The new month is here lads. It also happens to be the exact day where we celebrate the rebirth of Christ. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Get the fuck in on nofap and noporn now. Praise Christ

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Other urls found in this thread:

Already on day 8. Had sex though. I feel really fucking good

What are the benefits from no fapping besides sleeping later?

how long does flatline last if you never had ED or anything? only watched porn for about 4 years of my life and always felt perfectly normal jerking off daily
on day 8 or something and i think the benefits are becoming normalized or whatever, just wondering if i should just bust next week or seriously drag all this out


welp, I fucked up already

creme boy for life

So I'm starting my 3 weeks water fast by tomorrow.
Should I also start nofap today or is it a little bit too much?
how mentally strong will I get after the month of water fast and nofap?

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I'm already the april fool

Those japanese cuties x.x

Is it really a good thing not fap for 60+ days?


no fap is a meme, do no porn instead. also, stop blaming all your problems on masturbation because you're dishonest with yourself and can't see the forest from a tree.

Yeah, just go on rambling from down your hole, brah

>day 3
>Have dream that I fucked the shit out of a thicc qt after dancing and grinding on each other
>Nutted inside her multiple times in the dream

>10 days since I fucked my ex gf
channelling the test and lifting away the feels


Day 48


Creme does not need no fap, bitches BEG to get CREME from our BIG CREME MACHINES

NoFApril starts for me. Never passed 14 days before wish me luck.

Hentai and western nsfw art count as porn?

I havent stopped fapping three times daily for 12 years now... The longest i lasted in nofap was 3 days. Im on the train too for NoFapril. We can do it

already on day 4

Easter is a pagan feast made christian during the dark ages to convert them easier

I don't do nofap, probably wank once a week, when it gets to the point where I have a constant hard on and can't concentrate. But porn is a dangerous fucking thing the way it fucks with your brain. One month off and I'm now disgusted by the things I was regularly fapping to. Incest stuff, pretty extreme domination and some r*pe stuff.

just fapped 3 times, one of the most intense orgasm in my life

C'mon lad it's Easter

These NoFap dreams are next level
I dreamed I fucked my step mom and ate out a black girl

If you have to ask, then it's porn for you.


As a person I want to say you can do it,
but as a member of team peanut butter I must hope you fail. I'm sorry.

24 hours in rest of the month to go
Sending strength lads

Did no fap/no porn for 40+ days. Fixed my porn viewing habits and I don't fap 1/8th as much as I used to (about once every 5 to 8 days).

I've beenon nofap for 90 days, and its succeeded in giving me an insatiable lust. Only problem is I've completely forgotten how to get laid. What do bros?

Literally the first thing I think about in the morning and the last before I fall asleep.

Guys does pics of high test sloots ( without vagene or bobs) do count as porn?

Or is NoPorn only about not looking at real fuckig?

nuts will give us strength

I'm doing no fap as a test of self discipline and because I want to cum harder than that guy in that gif where he's just screaming at the top of his voice.

But I want you Anons to know how dumb I think people who buy into the whole "porn steals your man-essence" are. I mean, like everything porn has addiction potential, and I'm sure there are people who struggle with it. but don't buy into the bullshit. Do it for your own reasons, not because some retards have fallen for something designed to make them feel guilty and afraid of something perfect;y natural and healthy.

I didnt want to face the truth... Its going to be hard for me lads wish me luck

No more jokes or restarts, April is the month I'm def making 30 days

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>already masturbated today

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I had to fap yesterday I was on day 5.
My excuse was that a grill sent me some nudes.
I fucked up cause of watching seminude qts.

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What the fuck are you talking about, you should fap if a girl sends you nudes. Even by the dumb "porn is evil" logic, if a woman has sent you p[pictures of her body it's not porn so much as it is her letting you see her body.

The urges are definitely picking up. Going for all of April, and then through day 90. I'm gonna blow the most load on day 91 to my imagination. Also had to mark the pic a bit messed up because of my phone

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I did NoFap all throughout Lent but I'm gonna keep going

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Day 22
I just want my testosterone receptors to reset and beat my depression.
I feel more talkative around men and women, before I was too shy to even talk,
now I even asked for a number, since there is no way I get sexual satisfaction any other way and my "escape route"
is cut off I am forced to take action.
I wasn't a porn addict and not antisocial by any means, but the past week I noticed that I don't give a shit what
other people think about me and I feel free in a way.
I used to feel kind of depressed sometimes, but that is completely gone aswell.

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Same dream!

Try spending as few time as possible alone in your room.
When you're done doing the necessary things, head out and do something with your friends, go to gym etc.
If you have the urge to fap take a piece of paper and write it down, with the date and time.
Now truly aware of it, try replacing it with something productive. Running would be my choice. But it can be anything. See also above. Just leave your room.
Write down, what you now should better be doing and why.
If you give in to fap, afterwards write down how long you did it, and how you feel about it now, and then why you want to quit it. And why it is better to do activity x next time.
Do not write something of the sort that fapping is pathetic and only losers do it, that might reduce self-confidence and lead to depression.
If you need porn to fap, delete all the porn you have, and if possible quit your private internet access and use public ones. You now will think that is impossible.
But how much really necessary and productive things do you really use the internet for?

creme all day faggots

ur my hero

i went through this cycle in like a week now im flatline

Can I still do noporn if I look at grills posted on Jow Forums?

