Is computer science --> MBA a high test career path?

Is computer science --> MBA a high test career path?

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Do you have any genuine interest in those fields? Being alpha means following your passion not selling your soul for wagebux

If you can get a cs degree an mba will be a total waste of time and money unless you get into somewhere like Harvard (mba's are for networking)


>Jow Forums

t. getting a computer science degree

I've met very few well adjusted computer science majors. Sure you can make a little bit of cash but that's it.

aren't you competing with millions of pajeets from india who'll program for next to nothing?

Care to explain?

Hence the MBA after 4 years

>its another "everyone on Jow Forums is a computer science/engineering/business/doctor/MBA making 12 figures" thread

t. Buttmad neet incel

Why even do CS at all then? Why not do something business related?

Because CS would offer better pay out the gate

Honestly he’s better off asking here than Jow Forums

Ok ur a confirmed retard. Go electrical engineering then mba if that's your reasoning.

Just because you googled the median or average starting pay some degrees doesn’t mean SHIT. How much you earn depends on who you know, how you interview, and a thousand other factors.

my wife is getting a computer engineering degree so if she can one up you that's not very alpha


Don't MESS up COLLEGE. Find what is in demand with projected growths Bureau of Labor and Stats. Find highest paying majors. Then pick one off the list you enjoy the most. Stay the fuck away from low substance majors.

>not doing both computer science and a humanities major

being a badass is a high test career path
if you can't do that in whatever field you want you don't deserve it

Its an alright career path. I make like 90k a year after 2 years with good benefits and a very flexible schedule(can work at home). I hope to make more soon.

just a reminder Jow Forums is a very real board
do people actually not know about it?

>Paying money to school, instead of learn on your own online

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>falling for the 'learning it online is the same as formal education' meme

I can literally detect your poverty through the screen

>Engineering pays $500 more than computer science
>You are a retard for going CS
pic very related

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>fucking around on the internet instead of actually following a normal career path


How is the debt payments coming?

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i guess you wanted a real high test career path
that would probably be some i-banking or actuarial gig
or become an astronaut, that works too

Lmao no.

Medicine is the only fit career path. All the young male doctors are 6'1 and fit, even the changs and pajeets.

It isn't a bad option, to be honest. Code for a while, become an engineering lead, then director, then do the MBA (ideally company-paid) as you move into a VP of Engineering/VP of Development role. Companies badly need people who have the mild autism necessary to communicate with engineers while being comfortable enough with the business side of things to brief senior leadership.

Do note that depending on your undergrad courses and MBA program, they may joo you into taking several "foundational" accounting and finance courses before they let you take proper, credit-granting MBA classes.

t. Stats undergrad -> MBA -> Director of Product Development at an IB.

I don't have any student debt. How does it feel to make 4 figures, fucko?

That's essentially my plan.

Currently a software developer. Have a good business sense though, but would need to work on my extroversion, to cut it in a management or senior role.

Alternatively I'm stashing as much money as I can into stocks so I can retire at 50.

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>thinking high test guys even have careers
never gonna make it

no lmao
mba and bs in cs pay is comparable. id argue theres more outliers on the high end of pay for mba but its not like thats difficult to achieve with cs. studying business is for branlets who are too afraid of learning anything but soft skills. yeah we get it your schools offering some fast track or concurrent program you autist go study business and spend your money learning nothing.

No. Lumber jack, athlete, soldier, rancher, factory worker, diesel mechanic, carpenter (Arnie did it)... That's high test.

Sitting your butt on a computer, LOW TEST

Caring about how "high test" something is ABYSMAL SUB-WOMAN LOW TEST.

Rich parents, parents in debt, shit degree, or no degree at all.

>middle class
>no debt
>biochem bachelor's
>applied physics master's

Now I'm an engineer. Stay in school kiddos, it's not a meme.

I'm about to graduate with my bachelor's in software engineering. Don't fall for the MBA meme. I know plenty of CS people with good paying jobs right out of college.

This. Cs is a waste of time unless you know the right people

>work on my extroversion
you can't work on this. You either have it or you don't. Just learn to live with the skills you have and what you are bgest suited for.

This faggot gets it. Bachelor's in mech eng. Emphasis in biomedicine, and a minor in accounting. Once this shit is out of the way I'm on to my MBA best part is my wage cuck job foots the bill on all of it

why the fuck is this on fit

Incorrect. I've become way more extroverted over the course of college. Went from shut in to going out and getting along with strangers fine on the regular.

You don't need to be a chatty bastard, just able to get along and converse with people. I'm definitely on the more extroverted side as far as a software engineer goes, just not salesman or manager level yet. Senior management with a technical background is highly valued so it's worth working on.

>useless majors

lmaoo you worked hard to get outearned by finance niggers lmaooo

social skills =/= extraversion

Wrong. Social skills are very learnable. This myth that you’ve got it or you don’t fucks so many young guys up.

Ah, but it enforces a class system that is lucrative for certain parties and makes men desperate to buy things and even go so far as to ruin themselves with porn.

>come to fitness discussion board
>top thread is discussing why computer science is the best school major
>everyone making 6 figures at 22 on computers/engineering working from home while also pretending to be jacked alpha studs who fuck hot girls

Call it whatever you want lol

Does that make you upset? CS has gone quasi-mainstream and full of Brads.

It is two different things, ignoramus. Being able to hold a conversation and getting energized in groups not the same.


