/fraud/ cuties with booties edition

Steroids make you incapable of making a new thread apparently.

Read all of:
before even thinking about asking your absolutely retarded questions. Also, include:
>time spent lifting

Even as internet doctors we can't tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are awesome and you're awesome for considering them.


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Taking both 50mg test cyp a week and 250iu HCG twice a week for trt. Test levels are around 1300 but my fucking e2 is jacked to 80. I have a bunch of asin and armidex on hand. Have been taking .5mg armidex ~12 hours after pinning or 12.5 mg asin at the same time but shit isn't working.

How much do I need to take to get this fucking shit down. I'm tired of my dick not working

Even as internet doctors we can't tell you how to dose your AI.

Are you a fatty? Otherwise 6.25mg e3d is a lot even for that dose

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>absolutely no source talk
Now where'd this come from? I don't recall frauds ever being cowardly sissy faggots.

Bunk AI has been going around socal. maybe you got a batch?


You're better off just compiling info on PCT from stuff you find through google, very unlikely to get sound info here these days.
A consequence of the smart people finding better things to do and only retards remaining.

>asking about AI
yeah you really shouldn't be posting this kind of stuff lmao

Glossed over the AI part, point still stands.
He could either google it and look around other places or do if charisma is maxxed out, ask a doctor.
Neither of which is suggested by that retarded shrug statement.

I do not understand how oral only cycles are awesome. You are suppressing your main male hormone... That's one thing that reddit taught me was how downs oral only cycles are. If you can not pin yourself why even take steroids. Sounds like some beta shit right there...

no the point doesn't fucking stand because he didn't ask anything related to pct and you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about

its a joke

Does masT deadlift? I know Bimbo doesnt.

imagine the smell

The whole region between where I last pinned on my right glute and my tailbone is absolutely killing me
Did I hit a nerve or do something even worse?

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where2get girls like that?


Give me a single reason to to buy my gf some "multivitamins" and swap them out with 10mg anavar. She is 95 lbs and doesn't life, very lean. She'd look ripped after 4 weeks of anavar without touching a weight.

Stop posting the same shit and buy your anavar. Get a trip and blogpost about how your gf fuck your ass btw

If you're sure she won't find out or won't shank you in your sleep if she does, go for it.
Var has little side effects for women.

hmmm maybe I should just be honest with her idk

Brought it up with my lady and she was all for it. Anything that promises a better ass and libido usually entices most ladies.

>been on 400mg/day DNP for 21 days
>Sweating like a fucking pig
>Feeling the burn
>Did the burn test and it explodes everywhere
>Eating under TDEE
>Nothing lost weight wise or waist width wise

Whut do?
I've heard it can cause massive water holding/water retention, could that be the issue?
Stopping tonight and going to see what a week getting it out of my system will do.

Any other NEET alphas here?

>lift whenever I want
>get plenty of sleep
>ample time to prepare incredible hot meals any time I get hungry

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Yes, you won't be able to tell the weight loss while on it unless you have stuff keeping down water retention.
This was me until 2 months ago. Had a solid 5 months of just training eating and sleeping.

What about $$$?


Oh yeah, keep forgetting that's a thing

I was on terminal leave from mil, so I got quite a bit at the end.

> Alpha while being a NEET

Failure of society, more like.

>doesn't understand sarcasm
found the legitimate autist

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jelly wagecuck

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So I was going to start pinning some melanotan II after my dnp cut but since its supposed to suppress appetite would starting it a couple weeks early be a good idea? I'm very familiar with DNP but never ran melanotan so IDK what to expect; would I feel extra shitty combining them?

Is it worth taking DNP just to get leaner?
I'm a DYEL right now at 6 foot 175 18% but I just want to have an ottermode body desu.

I don't think I'd become fatter after cutting because all of my bodyfat is from being fat in the past. Since I started training I have only gotten leaner, I just want to speed up the process.


Is sublingually absorbing Test E a thing? I've read about it and am curious if it would do anything.

>i really respect your unemployed mooching

said no woman or man, ever

>this level of cope
absolutely pathetic

you won't have an ottormode body, you will look like a skelly retard. If you were like 10% at 175 maybe, but just dropping 10-20lb isn't going to make you look any better. Either do natty or just run a cycle.

I got into juicing because I wanted to run DNP but everywhere I asked there were guys blasting tren for 2 years straight that were too scared to touch DNP so I thought fuck it, might as well.

>sublingually absorbing Test E a thing?
w...why though? You can probably do it for a minuscule amount but you can probably snort test raws with the same effect

Honestly I'm just curious about the sublingual absorption, don't plan on juicing any time soon.

Pics of physique?
Surely there's a way to mitigate the muscle loss while on DNP. I haven't used it to be frank and would only use small amounts (250mg max every 2 nights) but I'm having a hard time believing I would become skelly after taking it, although I could definitely see myself becoming smaller.

