Heart health thread

heart disease is the leading killer of men Jow Forums

>A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute. Generally, a lower heart rate at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness. For example, a well-trained athlete might have a normal resting heart rate closer to 40 beats a minute.

type timer into google and enter 10 seconds

place fingers on carotid artery

count pulses for 10 seconds multiply by 6

Post BPM

mine's 60 exact

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It's more accurate to do 3 sets of 60 seconds then add the results and divide by 3


wow imagine the smell haha

>It's more accurate to do 3 sets of 60 seconds then add the results and divide by 3

then do it fucker


61-64 will I die soon?

58 matserrace

Am I gonna make it

My BPM is 86, admittedly a bit high but I am also 6'7

Fitbit blaze it fgt says 66

ECG said 53 BPM and I was a little nervous because I had no idea why the doc even did that.

sorry height has nothing to do with it, I'm 6'4" you're just an unhealthy fuck

Yeah I know, I'm trying to lose weight, also winter hibernation didn't help much, so I'm getting back into cardio now

>winter hibernation
>thinking this is a thing

M8 the weather during the winter months here is dreadful, and I hate doing cardio indoors, so instead I go cycling during the warmer months

My average is 55 - 65 depending on the day. Have a friend whose rested heart rate is in the 100s and my wife's is around 80.

Does resting heart rate also help indicate blood pressure? I have relatively low blood pressure and I think it's genetic. Can my low resting heart rate be explained by genes? I do 0 cardio and only lift twice a week.


what do

why can't these whores lift in a baggy tshirt or something

54 probably because I HEARTMAXX at like 185 when I do cardio

just a t-shirt? that's unsanitary, there would be sweaty pussy pucker prints on every seat.

It’s not supposed to be fun mate you have to push through the mundaneness to make it

Save me

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What training should a man do to improve his heart's health and lower the BPM?

I'm quite muscular and have never been overweight, but I just recently quit smoking.
I know it's cardio, but what kind of cardio? Low intensity? HIIT? Both?

>count for 10 sec and multiply by 6
great approach you brainlet, because 10x6 is actually 60, perfect results expected
but still, why don't you do 3 sec and multiply by 20?


Count to 300 and divide by 5.

Heavy smoker for over 15 years.


But I do cardio 5 days a week, shouldn't it be lower?

>count pulses for 10 seconds multiply by 6
And get highly inaccurate results in 90% of the cases.

Just count for a full minute.


count to 0.2 and multiply by 300

53, had it tested at the doc's office a few days ago. Incidentally, she was mirin'.

>72kg 180cm 23yrs around 14% bf
>cardio 4x/week
>88 BPM
What do brethren? Am I dead yet?

Stop smoking

I only smoke occasionally, that can't really be it, right?

Not sure what is going on.
My resting Hbpm is 35-45 and I'm not athletic at all.
How bad is this?

as bad as your measuring

>complaining about thots in yoga pants

and I stopped smoking 3 weeks ago and it's the same Hbpm

I realise that, I know I'm a fat lazy fuck but I am trying to change and improve, thanks for the based words user


>Body size: Body size usually doesn’t change pulse. If you’re very obese, you might see a higher resting pulse than normal, but usually not more than 100.

????? they deserve much higher!

same bro

144 here
Lmao @ heartbeatlets

66 But I am drinking coffee and smoking weed both which raise your heart rate.

I'm just going on a bit of bro-science here but if you treat the heart as any other muscle in your body then the answer is "both".

You got time under tension, high volume, hypertrophy. And then your 5x5 strong lift HIIT.

I guess the most important thing is to be consistent in working out your heart.

I've read a study some time ago, I'll try to find it, results was that even slow pace constant movement can make significant difference. E.g. walking 3km to/from work etc, not even actual exercising

I want that ass on my face

HIIT isn't even that good for the heart

Get those 10.000 daily steps out the way, or do medium intensity cardio at most

42. The nurse was amazed when she took it. Heartrate mires are best

Oh yeah.
More activity overall is more important and healthier in the long run then the hardcore 0 - 1000kmh workouts.

