I want to experience /fitlit/ again.
You know what date it's going to be tomorrow
if we dont get /fitfa/ and finally cut the sexual tension between these two boards my balls will be sky blue until the day i die
I was hoping for Jow Forumstg/
Just because
>not fitk
Well it seems as though we aren't getting board switches
Fuck me then
sorry kid its not happening
leave the memories alone
What the fuck is teams
report in team
Loo wtf
Team creamy meme gonna style on some niggas
When will you learn?
PB bois will make it everyone else damned to manlet pit
>I eat the peanut butter and mumble "grow, grow, grow"
testing to see if teams carry from thread to thread
good call, I was choco b4
Mini = Chads
I plan on going through every book in here one by one in order over the next year or so. Anyone else down?
No. But truthfully there is some good shit on here.
>48 Laws of Power (Amoral)
>The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Moral)
>The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are (Watts is GOLD)
>The Prince (Amoral)
>Slaughterhouse-Five (Weird but wild ride)
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Weird/wild)
>Blood Meridian (BRTUAL, also Suttree is [probably] better)
>The Picture of Dorian Gray (Classic)
>Siddhartha (Buddha nature 101)
>Phillip K Dick (Man in the High Castle esp.)
>Song of Ice and Fire (DO NOT until when/if the fat bastard finishes the motherfucker, escapist fun)
>ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE (Legitimately one of my favorite books)
>Dune (Series is too fucking long will vouch for book 1)
>Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky is required)
>The Stranger (Camus is good shit through and through, Myth of Sisyphus also suggest)
>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (PHAEDRUS LIVES)
>All Quiet on the Western Front (Horrors of War 101)
>The Road (Grim, sparse, and decent despite gaping plot holes - Blood Meridian and Suttree ARE better)
>Ender's Game (ezpz sci-fi classic can't go wrong)
>The Doors of Perception (Introduction to tripping balls)
>Animal Farm (People love it because it critiqued the USSR's nonsense, but Orwell was essentially still a socialist [not saying this is good or bad] 1984 is better.)
Whoever this is hit some good shit. There are other things in his list which were solid (Quixote, Forever War, etc.) and many which I have not read, but those I listed are quality certified in my reckoning.
Jow Forumsk/
>it's this gay easter shit
just end my life
Just finished reading Tolstoy's Two Hussar.
Man the first count is awesome. Too bad about his son
how about Jow Forumslit/tg/diy/his/?
test , please don't make me a minilet