Why do qt boys never ask me to spot them in the gym...

why do qt boys never ask me to spot them in the gym? i'm not super strong but you only need the spotter to lift the last few pounds or so if you fail. why do they bypass me and ask other guys who might be further away from them or even busier looking than me?

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Because then you would look like some faggot showing off rather than a guy whos there to work out.

Because women in the gym are usually just there to flex
It's Stacy and her wingwoman with a worse ass going around trying to catch mires
A woman alone is fishy, seems desperate
[spoiler] like I am in the first place[/spoiler]

i'm not a stacey. i'm just a 24yo femanon tryin' get fit and make friends especially with qt boys who can introduce me to other qt boys

Yesterday someone posted a pic of what looked to be feminine Titus from ffx but irl. I wanna know who this person is, so that I may shamefully fap to their pics

fuckin can't stand thots, lads

>qt boys who can introduce me to other qt boys

Fuck off, thot. I'd never introduce you to anyone. It's me or nothing. Go die.

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This desu

Chad will be more than happy to flex for you, but if you want actual game beyond a one night stand you'll have to endure plenty of "y-you too"s

What's more pathetic a sloot who can't get laid or a guy pretending to be a sloot who can't get laid?

A faggot pretending to be a sloot to get laid

But what if I'm a faggot pretending to be a sloot who is only pretending to get laid?

clearly you don't get laid

I literally don't look at talk to or acknowledge woman's existence anymore not just in the gym but even outside I try not to look at them. One day I feel I'm gonna snap and start dry humping one while she is mid set on the Smith machine...

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I look at women in the gym all the time. I'm pretty sure some of the regulars know and like it. To bad my social skills are garbage.


It didnt fucking work kill me

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Alt255 nibba

Thanks freindo

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Men prefer the company of other men when matters of reproduction are not concerned.

Also, Chad doesn't care about you and everyone else doesn't want you blowing your rape whistle.

I'm at the gym to workout, not to hit on girls. I will feel like a creep if I hit on girls

>"But it's just a spot. You don't have to hit on her"
The only thing that is going through my head if a girl spots me is how I could possibly get in her pants. That's it

My motives are not genuine if I ask you to spot me. Therefore, if I am at the gym for the right reasons, I will be asking men to spot me

I'm sure you're a nice girl. And you're very pretty. But I'm only going to be thinking of one thing if I start talking to you, even if I'm acting like it's just a spot

I don't trust women when it comes to benching.
Almost every time I train chest, I ask for a spotter during my final set because I like to maximise strength gains.

I don't ask girls because I genuinely believe most of them would have no clue what to do. Also, guys motivate you more by shouting at you and leveraging their balls in your face

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If I need a spot I'm not gonna risk my well being on the off chance that you're stronger than you look.

If I need a spot in finding the biggest guy I can or whoever is lifting the most shit.

Because you are useless as a spot, a roastie, and a thot.

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I'd rather have the bar fall on my chest and suffocate me than have a woman spot me

actually, unironically, this

Now THIS is shitposting

Last two times I asked a girl to spot me, they stood there with the hands clutched over their chests and hyperventilated while I was trying to get my last rep done and calling for them.

I dont doubt youre strong enough to give that tiny extra boost needed foe the last rep. I only doubt that you will have the presence of mind to do it.

>a couple dudes have asked me for a spot in the past month
am i making it, Jow Forums?

The first sentence times 10

sorry girl but we just don't care about you at all except to bear our children

>trusting your life to a roastie
Because they have common sense

Unless you're a confident person it's awkward to ask, especially when you're focused on a lift. Also, most gym bros I know will leave women alone in the gym entirely (ironic right?) because they don't want to be considered creepy.

found the virgin

>Jow Forums still counts the bar
You guys are such faggots. Never gonna make it.

Men getting girls to spot them makes it look like they're trying to impress the girl, which is just lame.

Plus men spotting men is just the right way to go because
-no sexual tension messing with your concentration
-Men are more competent with this kind of thing because:
-They're stronger and aren't disgracted by the gender imbalance
-they can actually do the lifts they're spotting someone else for, and therefor understand what you're going through, recognise when things are going wrong and know exactly when and how to help

I had a girl on the desk I'm friends with spot me once, they just don't get it. They see all that weight and freak out because they don't understand how anyone can lift more than 1pl8

So, I'm on my last rep and it's only 1.75 pl8 and start to stall halfway back up. So what does she do? Pulls the bar not up, but mostly sideways back over my damn head. Nearly made me drop the damn thing, the adrenaline surge helped me alright, yanked it back down and over my chest then straight back in an instant.

Tldr-don't get anyone to spot you who can't do the lift themselves. Otherwise they don't understand it.

Simple, lifting turns you gay or makes you ignore women completely.

My bro science theory is that my body now craves testosterone. As I achieved my muscle-god physique. I noticed an increased desire for twink pussy and balls.

Now, all I can think about are twink balls smothering my face.

Why don't you ask them to spot you?

Far from it.

Why would I ask for a woman to help me lift?
Do you ask advice from your husband when you want to buy makeup?

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Alpha as fuck

>i'm just a 24yo femanon tryin' get fit and make friends especially with qt boys who can introduce me to other qt boys
>implying I won't just keep the qt boys for myself


why dont you just ask them for a spot?

Because u a thot

>i'm not super strong but you only need the spotter to lift the last few pounds or so if you fail
Thank fucking christ you haven't been able to spot anyone if you think that's what a spotter does

>ask for spotter
>say its just in case as its my last set and i'll say if I need them
>they instantly assist with the lift the moment I lag even slightly and I have to tell them to stop touching it

99% of people are shit spotters because they don't know about actually expending effort or are all about ego lifting and think weight is inherently unmanageable solo.

Some dude asked me to spot once on bench and then got annoyed because I wasn't basically rowing it off his chest every rep.

nice larp faggot get in the chamber


You should b a scientist

Are you me?
Literally the same boat.

I still admire them for their beauty, but never in public unless it's to establish presence. Like, maybe from a high structure at a window or something while taking a break from walking around or something and catching them all walking around, walking underneath the building where I am so I can see right down their shirts, etc..

But yeah, I feel you. I do the same. Only thing is, most people see that kind avoidance as a strong signal for attention.
Fuck people, amirite?


i sweat profusely
so i don't feel self conscious being in the gym, i would feel self conscious approaching anyone for interaction if they didnt break the ice.

i want to talk to the gym qts, but don't want to gross anyone out

i'm afraid of raping you by accidentally looking at you
or insinuating you're not attractive by treating you like someone who goes to the gym to workout

how much are you expecting your spotter to lift?

why would i ask the woman who is most likely objectively weaker than the skinniest guy in the gym to spot me?

Tits or GTFO (Boipuci also acceptable).