How many more lbs for abs

Cutting from fatass but I'm fucking 160lbs already how many fucking more lbs for nice defined abs. 150 was gonna b my lowest ffs i no wanna be skelly

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forget about the scale just keep cutting

Im still fat and I'm 160 :((((( I just wanna b leannnn

What's the point? Do core work. You should be working your abs til failure like any other muscle group if you want to not just look like a skeletal faggot.

I do core work you insufferable faggot, does it look like I have abs... they're covered by my bf

>working till failure

Are u new or retarded ?


you have to be really light dude ;c

as input im a manlet and the abs only come along at 130lbs

I know i look fat but I'm 5ft 11, 160 :( I'm small where tf my abs at

I'm currently 170 and am trying to lose 10lbs...
Its all about the cardio + diet

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I bulked 2 hard cos it was my first, now I'm cutting i just wanna see abs, like even just 1 fucking ab would b nice. I can only faintly see the top two in very specific lighting. I hope losing 10more lbs will make me lose enough bf to have a nice physique to lean bulk from but it's not looking good

Anyone have some Jow Forums or anecdotal shit

Nigga you could do crunches until ears bleed and it won't give you visible and if there is a layer of fat covering them.

wtf do you even lift? I've been lifting for 8 months and I'm 185 lb 15% bf. If I cut to 160 I'd be less than 10%

you should see abs at that height and weight. are you sure you even have abs? pull down on your stomach fat and see if there's anything there.

I bench 225 for 1 and ohp 145 for 3 at 160lbs. I'd say I'm above average

kek have you ever even cut?

Im still too fat trust me

Lol that feel when I’m 5’11 and 160lb too

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Lmao try 150lbs and 12% buddy

:( I hope i look like that in 10 more lbs

This shit right here.
Anecdotally, I got shredded as fuark while binge drinking weekly.

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how can you have a bicep vein and not even have slight visible abs. something is wrong here

Because the human body loses fat in different areas at different rates it's called genetics

Im the OP, i wish I knew bout this had i known my fucking arms would lose 99lbs of fat before my belly even decided to budge.

Wish i knew bout this

this is the ideal male body though

i like a cute slightly toned tummy

t. fem

>5' 11"
nice try buddy, dont lie about your height if you want legit advice

Im srs man

I hate the way my body looks

it looks better than most average men

personally i don't like the ripped Jow Forums look, just decent muscle mass and a cute tum

What's your Snapchat ;)

I second her. My bf has a bod like yours except hes a few inches taller and a bit higher bf%. Its ultimate qt without being gross /dad bod/ tier. Patricianettes taste desu.

I'm surprised and your posts literally just boosted my ego 10x lmao

I think I'm fat and disgusting so I think other ppl think the same

>cut 25 pounds
>drop 3% bf

245 bench
160 OHP
280 front squat
395 deadlift

I have abs in good lighting at 185 lb 8 months lifting. Don't know how OP is 160 at the same height looking worse than me at 185

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Genetics and you have more mass probs

I've lost like 10% in 20lbs

Chin up, user. High vascularity with ultra ripped abs is not what most chicks want. We like strong boys with a nice lil layer of bf softening the look up (except for those of us who like skelly otter mode, which is really only attractive to low est females imo). Dont over stress your cut, your body is 7.5-8/10 and doesnt even matter if your face is qt.

Feel like u troll :(

Are they your 1rm? Post pics


Nope. I just dont want guys with nice bodies to have dysmorphia because of Jow Forums. And I have a bf so this is the only place I would ever semi-openly mire.

dont ever listen to what a woman says, ever. Your male instinct is correct. Not fit. Not a woman. YOUR male instinct. If you feel like that body looks like shit then it does. I personally wont be satisfied with that either

youre not 15% bf then

Legs. +/- 10lbs