Hey Jow Forums. user here, been mostly browsing between 2013 and 2015, because this was the time when I was most interested in learning new stuff about fitness. Back then it was around 50% useful information and 50% shitposts, but this was where I learned about the reliable people in the fitness industry etc, basic stuff about nutrition and training. Anyway, I wanted to start an ask me anything thread, and try to answer any fitness related questions you have as best as I can. My lifting "credentials" are
180kg(400) squat
140kg(315) bench
280kg(620) deadlift (on a texas deadlift bar)
after having lifted for five years(natty). The first year I mostly fucked around so that's 4 years of serious weight training total. Consider the fact that I used to competitively swim for 5 years and do lots of other sports during my childhood too. I am now 22 years old.
Picture is me from today during my cut. I am 193cm(6,3) and currently 88kg(194). Will be bumping with random shit, I'm smoking up so once I'm done I'll quit
5yrs lifting. AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
"Taking this out of the volume thread. For years I noticed that while natural bodybuilders often made no progress in muscle size, powerlifters always do. Always.
Here's why: powerlifting is BASED around adding weight to the bar. It's the explicit point of the sport. You can dick around bodybuilding with squeeze and pump and feel and find guys using the same weight for years.
And I don't care how much volume or frequency or anything else you're doing: adding weight to the bar > EVERYTHING else.
We knew this in the late 70's: PROGRESSIVE TENSION OVERLOAD is THE primary stimulus to growth. Everything else is secondary.
As Dante Trudell put it "Make strength gains in a moderate repetition range and you will grow." The end.
Or as I stated in that thread: find me a big natural bodybuilder who's not strong. Because I can find you thousands of small guys who are weak. And the difference is the last word of each sentence."
> natty
> those delts
nobody wants to ask anything of a nobody faggot. fuck off back to your reddit shit hole, dumb fuck. no bump. kys.
what routine has given you the most gains in
It's hard to say, because I used to be much more motivated about training and nutrition, tracking etc. Back then I ran a Push/Pull/Legs split, and felt that I made great progress. Now I'm running an Upper/Lower split and that's working fine too. I also enjoyed Layne Nortons PHAT. Not his exact excersises, but the distribution in 5 training days. I guess you're on the safe side as long as you work out every muscle group twice a week; for natties, that's the optimal way to make progress. That, and progressive overload in a caloric surplus for optimal hypertrophy gains.
Strength different thing. I feel one should try to excel in the main lifts, but sometimes, your genetics and levers will be heavily limiting your potential. I put 50kg on my deadlift in 3 months by switching to sumo. The leverages were just so much better, but what can you do with long as fuck legs. Anyway, imo, specificity is key. Always made mad DL gains pulling 2-3 times a week, and really getting into it. My squat is shit because I had back problems from squats and basically didnt do the excersise for some 1-2 years. Now I'm slowly getting into it again, squatting twice a week, heavy/light. Nothing fancy atm because I don't care about progress in a cut as much
How do you typically change your training routine when you switch from bulking to cutting?
You'd have to stop something like Smolov, MadCow, or linear progression when you can't gain strength anymore. So how do you change your routine during a cut?
figured your legs were long as fuck with that ratio of squat to deadlift, and deadlift to bench, i'm in the same boat
what kind of calorie surplus are you usually staying in on a bulk?
here, maybe you'll find this interesting to read:
This website is the home of lyle mcdonald, this and his facebook group (bodyrecomposition.com) are great sources for training/nutrition information in general.
is this a troll post? is that David Laid in the pic?
Post cutting routine
Why do you even have to mention it lmao
Fucking degenerate fake natties
You're everything that's wrong with bodybuilding
You're not fooling anyone
im gonna give u a little tip. you need to do neck curls
4 months since I joined the gym.
Today I weighted myself and made pretty much 0 progress in terms of weight loss, which is my main goal.
I'm 180cm a and 84,3kg , my routine would be 1 day chest , 1 day back and 1 day legs. And I'd do about 30-40 minutes of cardio at the end , usually elliptical machine.
Wtf do I need to do in order to lose weight?? I already read the sticky.
You're not fooling anyone Dylan Roof.
