WHO HERE /30+?/
>Zyzz would be our age by now edition
WHO HERE /30+?/
>Zyzz would be our age by now edition
>Zyzz would be our age by now edition
That... that's actually true. Jesus Christ.
31yo old. Lifts are good. I really enjoy going to the gym. I want to break my 200kg dl plateau tho. Any tip?
I’m 30
Make 100k a year, gym in my garage, have a nice fiancé
I’m much happier now than when I was 23. Much more satisfied with things
On this board to get really fit like I was in high school.
31 yo here, i haven been able to lift so much to forget her so far
Will be 30 in 357 days and I can't wait.
Tell us about her, user.
Most of the Jow Forums old fags are 40+ not 30+ you newfag
I'm 41, what do I win?
32. Single. Lift between 4-6 times a week depending on work/life balance.
Get called 'hench' and 'fit' from female & male friends. I'm barely above normies standards of looks, absolute shit-tier-DYEL compared to Jow Forums but everyone's gotta start somewhere. And let's be fair, normies fitness standards are somewhat skewed AF.
>tfw people my age in my job are unhealthy as fuck and fat and I'm just plodding along occasionally getting some DOMS and making slow gains but making it.
>tfw crippling fear of rejection makes me all the more attractive to THOTS as I come across as a distant and mysterious silver fox.
>tfw I'll never find wife material and I'm destined to just float through life as that quiet 'buff' guy who gives appears to give no fucks.
20 year old me would be happy with that, but 32 year old me needs to be bitch slapped, hard.
Not +30 but am +25
I still don't understand what living feels like. Could someone please tell me?
i was the one that left her, because two kids, i know i did good, but damn i do miss her, no i am so fucking lonely and lifting it's the only moment i don't think of her. Also fatass, but not blob, kind of bloat in larvae form. Now feel the need to lock myself and not go out to any social event or hunt thots until i make it, return to full autism mode
>Started browsing the Chan's in University
>Oldfag according to the graph
Everyone has to start lurking sometime user.
fuck wrong quote
31. Started running and doing bodyweight stuff a year ago. Not a lot of progress because I'm a lazy fuck who tends to overdo it when I do get off my ass. I'm within a hair's breadth of beating my last military physical results back when I was 20, though I was in really crappy shape back then.
can you older brehs give a 24 y/o some general life advice?
a bit about me:
>starting a $60k job in 3 weeks as a geotechnical engineer
>weak as shit, 5rm are roughly 0.5/1/1.5/2
>used to be decent socially, but kind of a friendless autist atm (want to move overseas after a year or so to try and make a fresh start)
>>tfw I'll never find wife material and I'm destined to just float through life as that quiet 'buff' guy who gives appears to give no fucks.
28 and this hit me right in the feels
Any of you guys thinking about jumping on gear/TRT?
37, get up at 3 to go lift then go to work.
depends on what your routine is... any other back related accessories?
You get to be High Elder, obviously. If there's more than one of you 40+ fags you'll have to form a council.
>tfw crippling fear of rejection makes me all the more attractive to THOTS as I come across as a distant and mysterious silver fox.
Fuck... Why does this happen?
I don't know how to flirt, I only had only serious relationship that lasted a shitload of time and after she left me, I haven't had sex anymore.
And if you're 31yo, the bitches expect you make the move
Put in your squat plug
Goals are good user.
Keep striving to improve. Keep hitting them and setting more.
Currently I'm trying to go for 160Kg DL before the end of April (Weigh 73Kg myself). It's gonna be hard but fuck going for something easy.
It's probably laughable by Jow Forums standards but it's my goal, my wall to knock down and means something to me.
I don't understand your question, youngling.
Thank you. Thank you for that.
I feel young again
For my back I do barbell rows and pullpus. Nothing else, besides the dl ofc.
A shot of trt
1) increase your friend circle - more friends = more social interaction meaning better social skills
2) get a good routine and work out your TDEE to best optimise gains
3) think you have a chance with a woman, ask her out.... Don't be a pussy like me. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
4) eveeything in moderation
5) make it.
Nobody knows
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm aiming to beat my old test scores, then get killer scores for my age category, and then... I dunno. Progress to fun stuff like dragon flags and the like? Oh, and look good and be as healthy as I can, I guess. Good luck with your goals, user.
32 here with a fucked shoulder, 2 fucked knees and a dicky back, but at least everything else is going ok
>feels like I'm in a cacoon
I'll be honest.... If I was not in the job I was in (Police Officer (UK)) I would be doing gear.
But sadly I've got to go natty due to "Hur dur professional standards". Hey, it is what it is. I've made progress, it's slow, but that's because I see some shit that I struggle to deal with and like tonight.... I've had a kebab, a McDonalds and got home and drunk some vodka.
Yes it's self sabotage, but I'm human. And no parent should ever have to bury their kid.