2 days and counting
when do i get back all the testosterone i have been wasting for 20 years?

I am not a problem masturbator, but fuck it. LETS DO THIS!

Jow Forums is so full of softporn that just visiting is losing noporn


If you DON'T have an addiction to porn/fapping, you DONT have to do nofap/noporn.
It is however advisable that you try it out for a week or more to see if anything changes, just do not be suprised if you dont see any results if you didnt have a problem in the first place.

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>Day 10-15
>don't want to wank
>want to have sex
I feel like I've won a mental battle

lurk more minilet

>fapping ever
>not having a problem
Pick one and only one

The power of the peeplet

Use an add-on to block images from the sites you visit.

flatlines are the worst

I'm on 2 months now. Had a wet dream recently except I didn't experience anything besides blackness and then waking up to something unpleasant. Wondering if I actually need to fap to stay off these experiences.

if you fap while fasting youll die of a zinc deficiency

why dont you see for yourself faggot

that's science

Got a link familia? all I got is porn site blocker's and that isn't a problem

I use this:

The only time I've ever done NoFap I managed to actually get the balls to speak to a girl, fuck her losing my virginity and gf her, then after we broke up I fucked more girls. Then coincidentally I started with regular PMOs again and havent had any real action in ages.

All of that from a mere 20 something days streak.

I am going to attempt a nice 90 days reboot and keep it going after that if i can make it.

Who cares if it's all placebo shit, the only time in my life i attempted this shit it brought a lot of positive things and made me grow.

Day 1.

Doing god's work user, thanks

You're welcome.

you gotta bang bro

you bang chicks instead

I jerked off but did not cum, have I failed?

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i am in! This time I will make it!

You smoked, but you did not enhale. Better not smoke at all, user.

>dreamt that I fucked my THICC hs psych teacher
>all my wildest fantasies
>ended up being a wet dream
Feeling good lads I’m more alert and my lifts have been going up

Ill try not to

will my lifts go up?

I'm in, need to break this porn habit.

God dammit I guess I'm unemployed, fatherless, human garbage for the day.

Nofap is actually just Noporn
Your real problem is a porn addiction and because you see porn it makes you horny thus you need to masturbate.
Just quit porn and you won't feel the urge as often. People are making this way more complicated than it is.

> mfw faggots think they get superpowers from not masturbating

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No. Easter is a Roman pagan holiday. Like every other Cuckstian holiday...

*tips fedora*

Damn hos look fine, you know what im saying?

Fap once per week and just stop porn, it feels so much better. After you feel content not ashamed.

Agreed, porn is unprecedented and we don't know what effects that has long-term on the brain

*tips menorah*
*cuts your foreskin*
*mixes in with your religion, turning it into an abomination of crucified Jews and chocolate bunnies*
Nothing personnel, goy...

Holy shiiii look at that Asian brapper

I love this atheist meme because it betrays just how ignorant they are about Christianity.

I'm in, aiming for at least 2 months this time

This times a million. Now for my blog post.

I broke up with my GF because she was a depressive sack of shit, and i wasn't going to get anywhere in life. Before we were due to move out she ended up sleeping with a co-worker, which whilst hilariously misguided, hit me like a sack of shit.

The idea of masturbating to porn whilst she was out porking him made me feel sick so I quit porn outright and fapping is much better

>do it every 3-5 days
>imagination only
>don't get urges to do it every day, only when i'm peaking
>when i do it, i make it last 15 minutes minimum, take my time play with pace etc.
>cum harder and stronger since as long as i can remember

I highly recommend it to anyone (noporn, not being semi-cucked).

Already failed because I was not planning on going for a no-fap
But its about fucking time to get my life in order.

I keep hiding behind insecurity, depressions and my own laziness.

Also besides no-fap I'll pick up the pace with learning Spanish


Every time I got any action is because I was backed up from nofap.

What do you mean?

> nothing personnel goy
> nothing personnel
> personnel


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dude i would fap to the thought of how pathetic that whore exgf of yours is

>being this new

>used to fap everyday
>start having sex
>last forever
>slowly stopped fapping and only having sex
>start feeling the urge to nut in under a few minutes
>usually less w/o condom
>start fapping daily again
>issue goes away

Only NOFAP if you can't get it up with women or you aren't actually having sex.

You didn't join the real and active Official Fitness Server on Discord yet??
Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc. Self improvement, nofap and even relationship advice.
We also have some fun channels like memes or tinder thot patrolling.

!!! We have a monthly progress CONTEST wiith prize MONEYY $$$ !!!
Contest rules: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then all server members vote, the winner gets ALL prize money!
New April contest starting now, 2 days to partcipate left!!!!

We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome!

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