/FAST/ - #160 - DO A 360 AND WALK AWAY

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.


While you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.

>Weight loss
>Better skin

It's when your body takes apart useless, shitty cells. (Cancer cells, cells with broken protein, acne, loose skin, etc)


>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.


If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.

You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.

This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.

"Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."

>Sugar is more addictive than coke

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm about to quit my food service job in about a month, should I start fasting then or now? If I do it now i get a good head start but its also complete torture.

>starting to fast
>work two food service jobs
>both you can easily get away with eating the food on shift

let it be your driver, if you can fast in there, you can fast anywhere.

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does omad fucc with ur gains?

depends the time of ur job
u should be able 2 eat on ur free time

8th day of 13 day water fast for me. Still going strong. I started at 245lb and I now managed to break through the 200lb barrier. My goal weight is 180lb then I am probably gonna transition into a 5:2 diet.

Food service and planing my first fast, how fucked am I guys?

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Ending a 20 hour fast in a few hours anons.
I know I should healthy, but how much should I eat? Can I gorge myself or should I still count calories?

Today was day 1 of my snake fast, I'll have to let you know tommorow

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What is your longest fast? I'm 4 days into a planned 10. My previous longest was 7. Any issues you ran into with longer fasts?

r u serious

The longest I have done prior to my current fast is 120 hours and I haven't had any major issues, some minor issues were insomnia and also cravings for food but that is pretty much a given. On my current fast I had the same symptoms but strangely after the 5-6th day they have subsided and I'm getting some really good sleep so I'm looking good to make it to my goal. Remember that at fasts of this length and over it is very important to get the electrolytes in or you'll feel like shit.

Fucking fatty what do you think?

For 3 years I've been intolerant to bread, dairy, mushrooms, and alcohol. I've tried every meme leaky gut diet there is. This was what did it, OMAD cured my IBS, lactose intolerance, gluten sensitivity (ext...)
This is the best shit ever.

Maybe my gut just needed a break from the terrible shit I did to it when I was young.

If this also helps me cut this last 40 lbs, I will become an evangelical faster.

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Help, i fasted for 48+72h, then i ate 2800cal pizza, then fasted 48h, ate 2800 cal pizza again, fasted 24h, ate 2800 cal pizza again.
Wast at 230 lbs when i broke my 48+72 fast, i am at 235 lbs now.
Is it all water weight or i fucked up astronomically?
I'm planning a 30 days water fast now though, i want to be sub 200 by the end of it.

I mean, that's called alternate day fasting really.
I can't see how it would cause you to gain weight.
Maybe you flip flopping from ketosis to carbs so fast is freaking out your body lol
But that's bro science.

If you feel bad eating pizza.......don't?

honestly dude I dont think you can do a 30day fast rn...
maybe try a 5 day fast and lose your appetite. I think 48-72 hours isn't enough to stop craving food. If you can't not binge after a pretty mild fast, that's the main problem. the "i'm planning a ~insert really long amount of time~ is bullshit most likely.
Make your goals realistic and purposeful. you should fast so you dont eat that 2800 cal pizza after, not to earn that 2800 cal pizza

>day 4 of water fast
>lost only 0.8lbs since day 3
I know w8 loss is not linear, water retention bla bla bla but a bit shitty desu lads.

I try omad today, I have a physical job and I fucked things up by eating two apples at lunch time.
Will do better tomorrow.

Oh, i didn't want to bother you with the specifics but since you guys answered to me insightfully i will give a short TLDR

8 February 270 LBS > Fasted and ate sub 500 a day on 'food days' until a week ago, lost 40 lbs, i treated sugar like poison, didn't put any sugar in my mouth for over 1 months and 20 days.

While i was on my 48+72 fast, i bought a supposedly 0 calories, 'vitamin' water, it had saccharine inside of it, drank like 2 litres of it.
Pizza toughts invaded me until i gave in... not once not twice but thrice...
I don't know if that retarded vitamin water (that said 0 sugars) fucked my shit up but i really craved pizza like never before.

Anyway i probably fasted 30 out of 50 days to lose these 40 lbs.
Sure i only gained 5 lbs but i've been fasting for 30+ hours now and i shat multiple times, pissed many times too, and weight still fluctuates between 235 and 234.5
How long does it take to remove the 6000+ sodium and 150g+ of sugar from my body to resume my weight loss?

27 years old

>does omad fucc with ur gains?

need answers here boys

Take your measurements (waist/hip). It helps you keep your sanity when stuff like this happens.

Ive read that depending on your insulin level your body will have a natural set point for weight.
If you eat carbs and have insulin isues your body might really fight you after that set point.
Try a keto diet on eating days. Even go so far as to focus on food habit changes over fasting for rn.

