I’m skipping Jow Forums today. I’ll come back when jap moot isn’t a faggot

I’m skipping Jow Forums today. I’ll come back when jap moot isn’t a faggot

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This shit is so fucking reddit I'm genuinely angry

what the fuck is even going on?

Beboop wahoo! My teams winning

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you are not allowed here go away

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but apparently i'm #1, why should i go away

Yeah this is lame.

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havent people realized that scoring is completely random yet?

No one cares

No they are to dumb to relize it. I’m glad I’m not the only. I don’t see the point of winning this anyway. What do you get? And what do you prove tomorrow on a anonymous board


>no fun allowed for one day out of the year

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>no fun allowed for one day out of the year

What are talkint about everyone shitposts everyday in this taiwanese pingpong forum

And secondly this shit thats going on is not even funny, this is some reddit tier shit

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This. This shit is so boring.

see you never then

>What are talkint about everyone shitposts everyday in this taiwanese pingpong forum
that's the normal everyday, retard

Yeah and it's more fun than this bullshit

Eyy my man


you first

its exactly the same

>every thread is a team thread

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>its exactly the same

low test low iq posters located

What's the point of it all anyway? Jow Forums's already divisive to begin with. Boards already look down on other boards, generals look down on other generals, now everyone's hating on everyone.

Shoo shoo Moot, your fahnny aprils fool prank was not successful


>not being able to play along with a silly joke and have a good time with your Jow Forums bros
That’s pretty reddit, faggot.

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>silly joke
>Jow Forums bros

Upvoted bro and include me in le screenshot :D

>Mfw I see this crap a year after the glorious /fitlit/

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They are trying to divide the people. I return from a month long unexplained exile. The moot seems to think that these banners are more important than solving the corruption within the mod class. Posters and lurkers need to unite to fight the common enemy, the mod.

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i can tell you're fucking new you fucking newfag scum

>typical minifag redditfag pretending to be an oldfag

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