I'm fucking begging you brothers, how can I lose weight?

I'm fucking begging you brothers, how can I lose weight?

Oh my God please deliver me from this hell, I'll do what you say.

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Other urls found in this thread:


eat less

stop eating

eat less, move more

Kill yourself, you loose a few pounds after death.

ok the sticky is right there, like come on. If you come to a new board at least have the fucking decency to read the fucking sticky.

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Alright brothers, my problem is a always revert to eating more


I'd gladly die if I had accomplished my life goals

I dont deserve death yet

I cant die yet

Brother. I've been browsing fit for years, I've hit 2/3/4/5 on my lifts but I'm fat as fuck

Oh my God, I would experience ANY amount of pain right now to escape this


You cannot imagine what I'd do right now

I'd cut my fat off with a knife if it wouldnt fuck me up

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Eat less jesus christ it's that easy

I know. I know.

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Some people are just genitically having a hard time losing fat with normal methods, try fasting for 1-3 months, do some HIIT in your workouts and most importantly dont be hard on yourseld if you relapse, just look forward and forgive yourself, but never forget.

Unironically get a weigh loss buddy from discord or r/fast... Its very good to share with somebody and have some responsability. Jow Forums is somewhat counterproductive because anonymity equals lack of accountability.

Can I get a discord link?


eat fat to lose fat.
eat protein to gain muscle.
eat carbs to gain fat.

Train to stay healthy.

Mini Manlets deserve to be thin or fat

Eat only once a day.
And do it two hours before bed.

Doesn't matter what you eat during that 1-4 hour eating window. As long as it's maintenance calories and you get all of your macronutrients.

Just doing that will see a ton of weight lost.


eat more chocolate

>Muh genetics

start smoking cigarettes, trade the food addiction for another



what team am i

Fat puts you into ketosis, so eating fat makes you lose fat.
Muscle is made from proteins, so proteins builds muscles.
Carbs raise insulin and insulin stores fat, so by eating carbs it is much easier for the body to gain fat.

>Team mini
>Fat faggot

when you get hungry for yummy stuff just drink a bottle of water instead
keep doing this and you will lose weight over time
might wanna do some light excercise to keep some muscle