Fit, post your religion. Christian/islam/Buddhism/Paganism etc.
i Want to continue my spiritual journey, help me find the right path
Religion Thread
Christian, used to be a fedora tipper until I actually looked into it. Too many coincidences to simply write off; predictions of the future, traditions complying with science .etc
Trad Catholic
It's a religion right guys?
Mah nig
>lowercase islam
hehe cheeky OP
>TFW saved by Christ
You got me.
islam is shit tier imo
Christiany and Buddhism are godtier
>islam is shit tier
>i Want to continue my spiritual journey, help me find the right path
no you don't. you're just being lazy and wasting time not unfucking your shit. just work on finishing your daily task and controlling your emotions
people who actually go on a spiritual journey. have to sacrifice A LOT to achieve. no sex no meat, no technology. white ppl just like picking up religions to add to their resume and then not even bothering doing what any of them say
Learning about taoism and buddhism because I'm obsessed with asia
Christian > Atheist > Christian > Aryan Polytheist centred on Germanic and Vedic religion
>I'm obsessed with Asia
Meaning you're obsessed with Japan but don't want to admit it.
I'm obsessed with Japan, Korea and China.
Go Christian or go home.
Buddhism is just nihilism with better marketing, not to mention most Buddhism you know is just Tantrism (aka Left hand Buddhism, black magic, worshipping demons etc).
"Paganism" (incl. Hinduism, Daoism, etc) is worshipping rocks, cocks, and jocks.
Islam is worshipping hermes Trismegistos, Devils and some moon god I don't care about.
Atheism and Satanism is for uneducated children with Hollywood knowledge (Example: upside down cross=Peter's Cross; Pentagram=5 limbs of Christ etc).
Communism is Humanism, as is Judaism, which in turn is Satanism 2.0 (worshipping humans as gods).
etc. etc. Really, the only worthwhile religion is Christianity, even if you just go by history and ignore Theology completely. Most people don't know shit about Christianity though, so be careful who you believe.
i'm sorry you feel that way.
My parents are christians and they said that i could believe anything i want because i can make my own choices. i spend a great time studying and following the bible, however christianity isn't for me. I am willing to sacrifice a lot to go on a spiritual journey. Also the things you mention like no sex or meat are things i am 100% willing to let go. Technology however seems useless to let go because they werent around when these ancient teachings were thaught. Technology can help spreading good things and information. i'm just looking for something to make sense and to give my life a little more meaning.
>however christianity isn't for me
Lol why? You brown?
no meat was made to emasculate the people to be ruled over and provide more food to feed them, as is the case for india
careful brah, there are a lot of completely emaciated indian gurus who try to teach others while looking half dead and don't do anything all day but sit down
i'm not brown i just have a hard time blindly following "The word of god" i hate when i question something i'm just being told that i should just "have faith"
Not religious but grew up Catholic
>i'm not brown i just have a hard time blindly following "The word of god" i hate when i question something i'm just being told that i should just "have faith"
Then you
a) didn't do your research
b) will be sorely disappointed since faith is the basis of all religions
This man right here got it.
Western culture is based on the principles of Christianity therefore it is obviously best religion.
>in the beginning there was the word
>and the word was with God
>and the word was God
>and the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us
Jesus is the word of the Father, his only begotten son, and the word is the Father
Yahuwah = I am that I am
Yah = I am
Yahushuwah = God saves (lit: I am saves)
The eternal God became flesh and dwelt amongst us and through self sacrifice on the cross showed the greatest devotion of love to his creation and through believing in Jesus we may have everlasting life in him for he is the way, the truth, and the life.
I love Christ
Thank our heavenly father for his Mercy and grace
Trying to learn more about Christianity.
For a while Buddhism was my biggest point of division over the matter of Christianity, because when I was younger I thought Jesus and Buddha were simply Western and Eastern aspects of the same "Divine Consciousness". But lately I have strayed farther from this stance, and am solely seeking Jesus. Read the New Testament and the Old Testament from Genesis to Samuel, still working on the OT, also plan on learning a bit of Hebrew and Greek.
