How long did it take for you guys to get to 1/2/3/4?

How long did it take for you guys to get to 1/2/3/4?
I'm like 6 months in and i'm only at .5/1.25/1.75/2 probably cause i'm not eating enough

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I hit 1/2/3/4 for 1 rep at 6 months, 5 reps at 8 months @ 185 lb

Not gonna sugarcoat it, your stats are really shit. You're not putting in the work at the gym and kitchen, you obviously don't want it enough, which is perfectly fine

you should have hit your current numbers in less than 6 weeks, with margin for error and missed days, if you were eating reasonably. You're wasting a shitload of time

Fuggin sauce

I hit 2pl bench press and 1pl ohp in like 8 months, and the 3pl squats in like a year and 4pl dl took me year an a couple of months.
The squat and the Ohp were the hardest for me. I was scared of the weight in the barbell when I reach 120kg and was the same with 130 and 140.

This is weird. I'm 4 months in @ 1/3/2/5 for 5x5

You're not eating or sleeping enough

don't listen to them OP. They're all fucking liars

Lmao I've been lifting for 2 months and im a 2/4/5/6


>ive been lifting for ten minutes and just hit 3/4/5/7
most of these people are retarded. it took me a year and 4 months with a few set backs, probably because I didn't take eating seriously until recently im 6'1" and weigh 180lbs, have put on 25lbs since I started lifting

I was once in a thread with a bunch of people arguing about what 1/2/3/4 even means. It was full of people either trolling about random numbers or being entirely clueless. Ever since that day I never take these threads seriously.

Daily reminder for the retards, 1/2/3/4 is 135/225/315/405
>inb4 random variations of the "count the bar" meme
You guys should stop joking about this so we can actually have this thread without describing what 1/2/3/4 is to the newfags each time.

4 months in and im at
0.8/1/2/3 1RM

No idea what that even is son

OP here, damn I thought I was bretty gud since my squats were getting heavier the quickest among my friends. Guess we're all hungry skellies...

By this definition of 1/2/3/4 I'm at 95/165/195/225. Does that sound about right?

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It's OHP/bench/squat/deadlift, right ?

Yes if by "OHP" you mean The Press™

>tfw /fat/ lifting for 8 months to cut down on weight
>made miniscule gradual strength gains over that time, lifts progressed but not much
Can't wait until I can start eating again brehs. Almost under 20% BF.

Skeleton gains are fucking hard, my dude. I have so much difficulty just putting food in my face. A lifetime of undereating is a bitch of a thing to fight when hitting your caloric intake goal literally makes you nauseous.

Your deadlift should definitely be higher by this point, though.

I'd creme on her if ya know what I mean

dubs got you

WTF is 1234?

No you didnt.

Nobody asside from noobs will believe you

The one with hip drive? Fuck that gay stuff.

Fucking years, like 6 god damned years. You know why? I'm not even being ironic. I never knew about, or did SS. The first like 3-4 years of working out were a waste because I didn't do heavy compounds with linear progression. Once I actually got a good routine going after god damned years of wasting time, my lifts skyrocketed. I do kind of a PPL now (pull/push/legs/pull/push/legs/rest). I switched all my compounds to 3x5s. Deadlift once a week. It's working and I finally hit a 4pl8 deadlift after all this time. Easy as fuck. I don't get how anyone can shit on SS because you would be where I am now in like a year or two where I took 6

what is SS?

Took me ~7 months to hit 135 ohp, 315 squat, and 405 dl but it took me ~18 months to hit 225 bench.

Read the fucking sticky

Thanks to my minilet frame, I was born with 4/5/6/7 before ever stepping into the gym

WTF is a sticky?

1234 is the amount of pushups, chin ups and body weigh squats you can do in incriminates of 10, then your mile time.

So, 100 push ups, 20 chin ups, 30 bodyweight squats and a 4:XX mile time.

Aside from the squats, this is actually a pretty legitimate test of calisthenics and cardio, for those who care about that sort of thing. That's some good bullshit, PBro.

chocniggers confirmed DYEL

I'm at 3 months and I'm 110/165-ish/230/245
I'm still making pretty linear progress, but my BP has started to stall. Apparently I have a problem with biceps tendinitis that's showed up now that the weight is starting to get pretty heavy (for me)

That's SS's weak spot. If I was starting from the beginning with what I know now I'd be doing something like:

>1. DL/back work
>Bench, OHP+assistance
>Squat, front squat+assistance

Then eventually to PPL with the same makeup and only deadlifting on one of the pull days

>not having 4/16/64/256

>not having logarithmic lifts
4/40/400/4000 here

3, 5 REPS?

You know, I've kind of wondered that too. People e-peen about it, but I go off of my 5 reps since that's what I'm training. I'm betting most people just go off their SS estimated 1rm. I don't train heavy singles to find my true 1rm, so I don't know what it truly is, but I doubt it's what SS claims.

I didnt do SS. I did a 5 day brosplit for first 7 months and pplpplx after. Around 2 years into lifting i went something like bulgarian method

20 weeks to go from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5

1/2/3/4 are like raw beginner lifts. There's something wrong with you if you're having trouble hitting these within 3 months.

It really depends on what you're starting with. Fats have an easier time starting out than skellies, for example.

say it to my face you manlet

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its taking me ages too, mainly because if i eat at a caloric surplus i basically just get constipated after a few days

now that ive figured that out im making steady gains so ill probably have it by end of summer