ITT: We mourn the fact that /fitlit/ is never coming back

ITT: We mourn the fact that /fitlit/ is never coming back.

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yeah i'm hoping for some plot twist at the end of this, this is pretty gay.

It was truly the best of times

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I actually would love for it to make a return some day.

>this is pretty gay

t. deadlast

what the fuck ive been on Jow Forums for several years and i didnt even know about fit lit???

Last April fools joke a few boards got mashed together. /fitlit/ was arguably one of the best right next to /cock/. No gonna lie I was hoping for another mashup but it looks like Easter had to step in and ruin it for me.

/fitlit/ was comfy fun. /mlpol/ was pure hilarity

sounds good. shoulda been permanent. what was cock tho

Cooking and comics and cartoons

Moot betrayed everyone in a way. What do you expect.


/mo/ was pretty great as well. Hell, all merges were good in their own way [spoiler]except for /soc/ merging with /out/[/spoiler]

You have no fucking idea. Never thought I'd say this one day, but I'd kill for the return of /cock/.

keep cryin bitch niggas

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/fitlit/ made Jow Forums better for weeks. This board is usually pretty hostile, but everyone seemed like good ol friends during the merge.


Bring back /fitlit/ thread should be out ever day now

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they're not even thinking about us

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me on the right


What's the point with the teams even? Are they supposed to be easter egg fillings? If so, why not make an actual joke out of it and replace them with supplement names. This is just about the laziest thing they could've come up with

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>whiy not make an actual joke out of it and replace them with supplement names.
because not every board is Jow Forums you raging autist

Didn't know it was on all boards, I only visit Jow Forums. Still lazy. Why make teams and make a banner out of their participation rates if you can't control which one you join?

shut up and either enjoy or leave faggot

team peep smartest

Oh holy shit I wish I would have seen that. Top ten anime crossovers.


I'm sick of seeing insecure men whining in /manlet/ threads, make an actual interesting thread for once.

/Lit/ poster here. I miss u guys

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Ironic aint it

Open thread on /lit/ about it

The April fool's this year is literally just what reddit had 2 years ago as April fools
Step it up Hiroshimoot.

"It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times!"
You stupid monkey!

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