Meant to link

Another possibility is that by eating so little for so long you are nutient deficient, your body is giving you impulse cravinfs to find that nutrient.
Try to find a health alternative. Pizza might be for the calcium in cheese. Try some nuts instead?

As far as I know any milk will do just fine. Organic if you feel luxurious.

Agreed, SJ is key

With pizza or big carbs you're just swinging from ketosis to liver full of glycogen. Keto refeeds eliminate this issue and result in much more efficient time fasting. If you don't hut keto until 20 hours into your fast, you aren't burning fat significantly for those 20 hours.

>How long does it take to remove the 6000+ sodium
Looks like you're scared of salt. Probably from bad science and shitheads at official positions who stubbornly refuse to admit being wrong.

You should read Scientific American (incl) and check this vid:

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I have a five-day water fast every fortnight. It's an old routine by now but it really opens my eyes to how social eating is.

Does anyone want to hang out over a plate of nothing? I've got water on tap.

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>social eating
That's why it's difficult to watch TV/movies while fasting.
They're often found eating as an added spice to the scene.
Books and Vidya works better.

Is it that bad to fast only on water/tap water? Beside feeling weak what do I risk?

I found some pink salt that will do it for the sodium but I'm looking for some potassium to mix in my bottle in the morning. I'm in Australia and can't find any substitue like No Salt shit.

Did OMAD for a couple days, now going for my first 48hrs, already 23hrs in, planning on a keto refeed on wednesday. Have to lose about 10-15kg. I'm 31 and I make it a MUST to be really lean for the first time in my life this summer. This shit builds character.

cream of tartar?

Are you being serious?
Will I be fine mixing a tsp of pink salt and a tsp of this?

The sodium will keep your system from shitting out on you, but the potassium is there so your muscles don't shit out on you.

Alright will do that, cheers mate.

just go easy on workin out, sodium and potassium go hand in hand in the pissing process too.
If you haven't, check out some Snake Man videos, he goes into whatever you need to know about snake juice.

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Alright goys. I'm gonna fucking do this. I used to fast when I was younger but today's the day.
What's the average weight loss for water fasting? Is there a good calculator nowadays?

>cream of tartar?

Now work out how many jars of cream of tartar you would have to eat to hit your 4,700mg of potassium each day.

> I'm in Australia and can't find any substitue like No Salt shit.


What's this then? Kangaroo shit?

From the last thread with the acne problems, short answer just been doing this water fast like everyone else for the most part. Snake Juice and water, which my acne may infact be dietary and not eating along with getting toxins out of my body has probably helped this long scourge of acne fade away.

Try the water fast yourself if you haven't already, might help you to.

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Depends on your current BMI and weight

Also, snake juice, not just water.

Please tell I'll get used to drinking Snake Juice. It's fucking disgusting and I can barely get it down without gagging.

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just sip it bro, and if you can't do it, use less salt

It's pretty good with acv and 1 Tbsp cayenne per 2L.

Just eat the salt and drink it down with actual fucking water.

>50% sodium
>50% potassium

Looks like kangaroo shit to me

Started yesterday, couldn't get any sleep last night. Zero. Is this normal for the start?

If it tastes like salt then you most likely have enough salt already.

Salt tastes good when your body needs it. Chugging down SNAKEJUICE from day one is not necessary, you`ll still have enough electrolytes without needing to replenish them.

Just sip your SNAKEJUICE andn don't focus on the amount.

>Please tell I'll get used to drinking Snake Juice. It's fucking disgusting and I can barely get it down without gagging.

Just tell yourself that it beats suffering from hypokalemia related ventricular tachycardia.

I've had that shit at the end of February and it ain't pleasant. If you're struggling then slightly lower the salt dosage, but try and keep the potassium levels as high as possible.

If you're using LoSalt then you're a bit stuck.

>hypokalemia related ventricular tachycardi
Damn, for how long did you fast before you started having trouble?

>sodium for one thing, potassium for another
That's not how the Natrium-Kalium electrolytes work.

Check health stores and nutrition labels of Mineral salt and similar.
Or maybe they have potassium citrate at your gym supplement dealer?

I get mine from here, they deliver worldwide. Otherwise checkout local home brewerysupplystores


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>Started yesterday, couldn't get any sleep last night. Zero. Is this normal for the start?

Everybody's different, but most of us have suffered from some degree of insomnia. I've only just restarted fasting after several weeks off, so it hasn't hit me yet, but I expect it to in the next few days.

Typically I would get between 2½ and 4 hours a night which was okay, but not great. I eventually shifted to sleeping every other day when I would get 7 hours sleep and taking occasional naps of an hour or so if really tired. That kinda worked.

