Is there any more proof that this man lurks here?

is there any more proof that this man lurks here?

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came here to ask this

>he actually fell for the raw onion meme

...and recorded himself doing it nonetheless.

The bugez is based as fuck.

Eric, stop posting your own videos.

sync this with komm susser todd

>human beans

he's the most handsome

His earlier videos are just PRs and music. Now they're just, "hello fellow, young lifters". It's kinda cute but also cringe. I still like and watch him though. I don't think he browses here. He's too pure for us. But then again, we also have ungle booby so?

nah he browses here and it's clear not even from this thread but about a month ago there was a thread claiming he wasn't natty because he made great gains after signing with a wrestling federation. About a day later he made a video debunking the arguments in the thread but didn't mention any specifically word for word obviously. He just said "saw some things online"

i noticed that too, doubt coincidence

>is there any more proof that this man lurks here?
He came in to a thread like a year or two ago when he was still really unknown.

He's a WWE fighter now so he probably can't be fucking around with Jow Forums, like I remember the bassist from a band called DIIV got kicked out after doing an AMA on /mu/ a coupla years ago

not even a day later he put the video out as the thread was active

hes cute as hell. that whole 80s thing works for him. n-no homo

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I thought that was common knowledge.
When will the bloatlord start browsing Jow Forums?

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>Some Cookie Cutter

Confirmed Misfit

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He literally talked shit about someone that posted his body in that thread too lol

He does that for every comment

he's just so manly and good looking

probably my goal aesthetic pretty homo

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True but its still somethin

I keep forgetting how popular this site is. Back in 2012 I recommended this site to my gf of the time. She said the pokemon card board was just people fighting. Now a lot of e-celebs openly admit to being here. It's a normal, accepted thing. For a long time I've been feeling like I don't even belong here but I keep coming back anyway.

Truly /ourguy/

what i put team chocolate



which e-celebs? lifting ones?

Boogez it's your destiny to become the next Rich Piana Godammit.