34 here. Considering
start adding hyperextensions
I'm not sure what your actual build up into max looks like but for me I basically cut my volume in half on days I am going near max.
I try not to do max much, its a good way to hurt myself as I get closer to being officially over the hill.
IDK user.
Guess it makes you more mysterious and aloof and appealing. Gives you an air of mystery I suppose.
>tfw the one woman I feel we have a connection to I ask out only to be mugged off as she thinks she can do better and gets fucked over by a guy
>Clearly sexual tension is still there but act alpha and pretty much come across as "you thought you could do better than me... Mmmmmm worked well for you" but on the inside it's "I understand, I'll keep you safe, I'll show you what a real man is like"
Fuck off inner beta, I thought I killed you along time ago, why are you still haunting me?!
Sorry if I didn't articulate my point clearly:
I'm what you'd call the "Walking Dead."
Guys, the point of this board is to inspire anyone to better themselves in the whole being of the self. It does not matter what age you are. Pick up the plate that your ancestors left for you and do your utmost to fulfill your destiny. No matter race, religion, etc. Make your people proud of who you are and make yourself proud.
Shit user, thanks you so much. Should I deadlift more than once per week?
+1 upboat
Not But I do it twice a week.as with all lifts, stretch off before and after. Eat well, get sleeping if you feel you pulled something, rest it.
Good luck user.
if your back can handle it, build in slowly and avoid injury. Personally I just do a PPL and throw in a cardio day or 2 a week. The main thing with getting older is realizing injuries will really slow you down longer than they would have younger... that extra 20-30 lbs on the DL might not be worth it.
Know the feeling, I decided to tinder tonight just to see what's out there. I know tinder is absolutely not the place to find a relationship, but goddamn the single moms on there swarm
How is tinder for +30 males?
Thanks, user. Yes, the recovery time sucks when you grow older. My muscles hurts a lot more when I was younger.
Thanks again, bro. I'm doing dl once a week now. But im going to start to do hyperextensions as well.
Depends on where you live. Where I'm at it's a lot of single moms and college girls. I did stumble upon a crush I had in high school though. 30 year old teacher on tinder, and I thought to myself "my god you changed...."
Was a good reminder though that the girls you know in your teens and 20s are not gonna be the same girls 10 or 20 years from now
Engineering is the shit. Good job user.
Be consistent and don't get distracted, it's easy to give up gains cause you got busy and don't have time to gym.
Money is a tool to build a better life, never treat is as anything else.
Always remember that you don't need women, they need you. As soon as you go the other way you'll start to be miserable.
Easy mode if you look like you have some money. Not like rich, just decently dressed and haircut, style etc
Wtf creme? Really? Is this because of my twinkposting?
its cause you dont have that chocolate BBC like us
Depends what kind of girls you want.
for me its worthless as I only date punk/emo/scene/goth girls and use the appropriate app to find them
I am on my 30s. I work as a nurse and try to fit in the Gym in my schedule as much as possible. Because I am natty every girl at work thinks I am a dyel until I have to lift a fat fuck alone causing them to literally say "wow user you are strong"
I started out with dumbbells doing meme curls until the internet set me straight.
I want to find love, user. But having sex with some good looking chicks would be enough for me too.
>what living feels like.
It literally gets worse with age. This is why really old people do not fear death, they actually really want to die.
>>tfw crippling fear of rejection makes me all the more attractive to THOTS as I come across as a distant and mysterious silver fox.
im not 30 but 26 kissless virgin never even asked a girl out. for me it isnt crippling fear of rejection thats why i dont deal with girls, its the crippling fear of exposing how inhumanly pathetic my life is that i want to keep it as distant as possible
38. Started out with not much when I got together with the wife at 21. Now we’re millionaires with cute kids, we both work part time and we spend our days going to the gym, screwing and chilling. Life is pretty good.
51 yo natty no "trt" aka /fraud/
using an old high school football full-body routine
showing up mostly in the qtddtot to angrily dispell bullshit and memes with a "get off my lawn" attitude
Not 30+
- just want to find out what team I'm on
That'll do
Just turned 37.
Used steroids from age 25 to 28 and haven't used anything stronger that creatine since.
I was feeling like absolute shit for the past 5 years with high blood pressure and a fucked up cholesterol profile. Stomach aches, couldn't sleep, no libido, and really depressed.
Went to the doctor and he said I had low testosterone and gave me Dexilant (proton pump inhibitor/ antacid) for my stomach.
I realized that the strong antacid was just the beginning of a never ending cycle as I was already using 6-10 extra strength Zantac everyday. So I went on a diet of only eggs, meat, fish, and green vegetables.
8 months later and I look and feel and lift like I'm on a low dose of testosterone, but I'm not on anything. The modern diet and work schedule will wreck you.
Write down the problems in your life that you want to fix the most. Only choose 2 of those problems to deal with everyday, never more than 2 but never only 1.