Dnp is muscle sparing.

This enrages the wagecuck.

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>there's a way to mitigate the muscle loss while on DNP

Dude thats not the issue. The issue is that at 175lb, 18% and 6ft do you really have much muscle to show off? The weight looks different on everyone but if you diet down to say 160 I can almost guarantee you won't get the look you are looking for. You'll end up looking like the dude from the pic below.

Surprised this shit is still around.

this is the hottest image I've ever seen on the internet

I just want her to leglock me and choke me out while jerking me off

I just want her to pin me down after a long day of lifting barefoot and make me clean her smelly feet with my tongue

I just want her to mount me after a long day of lifting together and tell me I better give her a son or she'll leave me for a higher test male

I've been doing this for about 10 years now. i also study languages so while lifting I learned japanese and chinese. lifesgudman

>You don't want her to sit on your face while she pins your chest for your injection day.

I'd have enough to get a physique like this for sure. Furthermore if I were to slowly eat at a surplus to gain muscle after that it would be significantly more beneficial to do that while being leaner, no?
I'm not enormous but I'm bigger than the people around me (uni student) and I think I'd look pretty good if I were to get leaner desu. That being said I'm not into bodybuilding and only really do bodyweight exercises, so perhaps I'm just a twink, user.

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>175 lbs 18% bf
>I'm bigger than the people around me


trips !

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I legitimately get tons of compliments even though my physique isn't amazing and I have gyno from being a fatass during puberty lmao
I meant to say I'm bigger than most of the people around me but I could always improve.
By no means am I a god of fitness, but I don't want to be either

Then there's no need to take PEDs.

post physique you delusional faggot

Maybe he's not in America where the average uni student is in a fat scooter

You could probably get that look with like a 2-3 week DNP cycle if you run a decent dose. That being said if you went through the trouble of doing the research and finding a source you'll probably be back here in 4-6 months asking about how much AI to run. Where I'm from at least every source suddenly dropped DNP a year or two back because suddenly Interpol started caring.

Also wtf is 250mg every 2 days? try to do ED dosing at least, it will keep the sides more manageable and will give you better results. Just do 250 before bed for 3 weeks and you'll lose your 15lb.

> no need to take PEDs
even the trips on this board don't compete, there is never a need for PEDs

bimbo models/is on screen so that's a wrong post.

I compete in the sport of powerlifting :^)

What are the chances of not having a low sperm count after BnCing for a year.

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>Notice how NONE of their horrifying palumbo/lenny guts are on display
>Just the fuckable rapeable ass and thick thighs.

The reason we can't tell you how to take your ai is we literally can't give you any non-retard level advice. If your estrogen is too high all we can tell you to do is up your dose until it isn't.

>palumbo/lenny guts


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why are girls that lift/play sports so often huge sluts? is it because they have high test or what?

every "sporty" girl I know hangs out with mainly guys and has fucked half of them. want to get my cute nerdy gf into lifting but don't want her to become a cock magnet.

>If your estrogen is too high
Is it noticeable quickly? What does it feel like to jack your estrogen too high? Do you gradually lose your sex drive and get itchy nips, or is it more sudden?

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I'm not in America, no. Probably why even a DYEL like me is seen as big

Relax lmao
Sorry for being not insecure¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is a fair enough response, I guess you're right in what you're saying. I think the biggest reason that this DNP motivates me is because I've lost ~60lbs in the past year while gaining some muscle, but losing the last few is a pain in the ass and I just can't be bothered. I don't think i'll ever get stupidly fat again after seeing the benefits of being fit, plus I don't think I'd take DNP after this anyways. What do I know though, I'm just a kid that's probably going to be back frauding like everyone else when I'm old enough.

Thanks for the helpful response, although I'm kind of worrying you're just telling me what I want to hear. The main reason I said 250 every 2 days is because my source packs 250mg caps, I just realized I could easily split it up myself though lmao. 125mg ED seems a lot safer in that case and having calculated half lives I shouldn't ever go over 400mg in my body at any one time. I'll check calculations again just in case.

Why would I be asking about AI though?

Pic where she's leaning back and not a standing relaxed pic...

>I look better than most people around me
>I wont post physique though


My experience has been the opposite of yours my дpyг. One of us is experiencing confirmation bias, and while it could be me I doubt it.
Try getting her into something that she enjoys, do physical activities with her (hiking, rock climbing, crossfit style workouts, going to the gym if it interests her).
That is of course assuming that you're not LARPing.

depends on what you're pinning. With just TestE I usually notice it over the course of a day

>shouldn't ever go over 400mg in my body at any one time
lol ok

>Why would I be asking about AI though?
the inevitable realization that the people who's look you admire have pounds and pounds of muscle more than you even though they only look marginally bigger.

nah imma enjoy my accounting job so i can get alot of money

I didn't mean to insinuate negativity, just why put yourself through extraordinary stress if you don't have extraordinary demands for yourself?

