So after running to agglomerate hierarchical statistics...

So after running to agglomerate hierarchical statistics, I've come to the conclusion that the "teams" are dependent upon a complex algorithm that estimates user intelligence by cross referencing advertisements, user subscriptions, and overall post history/syntax.

From what I've discovered, it would appear that five categories of intelligence have been labeled by the algorithm, from top to bottom:

MINI - est. 95th+ percentile
PEEP - est. 75th to 94th percentile
PEANUT BUTTER - est. 25th to 74th percentile (average)
CHOCOLATE - est. 5th to 24th percentile
CREME - est. 0th to 4th percentile

This perfectly explains why CREME is currently dominating the score board--points are dependent upon post volume and this entire board is being overrun with literal retards.

tl;dr -- Your team is dependent upon an IQ estimate.

Attached: math-nitx-2a-t-gym-math-2-plates-90lbs-25131236.png (500x432, 102K)

my IQ is 80

what fucking team am i

>1pl8 = 45 lbs
nice rouding up, amerifat
1pl8 = 20 kgs = 44lbs
so 4plates = 180kgs = 396 lbs =/= 405 lbs

haha nice one bro

It’s by intelligence not IQ, retard.

im not intelligent

In America we use real plates.
They weigh 20.4kg aka 45 plates.
Because unlike Europe, we are stronk

20kg plates are 44lbs american plates are literally heavier

I think American plates are actually calibrated around 45. Most plates tend to be heavier anyways so who cares.

minilet cope

>mini makes his team the best

lmaao delusional

whats my team

This isn't based on IQ mate

Attached: IQcrop.png (1151x508, 19K)

creme pls

IQ was just an estimate, it's related to general intelligence as defined by the algorithm. Since you're team Peep, you either post like a retard or your IQ test there is bogus. No hard feelings, Peep. It's just science.

>wanting to be retarded
come on brother

user, don't waste your time trying to explain it to him. y-you did see his team, right?

Based mini

Please be mini...

>minis in 95th percentile

Methinks the DYEL minilet is over compensating for their vast inferiority to the suCREME.

i'm sure yours is MUCH higher, mini bro...

This is now a creme team master race thread. Creme pies get in here

Obviously. I'm on team /mini/.

>doesn't take into account the orbit of the Earth around the Sun
I hope you minibros don't do this.

Attached: 1500484867942.jpg (400x382, 24K)

Fucking brainlet cocksuckers.


>doesn't take into account the orbit of the solar system around the black hole at the center of our galaxy
I seriously hope you mini guys don't do this

creme pie reporting in

what team am i

Retarded, unfortunately.

>uses self-fabricated data to "prove" point

yes, quite. read a book, hon.

Attached: 1514896577121.png (303x311, 181K)

>doesn't take into account the ferromagnetic interactions of the metal in the plates with the Earht's magnetic field
I seriously hope you Minipals don't do this.

Attached: IMG_3482.png (425x247, 93K)

What if you never post because the board is shit now?

Attached: 051 - ZqoLvyD.jpg (228x221, 7K)

don't listen to him, bro. The minis are just compensating bc they're not as stronk as team creme. welcome to the winning team, man.

Attached: tumblr_inline_obg5e6N85n1qhovbt_540.png (254x248, 45K)

Team chocolate reporting in

Pathetic Creme cope. Almost as pathetic as the food itself.

Attached: [Nutbladder]_Hidamari_Sketch_×☆☆☆_-_SP1_[2E43FFC2].mkv_snapshot_11.22_[2015.05.31_20.24.13].j (1280x720, 93K)

The fuck is an lb?

Attached: 1444074665056.jpg (250x250, 17K)

what am i