In other news I've decided to rename what was formerly "The Kitchen" to "The Water Room", since that is the only remaining purpose it serves.

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I'm on my second 48 hour fast out of 17. Feeling great on my second day and looking forward to my "cheat meal" this night, I'll watch a hockey game and drink some diet soda. Easiest and most effective weight loss routine I've ever been on thus far.

Not a true fast but nbd

>diet soda
Never gonna make it

Those 3kcal will kill me.

I started fasting doing 5:2, then AFD and finally moved onto OMAW towards the end of November / Early December 2017.

The attack of hypokalemia was 28th February 2018 at 5AM. So effectively 30 months of variable fasting, the last 6-8 weeks of which were OMAW+165hr fasting.

I'd only been taking snake juice intermittently since I thought my One Meal A Week would give me enough vitamins and minerals to get by. How wrong I was.

Since then I've been building up my reserves again and I've restarted fasting on a continual basis until I hit my goal. Should take about a month.

This time I am more prepared and will be taking a full dose of 4,700mg of food grade potassium chloride and 2,000mg of pure salt (none of that LoSalt bollocks for me) in a litre of water daily.

I'm not going to fuck up on the electrolytes this time around. No siree!

So it's just Potassium gluconate I have to buy along with salt for snake juice? Already seen it's 4700mg potassium and 2-3g of salt, 2g per liter.

Yeah you're right. I'm gonna order some potassium citrate online and for the sodium pink salt will do it I guess. Cheers guys.

>So effectively 30 months of variable fasting

Ooops! That should read *3* months of variable fasting. If I'd done 30 months I would look like an Auschwitz prisoner.

>So it's just Potassium gluconate I have to buy along with salt for snake juice

Surely you mean food grade potassium chloride?

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Can someone give me a quick break down on breaking my fast? Like if I have to eat after 3 days is it pointless to fast if I can't properly reintroduce food?

Yeye, just trying not to kill myself.
High grade is the same as food grade?

Is this the right stuff?

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Been doing OMAD for about 2 months. Maintaining gains and increasing strength while getting crazy lean.

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>High grade is the same as food grade?
Don't know.

Food grade means its specifically meant to be used in food for humans.

There is also a cheaper version which is made as plant food. Best not to confuse the two since you have no idea what other additives there are in it.

What is good for roses ain't necessarily good for you.

Given the alleged gains, I think we're gonna need a timestamp on that buddy (although props if real).

...also, would it kill you to rotate the picture first?

>Crazy gains on OMAD
Yeah, I would like a pic with Jow Forums-note timestamp, and meal routine with that.

(couldn't help modify a pic from a conversation, posted by another user.)

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can someone critique my weight loss regimen?
36:12, 12 hours to drink two bottles of soylent and whatever miscellaneous foods I want to eat like a banana/fruit, hummus and carrots, whatever. I want to lose weight, not win the hunger games.

>I want to lose weight, not win the hunger games.

Then why are you still eating fatty?

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Jesus christ. Snake juice is disgusting. Tastes exacty like sea water. Is there any non caloric additive i can put into to make it more palatable?

doing my first 48 hours fast my niggas

Hope I make it

I did a 24 last time and it was not so bad DESU

lemon juice or ACV

Oh. Lemon juice is ok? I'm very happy now because I suffered a lot yesterday. Thanks user

>36:12, 12 hours to drink two bottles of soylent and whatever miscellaneous foods I want to eat
I hope you're joking

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>lemon juice or ACV

Personally, I find lemon juice and apple cider vinegar is better taken as two individual half-shots followed by mouthwash, but as I say, it is a personal preference.

Diluting it in a litre of snake juice seems a bit of a waste to be honest.

You'll do fine my dude.
If you don't make it just take a couple days off and try again.

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Not him but in the same boat. Quick question. If I see at hour 45 or so that I'm feeling fine can i extend it? for how long? Is a week safe for a lardass 230 lbs?

how? i would eat 1000 calories during the eating window

I started off doing things incrementally and that has worked well for me, hopefully you will be the same.

I found the first 3 days were the worst, but others didn't. After those initial days were over fasting was a piece of piss. Apart from the insomnia, but as I've said above, that seems to be just one of those things that most fasters have to deal with. I've found no zero calorie solution to the problem.

>Is a week safe for a lardass 230 lbs?
I still weighed more than 230 lbs when I completed my first week on OMAW+165hr fasting back in December, so my own anecdotal experience is "You'll be fine user".

When I look back at how fat I was back then...yeuch!

Now wearing my jeans from pre-9/11 that were at the back of the wardrobe.

