Is volume often overlooked?

Is volume often overlooked?

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Yes. I imagine people think 4x10 is overtraining but 3x8 is fine. Even though they only lift 3 days a week. I do pullups till failure then do pulldown drop sets with neutral/vbar for volume. Heavy set squats then leg press for more.

on Jow Forums it is, 5x5 for lyfers LUL

Definitely, its cringe as fuck seeing dyels say you need to be on steroids to do 20 sets for biceps and train 6 days a week.

Honestly after trying high volume I think it's way overlooked. I think it's great for body building and for strength.

Also I think this idea that anything over 12 reps is cardio. You should try doing sets of 20,30 or even 50. You'd be surprised at the result.

volume is sets*reps*weight

99% of the time, the answer is yes.

For large muscles
60-120 reps a week

For small muscles
30-60 reps a week

Even people who have been lifting for under a year can get away with half that.

>a week
I do that many reps in a session, 3 times a week for each muscle.

That would be tonnage buddy

Nah that doesnt just get you toned it gets you big

I dont understand what the big deal is of people saying you need to roid.
If natty, just try it for a while see if you like it...
Or is that not how talking about fitness goes?



Never gonna make it.

I do 4x15 curls, it helps with the veins popping out

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We have team?

It's literally an American Apparel ad for a swimsuit you stupid nigger



volume is overrated honestly. You do the maximum volume you can whilst still hitting muscles 3 times a week and being able to increase the weight weekly.

GVT and other high volume plans are a nice break though and I cycle between GVT, HIIT and 5x5

Micaela Brookman

On Jow Forums yes it is. My arms didn’t start growing till incorporated high volume.

No not really.

That's the ugliest freaking swimsuit I have ever seen

you can't recover fast from volume, thus Intensity is key to higher frequency.

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More volume up to MRV = More gains in mooskle

This photo has so much Photoshop that is unbelievable.


Because volume takes work and consistency.
People have been sold a 5x5 or HIIT style quick results lie for the last...what...DECADE or so now and are too lazy now.

That and we have absolute fucking imbeciles who confuse fucking weight moved vs total movements overall when it comes to volume and we just get completely screwed.

yes, as you become more advanced you need more volume and specific stuff to manipulate it and the fadigue that comes with it too

I seriously wouldn't spend even $3 on it


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Overall reps count depends on muscle type fibers

The 3 types of skeletal muscle fibres are:
Red / Slow (Type I fibres, 'slow twitch fibres')
Red / Fast (Type IIa fibres, 'fast oxidative fibres')
White / Fast (Type IIb fibres, 'fast glycolytic fibres')