I think that's David Laid in the pic. Also maybe that's David Laid's lifting numbers(he should be working out 4-5 years now). Probably a troll post
dude, I honestly dont even change it up. Tension is the most important thing, I try to keep the volume and the intensity as high as I can and when I must, I will probably drop the volume/intensity a little. Right now, I am feeling fine and basically training the same way I did when I was bulking. The only difference is that I'm in a new gym now and can mostly train on machines here, lol. It's pretty great, usually my workouts were very compound-lift heavy, but fuck loading a barbell with 5+plates in a cut. I don't even deadlift, I just do the lowbar squat, since those are mechanically similar excersises. Or at least utilise similar muscle groups while squats obviously put an emphasis on legs.
Post body fagot
Don't make me post any of my lifting videos.
And yes even irl, I have been compared to that guy. I'm taller, but I don't have his titties, fuck him
Here is an interesting study:
so let's all keep lifting for a while longer
How effective would you consider SL 5x5 for newbies
begin with 300-500, then just increase when you stop gaining weight lol
eeh I'm not satisfied with myself either, I just began to think of myself as maybe slowly becoming above average.
OP what do you think will happen if a skinny dyel who never lifted in his life lifts for a year but never bench presses and does OHP twice per week and uses the pec fly and chest press machines?
Eat less
500 kcal at least
nice pin marks on your legs
it's currently too all over the place and heavily relies on the machines I have in my gym, but basically it's Upper/Lower twice a week. On my upper days I do two chest excersises and two excersises for the back, horisontal and vertical, and in addition to at least one of each of those excersises I will do a superset with a different excersise. Like, for example, Incline bench 3x8, then flat "bench machine" 3x12 in superset with chest flys 3x10-15 on a machine for the chest and weighted pullups, rows or some row machine superset with like, pullovers or something. I rarely use supersets for back though. Side raises and some pressing movement for the delts, arms, currently with either supersets or dropsets. Saves time, and lets you do more volume quicker. In fact, I superset most of my shit right now because I don't want to be in the gym for 3hrs. I bench and after my bench set I go and do lat pulldowns
if thats really you then why wouldnt you be satisfied lol
but you need to do neckcurls tho. your neck is proportionally scrawny compared to the rest of your body
so as long as you have like ~80reps-100 reps per traning session (of which you should have 2x a week) for a big muscle group like chest/back and 30-60 for a small one like biceps, triceps, you're on the safe side.
You will make noob gains and will gain anyway, but I'd prefer a program with more overall volume. In general: consider the bodybuilding aspect as well, I feel like a powerlifting plan alone won't make you as healthy, athletic, aesthetic and strong like a well balanced mixed hypertrophy plan would. Different thing if you're only interested in strength gains.
fook off
I don't know, I feel like it could be better. Don't we all filter our own and others problems through our own subjective lens? Besides, I don't think anyone who has been lifting less than 10yrs can be really *satisfied*
And meh, I feel it's not that exaggerated irl. Maybe you're right. I'm lazy
I am not the biggest fan of OHP because it kinda doesn't work as well with super long arms and there is obviously the drawback of your head being in the theoretic straight bar path above your head. But if you feel your front delts well, and enjoy this exercise, I don't think it's such a bad idea, you could make good upper body gains. You obviously need to train back and everything else as well, otherwise you will develop heavy imbalances. Add side raises to that, OHP is really fron delt heavy.
Posting angry Lyle vegetarians rant (he is obviously exaggerating a little bc mad but still pretty much this):
Lyle McDonald: Eating meat works better than putting your thumb in the holes of your shitty diet.
Lyle McDonald: A fucking steak and therapy for the eating disorder.
Lyle McDonald: Brass tacks: NO supplement will be absorbed as well as the nutrients found in meat. Period. This is a band-aid solution to an eating disorder.
Lyle McDonald: Choosing a diet that is deficient in critical nutrients is an eating disorder. It's something rich white people do because they can.
Trivia: vegetarian/vegan diets impair reproductve function.
If you want to choose to fuck yourself up, that is an easting disoder.
Lyle McDonald: And spare me this bullshit; compred to the typical meat based diet, it's superior. We've had this FUCKING discussion 80 times.
An athleteic meat based diet trumps the shitty modern diet and a shitty vegetarian diet.
