RIP /fitlit/

RIP /fitlit/

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/lit/ aren’t even thinking about us bros

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Yes we are. I came on this board just for that. Much love and nice dubs btw

based /lit/ poster!
now roll for push ups

did you just come here or did you make some gains too?

okay Jow Forums bros, what are we reading atm?

for me, it's The Idiot

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1984 right now. Gonna do Roadside Picnic after that.

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Thank you my man, rolling right now
I'm just here for today, I do calisthenics everyday but not sure if this is Jow Forums approved

>I do calisthenics everyday but not sure if this is Jow Forums approved
I'm sure most here would tell you to go full autism and powerlift but as long as you're not digging for chips to failure and put some effort into movement I'm glad. keep it up based /lit/bro!

Roadside Picnic is very very comfy. You will enjoy it. But dont expect it to be a lot like STALKER.
The ending is great and the characters have a real punch to them that Im sure fit will appreciate.
Love from lit
Also, read Brave New World when you can, it is the best dystopian novel

>all of Jow Forums are mini

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>Two months ago I couldnt even do 5 pushups without fainting and my head bursting. Now I can do 100 in series of 25, aiming for 30 now. Thanks fit

I played the game and saw the movie the same day and since they were so vastly different I've removed any expectations I have.
BNW is on my list. thanks.

>/lit/ aren’t even thinking about us bros
I think about /lit/ every single day. Especially when I look at my Kobo.

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/fitlit/ was so fun, now there's just a bunch of fags obsessing about teams



Sorry about that

Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink
Maps of meaning by Jordan Peterson

I have had depression for 15 years, reading non-fiction is exremely difficult, there is no place for escapism there.

To add to this.
Anyone read psycho-cybernetycs and power of habbit, are they good, worth a read ?

Made some literature gains to.

I cry. Auto correct.
Fuck my shit up senpai.

Goodbye cruel world

Master and margarita, it's slow going

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Creme the dream team

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/fitlit/ isn't dead user. You must become it.

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I actualy saw a guy at the gym today that was reading a book on the lat pulldown machine...

/fitlit/ was too good for this world

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Good job user

Just make a thread dedicated to /fitlit/

Vinland by Kim Stanley Robinson. Ca e across it in my usual used book pusher and bought it right away. KSR wrote the Mars trilogy, which I'm a huge fan of. So far it's really good, it's a collection of short stories on different themes.

The age of /fitsci/ has come.

Just started Vineland by Pinecone. Brilliant so far.

It's here


Fundamentals of Biochemistry.

The autism would be too high

Rolling for team