You seem to know a lot about Christianity and what separates it, theologically, from other religions and philosophies.
Do you have any reading suggestions, or video lectures, or anything of that matter you wouldn't mind sharing?
forgot to add, Yahushuwah is Jesus' Hebrew name
his name is "I am saves"
or "I am salvation"
norse pagan
I'm kinda semi Islamic I come from an Islamic Pakistani family but don't really know whether I believe in Allah or not DESU. I drink just like the average British lad though
Muzzy here, no hate pls.
You speak our language, I respect that.
part and parcel mate
Kill yourselves degenerates
Same As-salamu alaykum Where u from I'm from London?
are you excited to become full jihad once your neighbours and family start shaming you for drinking like a lad? You gonna go full Sharia when the Dawa come to your house?
Gotta believe in something to move forward man, i need something to keep me from ending it all right now and here
Nice cope
He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one gets to the Father except through Him.
>help me find the right path
Eschew all so-called 'gods' and the superstitious nonsense that goes with them, and embrace REAL truth and REAL knowledge through the study of the sciences and philosophy. This is the only true path, all others lead to your enslavement.
Wa aleikum asalam, im in denmark copenhagen, denmark. Great country.
>thinks he can handle the complexity of human interactions in person and in society with a rational mindset
hopeless USSR utopian, you'll be in the gulags before long
Same Here;
Fundamental Baptist here.
God's grace is open to all; you just need to believe that the Lord God, Jesus Christ, was buried resseructed and bodily rose again, and that you will have eternal life by the work on the cross.
>implying I'd want to speak to the demiurge
>Gotta believe in something
Belief in anything other than (Yourself) will ultmately lead to your enslavement to other men.
No Heaven
No Hell
No Fate but what we make
Some people are weakwilled, some are not, do you resent people for that?
Not him; but I agree and know everything he professed.
Good Video on the uniquess of Christ.
enslavement to other men is indistinguishable from membership in a dominance heirarchy
you might as well be in a heirarchy that believes in self-sacrifice and accepting suffering, so that you can climb the heirarchy by being a better man
>thinking like a victim
Well I guess you can enjoy being BETA AS FUCK your entire life, then, because you will always be below someone else, 'believing' in a System of Control that wants to use you like a $20 whore.
that reasoning is so poor. I dont mind if people believe in a god but Lewis reasoning is just terrible.
GOD bless you user.
Protestant Christian here. I agree with all the basic doctrines of Christianity, i.e. the Trinity, salvation by faith, Judgement and the afterlife, I just disagree with certain specifics on some of these. For example, we are saved by faith, but Christians are not exempt from sinning (once saved always saved); there is an afterlife, but currently there is no hell; and this might activate some almonds, but I believe in the observance of the Seventh-day Sabbath (Jewish Sabbath).
I hope you realise you are under control of your own system and you are not allowed to do or say whatever you want, it is literally impossible to not be following orders/rules in modern societies.
>You seem to know a lot about Christianity and what separates it, theologically, from other religions and philosophies.
Sadly, I don't. I just hang around too much on Jow Forums and realized I could BTFo all the pagans, the atheists and the Muzzies by reading up on their attacks, insults and questions. And it turns out everything had already been answered hundreds of years ago.
>Do you have any reading suggestions, or video lectures, or anything of that matter you wouldn't mind sharing?
Actually, read up on history and religion on wikipedia. Then read the cross-references. That's unironically enough as long as you keeop in mind that Wikipedia has a huge leftist (ie. anti-Christian) bias.
But seriously, read up on history, as much as you can. It will answer more questions about religion and philosophy than you think. 99% of things you know about Christianity are probably wrong anywayy that's just the state of education nowadays.