Lyle McDonald: A"ny context. Typical meat based diet = fatty charred meat, no vegeteable/fruit, no exercise, etc.
A proper meat based diet with fruits veggies, lean, active beats out that diet.
And a fucking fertility, performance, nutrient deficiet (by definition) vegetarian/vegan diet.
Lyle McDonald: Nutrients in animal products are absorbe FAR better than nutrients in non-meat. Many of them. The imprortance ones: iron, B12, zinc, calcium. Period. Chooseing to eat inferior sources of a food is an eating disorder.
Trivia for the day: female athletes commonly show deficiency in
zinc, iron, V12, calcium, Vitamin D and magnesium
Zinc, iron and others are critical for thyroid metabolism and other effects
Calcium and Vitamin D for bone health
Simply putting RED MEAT and DAIRY would fix 5 of the fucking 6.
Don't tell me about your preferences. You either prefer health or you don't and your PREFERENCES do NOT change your biological nutrient requirements.
some more useful sources:
somewhat outdated but in general everything very useful info)
Hello fellow stick calfer.
“Dear dairy hater,
I see you found a couple of studies showing a correlation between dairy and cancer. Good job. If you want to have a study-off, there is plenty of high quality research showing that dairy either reduces or has no effect on CVD and overall cancer incidence:
Most of these are review articles too (so either meta-analyses or systematic reviews looking at ALL the research on a particular topic). It is REALLY important to look at the totality of the evidence on this topic, as you can find an individual study to support anything these days (especially the way some studies are conducted with very poor methodology). So it’s the overall picture the research paints that counts.
My favourite review however has to be the following that looked at ALL the studies on milk and cancer (not just the ones showing negative impacts), and came to this conclusion: “The evidence indicating healthful effects of milk and milk product consumption on prevention of cancers is considerably greater than those representing harmful impacts” - onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Roughly how long did you spend on your beginning program? Like a year or a year and a half?
t. dude doing Stronglifts
ye I don't train those. I'm like frank yang, or something.
Another thing to consider is that most epidemiological studies do not account for confounding factors like alcohol intake, smoking, and physical activity levels that have a HUGE influence on results. For example, that study showing that vegans have the lowest cancer rates, this is likely because vegans actually give half a damn about their health compared to the rest of the pop, and therefore are going to on average be more active, drink less alcohol, smoke less, etc. It is NOT because ‘x’ or ‘y’ that they don’t eat causes cancer. So while some epidemiological studies may show correlation/association, this does NOT always mean causation. Really important to understand this.
To highlight this, if you just look at epidemiological studies, you’ll find that almost anything is associated with cancer! One study (almost mockingly) explored this exact thing, and assessed 50 common ingredients from random recipes in a cookbook, and found that “Associations with cancer risk or benefits have been claimed for most food ingredients. Many single studies highlight implausibly large effects, even though evidence is weak. Effect sizes shrink in meta-analyses.” - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
whats ur fav bicep isolation. been doing hammer curls but can never fucking tell if thats the best for growth
sick body m8
So as you can see, individual studies that are poorly conducted or don’t account for confounding factors should not be used as the sole basis for decision-making on a topic. Always look at ALL the evidence.
And finally, let’s not forget the beneficial effects of dairy on body composition (both muscle gain and fat loss) and metabolic health too:
[ ^ (lyle: It's a shame milk is only for baby calves, given that it's clear that it benefits human physiology so much. ALMOST as if humans adapted to it's consumption or something....) ]
Yeah, exactly around that time. I gained 20kg in my first year of serious lifting, going from 74kg to 92 or smth.
bro, right now, I 100% feel some curl machines the best. But I had 50cm pumped arms with approximately 100kg bw and had those from mainly doing normal curls, so idk what to tell you. Do what feels the best in the target muscle you want to train
Here's the thing and I have said this endlessly: no data hsows that BFR is superior to heavy training. At best equal, takes longer to set up, hurts more. So fuck it unless you're injured and need to reduce joint stress.
Brb getting something to eat, hopefully the tread won't die.
>5 years
>140kg(315) bench
I'm assuming those are your 1 rep max, does it really slow down this much?
I have lifted for 2 years and my 1 rep max is 120kg
No matter how much you post to Jow Forums to >cope,you will always have the worst possible insertions. Your body just looks wrong.
