count the bar? you don't count your own bodyweight when you squat, do you?

>counts the bar
>thinks he's a pro at gym for normal workouts
fucking hell, where is this delusion coming from

To average out counting it and not counting it, just add half the weight.
22.5 lbs.

the imgur of this girl is amazing. one of the GOAT bodies/fat pusy and a cute face

Link ?



Yes. It's weight you're lifting. Why the ever loving fuck wouldn't you?

A standard bar weight about the same as a plate, so we count it. It's significant in terms of the weight we're lifting.

You don't count shit like clips because they're insignificant; a few hundred grams vs a few hundred kilos.

Count the fucking bar. Not counting it was a meme. I mean, we all made a thread a while ago and discussed it, but then the newfags came and didn't get that it was a fucking meme.

I will never understand why matter this so much. If you had time for calc the weight you do it wrong.
At my home gym only had (and in the local gym had some) homemade plates whats nobody know how much is it weight, nobody cares how much weight lift, we just lift it.

But if we follow this logic, good luck to doesn't count the kettlebell handle when you lift it.

You lift weight with your body, obviously doesn't need count your bodyweight. The true question is, do you count your clothes when you squat?

It was literally a meme. A bunch of anons a long time ago were discussing how to fuck with people. There were a bunch of "scientific" images made to describe it too.

I dont count the bar for my record keeping because the lower numbers give me encouragement to go further and not stroke my ego.

My father taught me this mentality and I'm grateful for it.
I don't know what bars actually weigh though. I use the ones he made and I know the one I use for my bench and squats is one huge fucking chunk of iron.

We're the only people you talk to about lifting, and we don't really give a shit either way, so why should you?

the way the weights are set up makes it so that bar is pushed up by gravity

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whats the sauce on this?

wish I didn't find these nudes

>use nano meta material low weight bar
>instantly lift more
>mfw lifting more than normies

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Hold strong my brother.

>do i count the fucking bar or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop fucking with me and tell me the answer!!!!!!!!!!
Oh for fuck's sake..

>1pl8 = 135lbs
>2pl8 = 225lbs
>3pl8 = 315lbs
>and so on