Example: Jesus wasn't Jewish. Islam brought that up and Luther ran with it to try and convert Jews. Didn't work, hence Luther became antisemitic later on because butthurt (he was an unironically madman anyway, read up his quotes on God, Jesus, etc.; and also on his Scrupulosity, unless you get easily triggered (it's a mental illness)). Anyway, Jesus came from Galilee, which was also called "Galilee of the Gentiles" because no Jews (or almost none) lived there. Not to mention "Jews" didn't exist anyway back then - Judeans did, but Jesus didn't hail from Judea. In fact, the word "Jew" doesn't even appear in The Bible. It was mistranslated in the 18th century and kept there since.
This is really just Wikipedia stuff, but already far beyond anything anyone normal, even college professors, are aware of. Now, if they got Jesus wrong, what else did they get wrong? Pretty much everything. Research this yourself.
Haha, the ultimate cuck never helps others, never proves his worth, is always vindictive and mistrusting. The ALPHA shows up, works hard, smiles, trusts, and helps. Then, when the moment is right, he takes control and begins to lead. He's earned it.
Guess which one you are, user? ;)
Former pagan. I still believe in the mythology, ancestor veneration and the gods as noble archetypes but the religion itself is sort of hollow, doesn’t really offer any spiritual fulfillment nor a good community with ancient traditions.
I found all of those in Roman Catholicism.
>islam is bad
give me one reason to convert christcuck
>The entire history of the formation of Islam
But can't you see that all of it, and I mean ALL of it, is just a carrot-and-stick system of control? Sure, back in ancient times, it was all likely conceived of as a way to get an entire population to work together, follow a common set of rules intended to ensure the survival and progress of as large a fraction of the population as possible, but in the last 1000 years or so it's just all been perverted into a way for The Few to exercise control over The Many for purposes of their own engrandizement and profit; you can't deny you see clear and objective signs of that every single day. I'm not saying that every religious leader is just a power-hungry sociopath, but there are too many of them who have gone down that path, abused their sway over the people, abusing the trust that's put in them. Knowing this, and knowing that the human race is not in any immediate danger of becoming extinct or our civilization of collapsing, don't you think it's time to dismantle this power-structure The Few have created and perpetuated, and start promoting Real Truth and Real Knowledge instead? Seriously, at this point in our evolution *as a species* this System of Control is just holding us back. It's high time we started finding our own path instead of having one imposed on us.
you get to move to America
Friend, I'm not him, but the message I have for you is: ALL religion is bad. It's forcing you into a pattern of behavior that's holding you back.
>literally judaism but slightly better
The Kaliph of Londonistan said that Terrorism is part and parcel of living in a big city.
El goblino...
how is it holding me back?
Yea children are great
>ALL religion is bad
No, Christianity is better than them all because it focuses on Christ on the Cross: One man assumes responsibility for the bad deeds of all other men. He enslaves himself _by choice_ to redeeming mankind. That is a damned good mantra to "force people into". Go help fix shit, you useless Jow Forums browsing faggot!
Don't RCs believe in getting into heaven via good deeds?
> religion is forcing you into a pattern of behavior that's holding you back
That's exactly what the devil would say
Pretty much whatever Mr. Rogers was about. That guy got it right.
InspiringPhilosophy is a really good channel. It's a relatively small channel, but they pump out quality content. They rebut Biblical "contradictions", they show how the Bible and science are in agreement, they also put out logical arguments for Christian Theism that are bulletproof.
Acts17Apologetics is a fun channel. The guy is a former atheist, so he does some atheist apologetics, but his content is mostly rebutting Islam. The guy's a diagnosed sociopath, but he found Christ while he was in jail and that changed his life. His content funny in an intentionally cringey way.
your role model is a child raping warmonger who tripped on methane gas in a cave
jesus is a magical carpenter
I know which one I'd pick
>child raping war mongerer
need some proof for that senpai :)
Was a Christian whole life. Had a phase where I was a Pagan because I wanted to go to Valhalla.
Came back to Christ.
ISLAM is the CHAD religion
christcucks btfo
Sure, so RC is based as well then
Agnostic, leaning towards atheist. Raised Catholic. Nice people. Noticed the the most devout seemed to have a strong yearning for community.
