Im quite fat, but also muscular. I want to achieve a slim body. I started doing HIIT and it was great for burning fat, however it also increases gains in muscle mass. Is steady state cardio better for me if I want to reduce fat and muscle mass? Dont get me wrong, I dont want to look like a stick, but I also dont want to gain so much muscle on my legs that I cant even fit into jeans, I just want a slim body. Any advice?
Help on hiit vs steady state cardio
Unless you are on steroids this is not a concern for you.
ofc, but I already have large calf muscles, and im afraid that doing even more workout will just increase the muscle even more
Same problem here.
HIIT doesn't work. Your anaerobic system will be great already from lifting. Aerobic, however, whooo boy. Mine is almost gone, which means my body doesn't really burn fat and I get dizzy when I move more more than 1 hour.
Learn from my errors.
Cardio is cardio it doesn’t matter how you do it.
The nigger in the first picture he burned more calories than he ate it.
Will HIIT give me a massive bulge like the guy on the right?
improving bloodflow and you metabolism will give you better erections, maybe not bigger ones but it can happen, at least you can expect stronger more durable boners, this also depends on your nutrition tho
>HIIT doesn't work. Your anaerobic system will be great already from lifting
jesus fucking christ, is this how stupid fat people are?
fatties are too stupid
try nothing pls
>Cardio is cardio it doesn’t matter how you do it.
WHAT?! how can you be so fucking dense?
I dont lift wtf, I only do HIIT. Its good for burning fat, but im building muscle where I dont really want to, e.g. calf muscle. Should I just do steady state cardio for fat and muscle loss?
show us pictures and we'll tell you.
Damn that guy is more jacked than Ben Johnson. Olympic drug testing is really good.
>I'm quite fat
>I don't want to look like a stick
it seems like you're pretty safe from looking like a stick for some time then, my guy.
Do hiit and steady state cardio both and stop fearing the gains.
>afraid of bigget calves
Listen here you delusional fatfuck: natties don't get overdeveloped muscles over night. And HIIT doesn't induce significant hypertrophy anyways, sprinters lift to get stronger.
>that pic
that guy lifts weight lmao its not because of the hiit
dumbfucks ITT doesn't know that doing HIIT increases test by tremendous amounts
The calf muscles produce almost no force in sprinting, dumb fuck. They help with acceleration and are a controller of your speed, but they don't contribute the actual force; that's mostly your hamstrings, dumb faggot you have to be underaged to think sprinting 50m is going to build your calf muscles. Also you're a fat fuck why the fuck are you concerned about "fitting into clothes", you will NEVER be /fa/ above 14% bodyfat, regardless of your jeans
You have to be a retard to conclude that me wanting to fit into clothes, means that I want to be /fa/. I want to be comfortable, not a fucking fashion icon retard.
Fuck off ugly fat faggot
is this a meme or actually a thing