Also, manlet and fraud.
Consider /fa/.
I have long ass arms and had a shoulder injury which made me unable to bench for a while + shitty chest genetics, but yeah, those are 1 rep maxes. Bench was @RPE 8-9 maybe. I feel ike I can get to 170-180 if I focus on it sometime, but it's just overall kind of a shitty exercise in my opinion, I don't think I got much hypertrophy out of flat bench press. I feel like dumbbells or at least incline are better pressing exercises. And yeah, I also know people who lifted for 2yrs a´nd bench as much as me or more :(.
look at his deadlift, there's your answer
his arms are obviously long as fuck, which is going to massacre his bench
he's also lean as fuck, which does not help bench or squat
Sorry overlooked your post. You need to restrict your calories even more or see that you burn more energy. Try walking that short distance from the bus to the underground or take the stairs up and not the elevator. Small things like these pile up too.
>those fucking shoulders
Why faggots ruin themselves like this, I'll never know
post a pic where you hold a measuring tape up to your body.
why do you look like a manlet and not like you're 6'3 at all, can someone explain this sorcery
ok so first of all that's not nice and secondly, what are you implying? These are heavily posed pictures under really good lightning, most with a pump as well. The reality is even bleaker und less impressive than the pictures.
dude sorry, it's 3:40 am where I'm at, I really can't be fucked. But yeah I'm a bigger dude, that was my motivation to start lifting and gain weight too, because I was so tall and lanky.
probably angles. dude near me in the picture is 197cm tall
Are u half asian, u look like me if i was on test
Op tell us how you got those delta or btfo
i reckon you'd look better if you got a haircut.
>dude sorry, it's 3:40 am where I'm at, I really can't be fucked. But yeah I'm a bigger dude, that was my motivation to start lifting and gain weight too, because I was so tall and lanky.
Dude you are not natty
The bench is almost at your knee. Someone do a laser image sorcery to determine manlet status.
Hey OP, wanted to ask what you did when you couldn't squat. Recovering from a back injury myself and while I can deadlift fine apparently squatting impedes my recovery. The rest of my routine is pretty standard strength stuff with a few accessories. I usually didn't do anything to target the legs specifically though.
You are probably right. I don't know what's going on with that hair. I can't seem to find the right haircut, but's it's currently (at least) working for me.
side raises (keep constant tension on the muscle and don't go over 90 degrees, I prefer even less), some push excersise like OHP, but even incline bench press + fron raise variation will do it. Do that for a few years while getting stronger in these excersises and you will see what your delts are capable of. Delts recover quickly as a muscle group, so you can even consider training them 3x a week if you want to put a focus on that. And I must admit, some of the most aesthetic muscles.
Yea I am. I am a law student. lifting is just a hobby. Will do TRT in the future though when my test starts going down
here is me with rod stewart
nah man. Russian living in Austria.
What is the rep range for best hypertrophy?
>its probably just because they're more health conscious than meat eaters.
Not very scientific.
Also do we Need milk really?
What do you know of dioxins?
Appreciate your time lad
very feminine face
bet you can pull 14 year olds fairly easily but a real woman would want someone more masculine
Sorry, 6'1 is under the new manlet cutoff. Please locate your nearest pit for learning.
My goal bod except with bigger chest.
man, why are manlets always so salty. Why casn't you believe that I just have almost the perfect male height for lifting and overall aesthetics - 6'3? zzz
Anything between 5-20 has it's uses in a hypertrophy program. Mostly you want to do a moderately heavy set with not too few reps, so maybe as a blanket statement 8-12.
Simple leg presses, the pit shark (back then), leg curls and leg extensions. Just work the muscle, your strength gains will come back quickly if you don't lose any muscle mass while recovering.
nice numbers
need is a broad term
it works. I can fuck anything below an 8 in a blink of an eye, but after a while, it loses the novelty. Be attractive to many women, but try to chose one. I keep telling myself that, and then I end up fucking some whore again
thanks senpai, chest and legs are definitely weaknesses. My arms are probably my strongest side.