I used to hate Muslims then I met some at uni a couple of years back. Now I am one. I'm the only ginger praying in my mosque in Sheffield lol
You won't have to go to the death camps.
>"christcucks" build the entire world
>soon as they dissapear world falls apart and muzzies get bombed by jews
if you knew something about your religion you'd know that one of muhammad's wives was 6 when he married her and 9 when he fucked her
+ islam was spread by sword by muhammad and his kin
kill you're self
>how is it holding me back?
It's making you subject to the control of just a few men (your religious leaders) instead of allowing you to think for yourself and choose your own path. See this: I firmly believe that humans can be Good for it's own sake without being threatened by some alleged 'afterlife' where you suffer for eternity.
As-is religion has been twisted into something that's just creating more conflict and destruction than it's doing good. I really believe it's time for humanity to move on from it.
>That's exactly what the devil would say
So you don't believe you can't be a good person and do what's best for humanity without the threat of 'eternal damnation'?
Mormon here, I can respect the Catholic aesthetic but something about Mormonism strikes a chord within me. Besides, what other religion teaches that you can become like Heavenly Father?
>2 corinthians 4 verse 4
>the god of this age (lucifer) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
>8:30 quran
>But they (the Jews) were deceptive, and Allah was deceptive, for Allah is the best of deceivers
>2 Corinthians 11:14
>And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
>Luke 10:18
>He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
>2:20 quran
>The lightning almost snatches away their sight. Every time it lights [the way] for them, they walk therein; but when darkness comes over them, they stand [still]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken away their hearing and their sight. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.
>Isaiah 14:14
>How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
>You said in your heart, "I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
>I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."
the god of the quran is the great deceiver who has blinded the eyes of the non believers of Christ, he is lucifer and the quran is his book
he came to muhammad, masquerading as the angel Gabriel
> so you're saying
Kathy Newman pls go
Hindu Brahmin
nice if true
Why would I go in the first place?
yes marrying a child wasn't frowned upon like it is now (and it should be frowned upon)
>islam was forced on people
um sweetie :)
kek, good post user
> I really believe it's time for humanity to move on from it.
We'll never be free of it so long as the fear of death exists
Are you going to sidestep the whole issue with smartass remarks, or are you going to at least try to have an intelligent response to it?
Do you actually believe that you can't be a 'good person', do right by your community and humanity in general, without the threat of 'eternal damnation' hanging over your head like a Sword of Damacles?
>It's making you subject to the control of just a few men (your religious leaders) instead of allowing you to think for yourself and choose your own path
I don't though some people do because they are gullible. For example I'm against the hijab/niqab
>We'll never be free of it so long as the fear of death exists
See, and that's where Real Truth and Real Facts can come into play: Everything dies. There's no point in being afraid of it. What's important is how you LIVE.
Humans cannot live without religion. We get utopian. And then we get Gulags and Communism. This has been shown time and time again, with millions of bodies stacking up each time. You say that you "firmly believe" we can leave religion behind, but you really ought to study the societies that forced religion out - There is nothing good and prosperous about them. Albania in the USSR - State sponsored atheism. Of course it has to be state-sponsored, otherwise people keep praying - So if you pray and listen to traditional music, they come to your house and shoot you.
Now of course, that was then, and this is now, you say. You say that it would be different now, but would it? Look at what's happening in the Western world now that we've rid ourselves of a common religious thread. White guilt. Encourage men to be girly. Calling masculinity "toxic". Throwing traditional gender roles that are rooted in biology out the window in the name of "freeing women" when it's actually robbing women of one of their core life duties. Encouraging men to get vasectomies, never marry, to "go their own way". I think you are a bit of a utopianist yourself, user. And I can promise you that it will not go the way you plan, because humans are not silly-putty that you can mold to your desire. Humans are fundamentally religious creatures. The world is too complex to rationally approach every aspect of our lives.