For example, on one day choose to lift weights to deal with your body and choose to go to a bar or public area alone and talk to at least 1 stranger to deal with your social needs. Make baby steps every single day because those steps naturally get bigger without your noticing, but you have to be consistent in taking those steps otherwise you will end up going nowhere.
You don't need to move overseas to get a new start and you're probably feeling the need to go overseas because of your lack of interaction with others at the moment. People are everywhere and all of them are interesting no matter what Jow Forums or /b/ tells you. You are the one that isn't talking to them.
Moving away won't help solve your problems unless:
- there's someone toxic that you can't usually get away from
- you're bored and need a new challenge
Moving does not cure autism
I know that feel but I got over it to a certain degree by just not giving a fuck. What's the girl going to do? Kill you? no. Her life is probably shit too if she's with a guy like you or me. Suck it up and just let life happen.
31 here.
Need gf
Turned 53 about two months ago. Ask me anything.
>inb4 "get out of my Jow Forums grandpa"
>inb4 "why are you on Jow Forums?"
Save it, don't wanna hear it.
What are the most important lessons you learned in the hardest way, user?
And how about women?
>It literally gets worse with age.
I've been living in misery since I hit puberty. How could it possibly get worse?
Just about to turn 27, don't think I'll every stop having a fit lifestyle. I want to be able to keep up with my kids for a good while.
Now I just need a new gf who is wifeable.
>most important lessons you learned in the hardest way
1. Trying to please everyone else, be what they want you to be instead of who you are, will just make your life unfulfilling and miserable -- and in the end, even if you *are* what everyone else wants you to be and spend all your time pleasing everyone else, they'll take a huge shit on you in the end anyway. BE YOURSELF FOR YOURSELF AND FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. You'll find that you end up with the people who understand and appreciate you -- and that in the Real World, you have only a few actual "Friends", and everyone else is just 'acquaintances' -- and that's perfectly normal.
2. You need to learn to separate all the issues in your life into two buckets:
>things you can actually do something about
>things you CAN'T do a goddamned thing about
..and IGNORE the things in the 2nd bucket, focus on the things in the 1st bucket.
Otherwise you just make yourself miserable and depressed for no fucking good reason.
3. Women
They take WORK, make no mistake about it.
The flashy, insane women? They may be fun and great in bed -- for a while, until the reality of The Crazy sets in, and your life turns to nothing but drama. AVOID.
See #1, above: "Pleasing everyone else". Don't be 'plastic' just to get a woman. They'll notice you doing it, and either brush you off, or use you like a toilet. AVOID.
Good women are hard to find ('good' in this context is a variable in the most extreme definition of the word; your mileage WILL vary) but they ARE out there. The most worthwhile ones may be the hardest to find and take the longest to get to know. But they're worth it in the long run.
"Nothing lasts forever". This applies 100% to relationships, especially if you're young. Who you all are at 18, 21, 25, and 30 are not necessarily going to be the same from age to age -- and if you're with someone at 18, don't be surprised if at 21, 25, and 30 you're not still on the same page. It's called 'growth'.
keep up keepin' the peace, dude
>And how about women?
One more for you (ran out of space):
>"There's someone for everyone"
>"Your SOULMATE is out there, just keep looking!"
These are Disney bullshit that's been sold to us wholesale. Because of it people actually believe that you haven't 'made it in life' unless you're married or at least in a committed relationship. This is bullshit. You can live a happy, productive, fulfilling life without being a 'serial monogamist', going from relationship to relationship, trying to fulfill Disney bullshit. So don't allow yourself to feel pressured to rush into marrying someone. Big mistake. Take your time.
Preach. Thanks man. Those words have wisdom.
How do you know if a woman worth the risk or not?
You don't. Life is a neverending string of risks -- if you're doing it right. No risk, no gain.
Let me expand on that a little: You don't (if you're smart) just jump into a relationship with someone. You take your time, figure out who they are. If they're decent they'll be doing the same. If someone is rushing you, that's not a good sign.
Op here. What is this team crap?
I better not be on team chocolate
It's Japmoots' April Fools Day shit.
Thanks again, man. I got it.
>The girl who "loves you" and you meet her 1 week ago.
Bad sign.
> She cheated on her bf to be with you.
Run away!
Stuffs like that.
I'm 11 years younger than you and I lift 245 lbs, I'm way more (not by much) ahead than you
Get out newfag
Team peep all day!
user... my deadlift is 200kg (440lbs)
ty based nutter
I love how American police officers take all the shit while UK's police has turned into a meme. I know my thinking is stupid but I find it ridiculous how you are not allowed to gear but you're free to slowly kill yourself like that. No hate towards the officers, I've met some very good blokes. The priorities the police have set lately are just laughable. Don't get me wrong, if I were you I would probably have a good glass (or a few) of whiskey every day with all the things people in these fields get to see.
Inb4. 26 yo grad student and a degenerate pos
46 here. Get on my level.
Aw fuck. I fucking hate peeps.