Consistency, daily practice, and being more active physically and mentally is the key to long life and mental and physical health.

Hardcore exercise is a hobby and way to make you able to overcome things in life. But it does not give you a longer life if you look at it objectively.

108 brahs. I just started getting Jow Forums (been 300+ lbs forever). I feel disgusting.

if ur afraid of heart disease u can either go vegan, or u can keep being scared like a bitch.

50-59. I'm 40. Cardio twice a week. Healthy but broken heart.

actually fitness related thread going into shit because some faggots create threads about how to get blowjob and how to stop crying over my ex

kys everyone

or i can not be a retard and do cardio a couple times a week. lmao

overtraining leads to higher hart rate

where my sniffposters at?

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Oh yes, heart hypertrophy is clearly the goal...

>tfw 30yr old 110kg fatfuck at 5'10" who just quit smoking
I guess I'm not quite as close to death as I thought

mine is 78. i do no cardio and still think my cardio blows major dick.

oh shit wait a minute, im kind of hopped up on coffee right now so i guess ill have to do this again later. but my cardio still shit.

I just had a cig and im on my 2nd beer, 96

Obese race reporting in, been lifting and doing cardio for some months now

>70 bpm

Am I gonna die?

what the fuck mine is 102 I'm ottermode

running lots brought my rhr down a lot. kinda interesting that just lifting lots brought rhr up on average. i think recovery must be a bitch.

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count to 1E-30 and multiply by 6E31

10x6 is what they teach first responders so they're not wasting to much time to begin first aid

if that's accurate enough for EMT's to gauge whether a patients gone critical then is its more than enough for a fucking Tasmanian Dutch rudder image board

I-is this bad?

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>put finger on carotid artery
>cant feel pulse
>same with the one on the wrist

im not fat so wtf?
am I dead?

60 exact as well. But I just got home and have been up and about cooking so my “Resting” would be lower I guess

I'm at around 65 but my blood pressure was 110/58 which the nurse said was good.

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try the brachial artery under the arm between the bicep and tricep

have never done cardio in my life


53bpm, used to get 49 when I played waterpolo.

66 by the 6x method.

All dat fatburner cardio is paying off.

I'm /fat/ by the way. But I do allot of cardio.

Lmao just did it again and got 50

Winter hibernation? That's what indoor cardio machine are for faget.

That's exceptionally good

Mine was, for a time, 57 per my fitbit. Been doing loads of cardio, down 16 lbs, and now I'm at 62 resting. Y?

6'2" 234 lbs

>When your Heart BPM is 54 but you suck dick at cardio.

My RHR is 60 and I swim ~1000 meters a day

mine is 52

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Interesting. When this board's name officially changed a few years ago, I figured that it was because what you all really care about, deep down inside, is not good health as-such, but simply looking good naked.

t. saw the thread on the front page

Even my heart thinks I'm dyel

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if you have samsung go to app samsung health. It can measure heart rate.

resting 70-80

can be resting at 100bpm some days if stressed

48. former college xc/track runner, used to be mid-30's when I was in really good shape.

70 bpm and im a complete fat fuck fite me

Mine's 60 and I'm 6'5
That's like saying "Yeah I can't squat cuz tall xd" shit excuse

72 but i'm fat

mine is 60 and I do almost zero cardio, should I try to get it lower by doing cardio?

>he still has BPM
>he hasn't embraced the life of undeath and unending gains yet

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Be serious with me here Jow Forums, how high is too high to where I should actually be concerned?

90+ is red alert

235 lbs
27 years old
Heavy smoker
just drank 4 big cups of coffee (no sugar)

84 BPM
Am i fucked?

>feel heart rate
>feels fast as fuck, get super nervous
>measure it 3 times, average 59 BPM
I guess I just don't mentally know how long a second is. Feel pretty good now desu.

60 here, how high is too high during extended cardio (over 1 hour)? trying to avoid damaging myself longterm.