Mister Peanutbutter

>Mister Peanutbutter
>is Jow Forums
>doesn't give a fuck
>always surrounded with HBs
>has a gf

Why aren't you taking the PB pill yet?

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heck if I know. let's see what team I am

out of our thread

This site is fucked.

Aww it's alright, you can stay but you can't say a word.

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i wanna be peanut butter

:o i am!!!

*ugly feminist blogger sjw journalist gf

>mad incel creme

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Is this some kind of gay experiment to demonstrate tribalism ? This is fucking lame

>watching cartoons written to appeal to millennial manchildren

Shut up french guy.

Peanut butter is just salty glue


FUck yes team PB dreams

Team PB is a whole team of moggers

fuck pbs

Team Peanut Butter

>Minidicks can't enjoy shit

Now now there's no need to be salty, when you can be creamy and crunchy.

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I bet you have a Rick and Morty tattoo as well, don't you soygoy?

how'd I do lads?

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>he fell for the soy meme

Hey there you grumpy gus! What's it like to be so miserable minidick? Haven't you ever just had fun? Life is a party! Enjoy yourself! It's okay I won't tell anyone you secretly watch big bang theory, it'll be our little secret buddy!

Heey! What is this, a crossingover episode?

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what is this nonsense

I never eaten peanut butter.
What does it taste like my lads ?

yeah buddy pb boys!

been eating PB for about 2 years now daily


didn't he get cucked by a depressed alco 50yo horse?

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Why is team peanut butter such an autist.

autism is cute.