>With just TestE I usually notice it over the course of a day
Are you saying within a day of your first pin you see increased estrogen symptoms, or 1 random day in your cycle symptoms will begin appearing?

Some guys advocate holding off AI until symptoms begin to appear, because you may not need one. If your body doesn't need it, why introduce other crap to your body? Makes sense in theory to me.

Has anyone tested this, or do ya'll begin taking your AI with your first pin?

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I'm so happy you enjoy your job. I'll take care of your gf while you're working hard to meet the demands of Mr. Shekelberg. Don't you worry at all, I'll treat you gently, just focus hard on your career and remember to work hard!

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NEETposting aside how do you even survive on 500 disability bucks a fortnight when half of that goes straight to rent if you're not living with your parents past the age of 30?

My parents weren't failures so they left their house to me and moved to a retirement home.

What a depressing realization that I hope I never have.
Perhaps I'll consider getting up to 185 and cutting then, since I'm going to do a month of fasting around June, but the 185 would be dirty. Could do 180 clean, fast then see what I think about DNP.
Yeah, I'm gonna do that.
I see what you're saying. I think the biggest thing for me is to stay grounded when it comes to fitness. A lot of the people in popular culture for example are incredibly roided and stupidly shredded. I'm also young so I'm an ignorant, cocky son of a gun too. Maybe it's that.

stop being a little cuck and bulk to 200 then cut to 180

>Has anyone tested this, or do ya'll begin taking your AI with your first pin?

Regardless of your strategy it will take a while for the test to build up so there is no need to do it with the first pin. I would say find some estimates for your dose and start running with the most conservative one.

I don't think you should be running AI on a cruise dose though, that shit has as many health side effects as the actual gear. Seems strange that at only 50mg you have e2 issues but I have literally no knowledge on HCG.

12.5 mg of asin is also a lot to take, I do that EoD when I run 1g of test. Dose asin x2 a week at least but take less, might also help.

how long for accutane to work. getting some pimples on 500/500 deca/test

nothing makes me more proud to be apart of the workforce than this amount of cope
>unless you inherited money there is no reason for you not to work

I didn't say I look better than most people around me though?

ngl user I'm as amazed as you are. My physique isn't god tier and I have gyno but hey I get girls so idc :/

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>nothing makes me more proud to be apart of the workforce

Yes, yes.. very good filthy goyi- err very good young man.

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considering doing 500mg/wk test-e for 16 wks as a beginner cycle. lifting for 1.5 years but still look like shit. will i look noticeably different after 2 cycles with proper PCT?

>I'm bigger than the people around me
>I'm bigger than the people around me
>I'm bigger than the people around me
>I'm bigger than the people around me


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Do you think that applies to all members of society? I don't value a person on their ability to be financially competent as much as their ability to contribute something of value in any form.

what type of food does your mum make for you?
do you get an allowance? jelly af

I retract my previous statements. Maybe don't touch dnp and try working out. Fugg man.

>will i look noticeably different after 2 cycles
nah steroids don't actually work we just take them so when our dick stops working we have an excuse as to why we don't get laid

what will a NEET contribute to society over someone in the workforce?
Not tryna be offensive just curious here

Can't make me butthurt :/
You right though, I can get bigger, but for a first year uni student I'm bigger than at least 80% of other first years. In a year or two I'll probably be the smallest though, so laugh it up then

Art. A good father. Volunteering. Just initial thoughts.

Let's see your physique. I want to see what I should strive for.

>I'm contributing to society by making my Jewish boss money

You're aware you only have a job because you make him much more money than he pays you, right? Your life is LITERALLY defined by how much your Jewish boss can exploit you.

>fair point
>fair point
but for the volunteering wouldn't putting funds into an organization help more to expand reach?

lol he's a fucking SPIC

And what you being a leach is better?

>nah steroids don't actually work we just take them so when our dick stops working we have an excuse as to why we don't get laid

i've looked at a dozen or so before/after photos of first cycles and most of them are very unimpressive. i'm not sure if it's because they're retarded or because 500mg/wk test-e legitimately doesn't so much in a couple cycles.

I take money from Jewish millionaires and spend it on whatever I want while you line their pockets just to be able to pay your bills while he's buying a new yacht.

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Not necessarily. let's also consider the personal accomplishment of giving more than just a handout. There's also the visceral feeling of knowing you did this good work, and who can say how well your money is going to be spent?
Your issue is with late stage capitalism and imperialism if you aren't baiting.

Even worse! I'm a paki!
Now let's see yours.

Steeve Reeves looked good.
But that's because he put in the work and didn't rely on LOYD tier levels of gear to do the work for him.

Well it definitely does a LOT, its just that we've been spoiled by progress pics of guys with good genes blasting a gram of Tren for a year.

Like most things steroids do more for some than for others but no matter how shit your routine, genetics, and diet are you are guaranteed to make better gains with test than without.