Daily reminder: Fasting is for undisciplined children who can't be bothered to learn proper eating habit and moderate their intake. Has to be "all or nothing" with you fat losers. Enjoy your yo-yo dieting.

Well, still make a full portion of snake juice, but mix accordingly to taste. Might have to try salty lemon, doesn't sound too bad. Though, I imagine you'd get this face

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Thanks brah. I'm 36 hours in rn. Feeling fine. Actually I'm less hungry today than yesterday. It's mind boggling.

here's my proper eating habit:
just the vitamins I need and water

protein shakes for gains too for my OMAD, but that's optional

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>used to be fit with heaps of qt female friends
>now im a fatty
>one of the qt girls i used to hang with wants to go out for dinner
>too ashamed to show myself
>have to tell her im busy maybe some other time
fucking kill me

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>Though, I imagine you'd get this face
It's okay. The lemon juice is lovely and tart in flavour. The apple cider vinegar not so great, but still about the only flavour (other than tea), I get each day.

>Actually I'm less hungry today than yesterday. It's mind boggling.
It actually gets even better, because after a few days (usually 3rd or 4th although it varies), hunger goes away completely and you just have the strange feelings of the periodic Ghrelin waves to deal with. I recommend lots of cups of green tea. Works for me at least.

You're already fighting hunger when fasting, you make it much worse by drinking your calories with things like soylent.
When you do a refeed you should be having things that will fill you up, like solid proteins and fats.

>it doesn't take discipline to fast

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Fasting every Tuesday and Thursday

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single day fasts... how effective are those in a longrun? Unless you keep in ketosis through the week...

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Ketosis does nothing, it's all about CICO.

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It’s not the fastest way to lose fat, but I think it can be a good way to maintain weight while not counting calories on the other days.

>eat nothing
>0 in
>2000 out

sounds good to me I guess

Yeah, it works really well. It just depends on your ability to handle going in and out of a fast. Personally I find it easier to just do multiple single or double day fasts than do a whole week or beyond.

>Daily reminder: Fasting is for undisciplined children who can't be bothered to learn proper eating habit and moderate their intake. Has to be "all or nothing" with you fat losers. Enjoy your yo-yo dieting.

Maybe for some, I will admit, but I think it is a minority. For many of us it is just the fact that going out to eat has become a primary social event in modern societies when it was very rare (or at least limited to special occasions, public holidays and festivals), now a lot of people eat out multiple times a week. What is difficult is saying no to having a good time with friends (unless you are an autistic social outcast).

As for "learning proper eating habits" the modern "snack to live" and 6MAD lifestyle is pushed by both advertisers and mainstream "health" and those who reject this propaganda are treated as deranged. This is why (for the most part), those of us who fast, keep the information to ourselves in the real world, to avoid such bullshit from our family and friends.

As for the yo-yo dieting, that is mostly caused by the failed advise that is pushed on us from the "health" and medical lobby (even my own doctor), who still push the advice about "eat less, move more" which fails for more than 90% of people who try to follow it and only really benefits the "health", medical and dieting lobby by providing a neverending queue of people (repeat business) who can never actually be "fixed" with their shit advice.



So criticise all you want, but only 5 things have ever helped me and none of them were advised by a doctor, "health professional" or the mainstream, only by the bro's on Jow Forums /fast/

1. For the most part quit alcohol or at least reduce it to social drinking only. I did this and ended up still having a decent social life and only consuming about 8-12 pints of beer a month.

2. Avoid all industrial "fast food" because it contains all sorts of shit to keep you addicted and kill you at the same time, like High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other crap.

3. Prepare your own food at home from fresh ingredients.

4. Avoid all artificial sweeteners, flavour enhancers, colourings and stimulants other than tea and coffee.

5. Cut out all of the mindless snacking that goes on during the day by switching to an OMAD regime.

Most normies would be horrified (or think you were crazy) if you suggested the above, but we here on /fast/ understand why the above is the only way to long term, sustainable weight loss and it doesn't involve having to start grazing through the vegetable kingdom like some fucking mindless rabbit.

Once weight loss is achieved (through fasting), it can easily be maintained by straightforward TDEE calorie maintenance diet (preferably keto), intermittent fasting or periodic fasting to deal with weight gain above your preferred level, none of which is hard.

For myself, once I achieve my weight goal I will be switching back to a Keto/OMAD regime with periodic fasting to keep my weight where I want it.

The medical / "health" lobby considers that much of the above advice is not only dubious and "unscientific", but dangerous to the point of calling people advocating it crazy.

That's just my viewpoint though.

>Drinking PhytoEstrogen - to fatten his hips
Why are you trolling us?

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Anybody have bad blood circulation and some way of making it better? I just realized the top of my fingers we're a lot bluer than usual.