>actuarial gig

My man, crazy how nobody seems to know about actuaries. Will be trying to do this after my CPA

Stfu u poverty ridden moron

Who said I wasn't getting better at both dumbass

reread what I posted

>Who said I wasn't getting better at both
You aren't. Extraversion is part of your personality with is influenced upbringing and genetics.

I am. I went from not enjoying social events to enjoying them, even preferring them to what I used to do (mostly play video games). You are wrong. Sorry lol

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Then you were extroverted and felt insecure/embarrassed beforehand

MBA is a waste of time unless you plan on starting a business and not programming. Even then it's probably a waste of time. Do one or the other.

> Cs is a waste of time unless you know the right people

not really.

> aren't you competing with millions of pajeets from india who'll program for next to nothing?

Programming is not something you can just throw cheap labor at and get worthwhile results. Offshoring to india will inevitably get you cheap, buggy garbage that costs more in the long run due to lost productivity than if you were to have good, expensive engineers to do it.

Software companies have very little material expenses, no manufacturing cost, and can distribute their product to everyone in the world instantly. Fast, exponential growth is why there's so much money in tech, and it's absolutely worth it to spend top dollar for the best talent. There's a huge demand and little supply for good engineers.

t. software engineer whose w2 listed 219k in 2017

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Wow you must be some kind of PhD psychologist to be speaking so definiteively on the subject.

Seems I am right...

Bachelors in CS, minor in business reporting in.

Can make good money programming but it's a pretty beta path in life. Almost every programmer I work with is a huge fucking beta even though they pull down 6 figures. Decided I didn't want to be a code monkey and started my own tech business. 400k salary last year and looking to sell for a few mil soon. It's a good combo for being a tech entrepreneur. Don't be a code monkey it's a sad life.

You're competing against Asians and Indians with cystic acne who spent 10 hours a day studying instead of having any kind of fun. No matter what you study remember that everything is a competition and degree=/=employment. Either pursue something you really give a shit about so you're motivated to be better than everyone else or go into something that is low saturation with medium/high demand

CS is literally one of the most soyboy career paths that there is. CS was a manly domain 25 years ago, but it's long since been overrun by bureaucracy. You will be a literally code monkey in a pen with other monkeys. You'll spend your life helping companies advertise, essentially. If you like computers and programming, get an engineering degree. Most engineers have to teach themselves to program for various reasons, and it doesn't take a college degree to figure it out. Don't waste your (my) money, OP.

I went from a steady INTJ to 50/50 I/ENTJ according to MBTI.

You're being too absolutist. You said yourself that it can be influenced by upbringing, that alone contradicts your assertion that it is predetermined. It's on a spectrum and you can influence it with work and training.

>I went 16 personalities and answered questions to fit my cognitive bias

If youre gonna go MBA at least BS in EE or ME.

>falling for the 'learning it online is the same as formal education' meme
>falling for the college meme
Its all hopeless

The only good thing about CS is that it's hard to get into

Post ur stats or stop talking. I make more money than all my friends in finance.

Computer science won’t actually teach you anything about how to handle/process big data like you’d need for an MBA related practice. Bioinformatics major here, I can basically anything with my degree and as part of a 4+1 masters program I’ll have an advanced degree for a portion of the price and will likely get scooped by some big tech/media company since applied data processesing majors are very rare and in very high demand because of their versatility.

Was as perfectly objective as possible and took separate tests to make sure I wasn't fulfilling bias. There is nothing rewarding about lying on an MBTI, if you understand that you can approach it accurately.

You're a bioinformatics major and yet know so much about how much CS covers big data and data analytics

They really do teach you everything!

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>Comp Sci major
>Going to make 26/h over the next two years while finishing school
>Will likely end up in employment with said company
>No shortage of Comp Sci jobs
Make sure you like it tho.

>MBA is a waste of time unless you plan on starting a business and not programming. Even then it's probably a waste of time. Do one or the other.

This is plain wrong, if you want to get medium to high level management in any decently large company this is often a requirement.

If you haven't had braces, get them. This is what the girl on the right looks like when smiling.

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how do I go from literal schmuck to making 219k in 5 years?

holy shit, minus 2 points

I was a bioinformatics major and fortunately went to medical school after graduation. It's a fucking useless major.

get a bachelors and masters in CS from a good college, do 1.5 years of internships, and be good at what you do.

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Short VIX

well I'm already out of college with a CS degree from a shitty school, and bad at what I do, with no chance of getting a masters from a good school. I guess I missed that boat like every other one.

MBAs are cancer and they are destroying businesses across the country. Fuck efficiency

If you've already got a foundation, you can get better by yourself. There are so many resources available.

Also, you have to be willing to move for a good job. Apply all over, you'll get something.

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Are you implying that someone who is doing something that they are genuinely interested in is destined for failure compared to someone who goes into a bloated field that they have no interest in and doing it for the money?

Someone who actually picked to learn what they love will find success simply because they'll be outstanding in their field while you'll never advance beyond the lowest tiers because you'll hate yourself for picking that career.

Lmaoing at your life rn

I'm already making 60k in a pretty low taxed area, so I'm not rock bottom or anything. Just wish I could hit rock top like some of these kids making 200k.

I live in CA because I love CA, but it does have high taxes and cost of living. Try texas.

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ever crossed on your mind somebody lies at 4 fucking chan about their salary :) median salary of Jow Forums is 400k at least

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Anybody making 200k who is not management is in SF/NYC

there are few companies paying 200k for kids. even the best payers

This is from my 2017 return

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>gross income

is the government run by roasties?

good 4 u mr "internship" lol

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Learn math.