Day 1 of nofap

> Day 1 of nofap

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Other urls found in this thread:

>day 2 of nofap

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What if you try to nofap for testboost and you wetdream?
Did your body cuck your test efforts or will u still have boost

let the body do what it do, stay strong nigga

Nope. Plus the test boost you get will have no actual effect on anything. Wont improve your lifts. Wont increase protein synthesis. Wont even improve your mood. Yes no fap increases test by day 7. After day 7 it normalises again.

However, no fap & not consuming porn will improve mood, give you more energy, force you to be more social, make your dopamine receptors more sensitive so you get pleasure from smaller and smaller things.

Keep going guys, I inadvertently did nofap for 10 days because I was on a family holiday, and I had the most vivid dreams. They felt incredible.

>day 35 of nofap

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>Hour 13 of nofap

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daily reminder nofap is a meme and you're all beta losers. see you tomorrow faggots

Today, I will remind them

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Try spending as few time as possible alone in your room.
When you're done doing the necessary things, head out and do something with your friends, go to gym etc.
If you have the urge to fap take a piece of paper and write it down, with the date and time.
Now truly aware of it, try replacing it with something productive. Running would be my choice. But it can be anything. See also above. Just leave your room.
Write down, what you now should better be doing and why.
If you give in to fap, afterwards write down how long you did it, and how you feel about it now, and then why you want to quit it. And why it is better to do activity x next time.
Do not write something of the sort that fapping is pathetic and only losers do it, that might reduce self-confidence and lead to depression.
If you need porn to fap, delete all the porn you have, and if possible quit your private internet access and use public ones. You now will think that is impossible.
But how much really necessary and productive things do you really use the internet for?

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Nofap just makes me more aggressive and I don't particularly like the feeling of being slightly pissed 24/7

>make you more social
Nigga how? Miniscule amounts of additional test don't give you more friends

>Nofap just makes me more aggressive and I don't particularly like the feeling of being slightly pissed 24/7
it just makes my moods more variable desu

Son, I’m on day 5 right now. I briefly considered fucking a 350+lb looking Korean woman yesterday. Step on up to my level sir.

Bruh this is the worst part of nofap

Legit if the wind blows on my dick I get horny

>tfw only jack off once every 2-3 days
>get lots of random erections but no libido to go with them
Can my test get any lower

>on the bus yesterday, day 24 of nofap
>sit next to a qt Middle-Eastern girl
>her arm, albeit covered by a jacket, is pressing against my arm
>I can see the reflection of her pretty eyes from a screen on the ceiling
>hear a muffled "Deus vult" from inside of my pants
>get a boner
>luckily the Saracen succubus doesn't notice
>day 25 of nofap

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Top kek.

>saracen succubus
Nice fucking meme

>tfw want to fuck a divorced roastie that lives next door because of these nofap urges

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I'm on day 7

You are weak

damn, I'm not even a nofapfag and it stung

im nofapping and dont give a fuck about what some degenerate fag says, it works.

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what effects have you observed that can't be chalked up to placebo?

>no-fap depression strikes again

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And today, you will be wrong

>day 47 nofap
>nofap gf in bed with me
>we make out and I finger her, no condoms to seal the deal
>texts me today "you should have just fucked me anyway"

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nofap is a meme.
Fap atleast twice a day, once in the shower and once in the night before going to sleep

I leave and socialize daily. I work out of town and the qt girl at the hotel flirts every time I check in it out, thr fat Mexican chicks let me eat breakfast buffet for free (though I think they think I speak Spanish) without one of those gay breakfast vouchers, and the qt who buzzed my hair off yesterday took lunch RIGHT after she finished my hair and tried to get me to meet her. You can fuck right off. I’m not chalking these happenings up to no fap but some of us aren’t hopeless and we’re all going to make it even with crab in the bucket bitch boys like you amongst us.

>something is a meme because I have no self control and I like cranking my meat like an ape

U should gone ahead n have a couple ribs removed and suck yourself a couple times a day too gay ass nigga.

What causes a cock to get disturbingly veiny even when flaccid? Excessive masturbation? Not enough masturbation? Could it possibly have something to do with the gains I'm making on the rest of my body?