Probably because you're no taller than 6'1. Feel free to prove me wrong though.
holy fucking goal body
his insertions? wtf look at his long ass bicep that is GOAT insertions you jelly SS dyel
You know exactly how tall eleiko lifting plates are, right? Or if not, look it up. Well here is my body in proportion to them
You won't look like me man, because everyone has different muscle insertions and genetics in general, but if you stay at it for a while you will realize your own version of having "made it"
D-do you have gf?
last gf was lotsa trouble, but I got to know her when I was (apparently) mentally retarded, which made me ignore lots of red flags. Now I'm a little scared of commitment. I also don't go out alot, so learning to know different people is really hard. Interesting thing I noticed over the years of using tinder -
this article is absolutely correct, women follow the paredo distribution on dating websites etc. I used to get ~70-140 likes (when not so cut, worse pictures) while I got 400+ since january 2018 now. T-thots r-right
(I only met 3 of them because not interested)
do you have a gf user?
>pic related
anyway I will be going to bed soon, I posted some useful stuff so I hope somebody finds something helpful for them
thanks user :)
Question from a novice/intermediate:
How do you fit enough exercises to adequately train each muscle group into a 3 day/week full body strength training program?
I am currently doing a variation of ICF 5x5 where I removed hyperextensions and added incline bench and calf raises. Problem is, by the time I get to incline bench I'm fatigued af and not able to lift heavy on it. My workouts are like 90 minutes in length and I know that this is probably too long, but I really want to include enough exercises to train all muscle groups.
What's the solution? I can spread my training out over more days but I feel like this kind of ruins the whole concept of 3 full body sessions/week.
I know you said you are natty, but what supplements do you use and what have you used in the past?
have you ever used dmp?
I mean, you spent 5 years to transform your arms into what look like tumor encrusted veiny penises. You've got a face like an angsty gay k-pop star and the hair of a 12 year old. You should probably have done something constructive rather than waste 5 years.
>Claiming natty on a Zimbabwean Kite Flying Forum
See, you're making insinuations but the fact is that his build just isn't fucking attractive and his numbers are nothing amazing either. He looks like a school shooter on steroids.
holy shit how mad ahahaha
Timestamp please.
Also, what are your thoughts on beginner programs like SS or GSLP? They get a lot of shit around here, but sometimes its difficult to tell how much of that is a meme and how much is serious.
Dude is attractive and has a great body. You're just jealous.
sharing the same board with this kind of cope makes me want to leave this place for good
Yeah, timestamp you faggot.
Jow Forums (or any board for that matter) is only worth browsing if you're willing to sift through a lot of shit to find the occasional golden nugget.
Jow Forums is and always will be a place full of introverts, the majority of whom are low-quality (in the Jungian sense) introverts lacking in social skills, self-awareness and the capability for introspection. In short, betas.
Why makes you say that as a fact, what is wrong with his body?
If I had to guess, you just don't like the fact that he made an AMA thread.. if he came across as more humble you probably wouldn't be saying shit
Man, those dudes are getting mogged into the fucking ground. Good shit, OP.
no joke, fucking mog/10
Not fooling anyone OP. Clearly just juice and curls.
your delts and vascularity dont look naty, whats your delt routine?
ITT a bunch of fags that want to jump OP's britches but hide their faggotness with jealous posts
why the fuck are you lying about being natty? it's really fucking obvious you're juicing
Post them you faggot.
>inb4 you don't
i wouldn't say it's very obvious, the only thing that doesn't look natty are the delts.
Tris as well
that's what's making it bleedingly obvious.
>larp makes this ama /soc/-tier reddit-tier thread
>posts a bunch of old pictures, possibly stolen from normiebook
>no timestamp
>no pics doing what anons want him to
>anons not even demanding freaky shit just him with tape
Fucking hell it's a frauder and a larper. Just fucking admit that you're larping, OP
>It's hard to say because when you're on gear everything just works lmao
>it works. I can fuck anything below an 8 in a blink of an eye,
wow, we're all getting a lot of useful knowledge out of this AMA
>Not recalculating tdee
>Not doing hiit
> shit bro split routine
Ask me how i know you didnt read the stickie lardbrain
shopped or real?
neck and wrists vs. body looks so fucking weird
truly awful
I think it's real.
I am surprised how bad he looks, you can tell with all the roids in the world this guy would get laughed at on the Olympia stage. Terrible proportions
Stop acting up little shit