Fit approved movies + rack bench pause press

ITT we make a list of our top 5 movies.

>12 angry men
>Mulholland drive
>Fight Club

Anyone else do the bench press in the rack? Bar starts on the safety pins. Means no elastic tension when pushing up.

Attached: fight.jpg (320x320, 36K)

Starship Troopers
Apocalypse Now

Good taste, user.
>The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
>End of Watch
>Blade Runner
>No Country for Old Men
Honorable mention to Pumping Iron

>The Raid
> Blade Runner 2049
> John Wick
> Casino Royale

>The Shining
>Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans
>Days of Heaven
>The Wages of Fear

Step brothers
When we were soldiers
Spy game
Man on fire

>Hard Times (Charles Bronson)
>Taxi Driver
>Die Hard
>Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas

That's only four movies but whatever

Chinatown. Excellent taste.

>No Country For Old Men
>Fantastic Mr Fox
>The Big Lebowski

Fuck i forgot >The Shining

I can't choose just five.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-02 at 17.29.14.png (814x1500, 368K)

>Never Back Down
>Casino Royale
>Full Metal Jacket
>Fight Club
>The Departed

Attached: painandgain.jpg (1003x585, 148K)

>Taxi Driver
>American Beauty
>The Hateful Eight
>The Place Beyond the Pines

>LoTR: Return of the King
>Barry Lyndon
>Blade Runner

Attached: movies.png (2632x2948, 1.47M)

Off the top of my head I'm saying:

>There Will Be Blood
>Nocturnal Animals
>Fight Club
>Apocalypse Now

>The Raid
Approve strongly also
>Master an Commander
>The Last Samurai
From the recent ones
>Only the Brave
Not exactly Jow Forums but truly manly.

Attached: Op is a manlet but a cool manlet like Tom Cruise.mkv_snapshot_00.14.58.jpg (1920x792, 125K)

I do this op. I call it "dead benching" cause It starts from a dead stop. Best way to work on form and add reps. And fuck everyone in this thread for not doing this

>no one posted Mad Max 1 & 2
If you enjoyed Bladerunner 2049 these are compulsory viewing

Attached: 1522606990688.png (254x260, 145K)

Mad Max 2 has the ultimate Jow Forums character in it

Attached: HumungusMeme.jpg (800x600, 244K)

Pain and Gain
Starship Troopers
Pumping Iron

The Shining is my favorite Christmas movie.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Once upon a time in the west
Apocalypse Now
Godfather 1&2
These anons have good taste.

Million dollar baby
Gran Torino
Dirty Harry
Anything with Eastwood really

Solid lists