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Increased Blood flow would be my first guess it’s a good thing and likely gains

get out you fucking hypocrite
nofap is a joke. just get on with times grandpa

I'm a hypocrite because I stopped masturbating 50 days ago because its degenerate, and now I only get off if my gf does it for me?

Its actually been proven to jack up your testosterone levels. So many people talking shit who don't even want to do research.

Basically every benefit of testosterone on overdrive.

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Yep. This is why you should stop pretending that you can achiev anything by doing nofap. Just fap and relax. Don't worry. Human body can survive a lot worse than a fap.

You're normal. Don't let the fap-addicts make you think that fapping multiple times a day is the norm.

A healthy circulatory system.

Muh dicc got so much bigger flaccid when I quit coffee. It shrinks up to a hilarious little nubbin when I take Adderall. Vasoconstriction is a, heh, big thing

>you should perform one of the most intimate and exciting acts a human body can experience by yourself and with your hand, that way crippling loneliness is all you feel after the dopamine high is over
No thanks.

Thank you Dr. Goldberg, you are truly God's choosen people, and our greatest ally. Just thank you, I'm going to beat my meat today 3 times so I wont get prostate cancer.

you are not fooling anyone user. Just stop pretending and don't go against nature. It is okay to fap. Not even kidding.

>wake up with a throbbing cock
>rub it a bit
>must resist
>take a shower
>cock is swollen and veiny and twitching every time i touch it


Between day 0 and day 22 I've given a girl my number (attractive new girl at work) and secured a date with her


dont fuck at work until you are complete alpha-chad. bitches can tear your career in pieces, if you are not.


Don't fuck bitches from or at work.
Leave them hoes alone.

Day 7 here and it seems pretty legit, Ive noticed longer and more vivid dreams, better energy, better 'aura' for lack of a better word, and general pleasure/enjoyment seems to be stablilising a bit

I think a lot of people underestimate how much so it's just to do with the extra time. Not browsing porn at night anymore means I can either sleep or read something, much more productive and healthy.

day 1 for me too

pray for me

You gotta channel that sexual energy to something.

It makes you social. You seek human connection since you cant wann to porn in order to get dopamine

She's nice lads. I know about the whole don't shit where you eat thing but I think I can pull it off

You'll be alright, dont listen to these naysayers. Just be careful so you dont get burned, but that's true in any relationship.

Day 0 and I want to be on day 5 again. Felt like a beast.

No you can't.
#metoo and women claiming that any and all relationships or sexual relationships are either rape or forced in professional settings has changed the game.
Don't be stupid.
Leave the bitches at work alone.
Even if they throw themselves at you, let them fall on the floor, step over them and get your women away from your place of employment.

>day 365 of nofap

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>18 days in
>everything's fine
>been feeling lethargic the last 2 days, like sleeping 3 times per day
what the fuck is this brehs?

Why am I even doing nofap? I have zero opportunity to meet girls, I don't know any girls, what's the point

Maybe cause you're attractive? Not because they can sense that you haven't jerked off in awhile, lmao you're so delusional

Chad jerks off then goes out and bangs your oneitis

Jacking off only makes things worse.
Don't. You'll regret it and hate yourself.

bumping for help

You are allowed to have sex on nofap numbnuts

You got them test gains kicking in.
Lions take naps because they need the energy to move around and be monsters.
Growing and exhausted men need the same thing.

Restarting today after a relapse yesterday at the 30th day

I relapsed too! 5 days in :(

> day 9

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But I already lift and Im still full with sexual anger

> be me
> started nofap last friday
> was never one to openly flirt with girls public

> ffw today
> at the movies with friends
> flirt with girl at the snackbar
> go to get burgers afterwards
> flirt with qt.314 cashier
> come home
> get a new tinder match
> mfw


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relapsed on day5
starting again

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>trying to go 90 days
>it's only day 3

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>day 6

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>tfw still on nofap 2018

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I know that, friend, I just fugged up

I have one vein on either side of my dick that kind of spiral up
probably 3/8" diameter veins too.
shit adds visible girth to my dick