ITT: Who You Lift For

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I wanna make my father proud of me

for her

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its the only thing that makes the depression go away even if only for a bit a day, and its a reason to look forward to the next day

Pre-op Arvie

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I lift so he regrets choosing that flat ass, witch chin, (admittedly better than me) white girl over me

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One and only

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We couldn't protect his smile...

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I unironically lift for him.
It's a powerful feeling when you see through the lies, i hope everyone sees through it eventually.

tomboys and jesus. obvious answer.

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For him

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peak /fa/

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i will protect her

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I lift so she'll regret leaving me to go date around and to become clearly better than any man who'll commit to her.

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The Mad Titan

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For this guy, of course.

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You mean the virgin titan.

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