
How the fuck do I cure this Jow Forums? I have a BMI of 20 and yet I have a fucking gut that sticks out. After I have a meal it looks like I'm packing a fucking balloon under there.

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Visceral fat and gut dysbiosis. Stop eating high-carb garbage, do a bit of cardio, and it will go away.

Get into cardio

Start with couch to 5k
Get into biking
Get into swimming
Get into hiking

After 6 months of cardio workouts 3-4 times a week you will be toned as fuck


either bulk then cut or cut then bulk. You wind up at the same point.

The trick is to pick one path, start immediately, and lift along either way

Being a male of this species, you will naturally store fat around your stomach. Just do more cardio/intense workouts, that’s what I did to eliminate my post-winterbulk love handles. If your body starts to break down your muscle instead of the fat and you basically just get uniformally smaller, then do more to make the affected “skinny fat” regions muscular and try to eliminate their prominence by making them by comparison smaller and less significant

What is zinc supposed to do?

Makes you cum thicker loads

>I have a BMI of 20 and yet I have a fucking gut that sticks out

20 is not a low BMI. you're chubby.

zinc is antimicrobial, which might help knock down some of the bacteria in your gut that is causing the bloat. also antimicrobial: apple cider vinegar, berberine, garlic, lauric acid from coconut oil.

not op but fml ty for the reminder ;c

make sure your not having too much anterior pelvic tilt going on and limit the amount of FODMAPS you eat. also cardio breh.

Wont we get super thin
Like im under 140lbs skinny fat at 5'11.5"

just start lifting weights and start to eat better
Litterally will cure your skinnyfat mode

>skinny fat
>have gut sticking out
You're just fat.

>current year

Pick one.

Basically you can do anything you want, but do something.

>After I have a meal it looks like I'm packing a fucking balloon under there.
Doesn't this happen to everyone?

Nah I look like a balloon before meal and then a skeleton after I eat. :o)

>eat slower
>put your fork down between bites
>drink water between bites
>chew more before swallowing
>you're probably over-eating

not true
if you lift, chances are you are at or above 25
im 5'10, 195, 2/3/4/5, yet i have a 33" waist, aka: not fat
BMI is fucking overrated, ABSI is way to go

Just eat clean. Less sauce and portion. Make your not to compromise your taste buds. Listen to your body

I was 225 lbs at 6 ft two years ago, about 3rd of the weight being fat
Now I'm 150 lbs and about to transition into strength training.


I'm in a similar boat, OP. Except I only have a little flab on my stomach, the killer is I have man boobs. Shit is hell, I am training chest 4 times a week and doing 30 mins of cardio every day trying to remedy this shit. Hopefully I see something change.

I have a BMI of 31, I am 6'2 with a 31" waist, bmi is garbage lol

I actually have perfect visceral fat and a belly, I'm bulking so it's fine for me, also not op.

Can you post a pic? I wanna mire what that looks like.

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ahahahhahaha gotta add the .5 because that makes such a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge difference!

>ahahahhahaha gotta add the .5 because that makes such a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge difference!
Lord of the king of manlets


I used to always be bloated constantly and I had no idea why. I started taking a good probiotic (one with a couple billion live cultures) and after soon after the bloat was going down alot.

This guy also knows what else to stack with the probiotic.

How dare you mock my king, knave!

not OP, but thanks for these tips user :-)

The BMI healthy range is 18.5-24.9, the fuck you on about 20 is not low?

What can I do to transition into skinnyfat?

stop excersicing and eat a lot lot sugar

Oh no, I meant from skinnyfat to ottermode.
I'm already skinnyfat, and obviously not very smart.

Also working on this since I got some winterfat.

Do you guys rec working abs for when I lose the weight or should I wait until its gone then work abs? I've been doing HIIT.

Cool but who was talking about health? It's about weight and fat.

no chance you have a gut unless you seriously have 0 muscle

eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more eat less move more

I think I'm skinnyfat also... What do I do fit? Pls help.

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Head over to the gym and get a membership right now user. Afterwards eat a nice salad with some chicken and drink a big glass of water. Then get a full 8 hours of rest and get ready to get up early so you can eat a nice meal of oats and go to the gym again in the morning. After the gym have a nice meal of tilapia and rice and then go learn an instrument. For dinner enjoy some salad and chicken again (not too much dressing!). Congrats you're already on track!!

Lift weights. Seriously, start SS or StrongLifts, eat a fuckton of food and focus on getting to 1/2/3/4. Then do Greyskull or PHAT once you't hit those plates.

Thank you both I appreciate it. Thing is I bulked from 145 to 180 which I am at now... So I was actually about to cut desu, but I'm at 20 percent and have developed a double chin smdh... Should I continue a bulk or begin to cut and eat less? Thank you so so much.


goooood tip. i like eating tho.. ubt sitll a ogod ipt


You’re skinny fat. The reason your BMI is only 20 is because you lack muscle. You need to cut and lift + cardio.

tilapia is fucking trash my dude

Pure shit.

damn this pic is 2 real.
was the right for the last 2 months and now i'm on the left and continuing to cut to get those fucking hips to go away.
every week it gets better and better.

Newfag here. What's a/b/c/d mean?

thanks for your controboton

over head press/bench/squat/deadlift

or something like that

Run and lift. Easy as that, brainlet.

> a 5 11 guy who weighs 142 pounds is “chubby”

The absolute state of (You)

Not him but that was me about 4 months ago. Same weight and height, and I could barely bench the bar

In what units?

>being in a skinnyfat thread and asking that

lmao I've legit never had it I was just listing off foods

Pairs of 45lb barbell plates
