Get a Dog

Exercise with the dog
Use dog as social crutch

Seriously solves about 90% of motivation issues and women issues I see on this board

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Arthur "NEET God" Schopenhauer always had a doggo

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My dog never wants to go faster than walking pace because he wants to smell everything. I do get a decent arm pump from all his pulling though.

Social gains with a dog are the best. My apartment complex is mostly Indian and they're all afraid if dogs. Like cross the street afraid.

My gym has a doggo.

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I really love this sentiment, but remember to strongly consider that you're the right person to own a dog before you get it. Please treat it as a responsibility if you get one.

Does he have a name?



You need to train your doggo better bro I walk mine with out a leash and she won't leave my side unless I tell her it's alright to

>Military fag
>Dorm has a strict no pet rule
>Have 0 interest in thots and just want a good boy

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Doggo's are the best. I miss my pupper, pic related.

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His name is Ben

What kind of pupper is this?

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I don't like dogs.

American Eskimo. Samoyeds look like that too but are bigger.

Get the fuck out of my country sandnigger gook spic

excuse me - I am white.

what kid of doggo is that?

Bernese mountain dog

My office floor has a doggo.
(Perks of having a blind man there)

I can testify to this. I wish I got a dog 11 fucking years ago. I hike a lot get approached by qts now and then actually had 2 innawoods hookups with girls I met hiking. But with a dog? Fucking game changer I’m approached EVERY TIME we hike or walk together by the types of girls who wouldn’t usually give me the time of day if it wasn’t for my dog bro. GET A DOG! NOW! I can’t stress it enough y’all. And he keeps me more active too so there’s that.

10/10 would pet

Dogs are super chick magnets. There's a guy that lives near me that brings his Samoyed to the beach all the time and he gets SWARMED by women.

If I ever need to get laid I just go to the local dog park

I actually have a BAR / dog park near me it’s insane. Best of both worlds

good boy

Fuck me I'd never leave that gym

Bernese mountain dogs are top tier bros

I miss my doggo too user
We'll see them again

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I had a dog. He was the best. I can't put myself through that again. My life has honestly felt like a downward spiral since he died.

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i always wanted a dog but my mom wont let me

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Move on user, your buddy wouldn't want you to bummed about him the whole time.

My advice would be, bring in a new pooch to your world

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She developed hip dysplasia and is getting gray hairs. I’m literally going to end my life when she goes

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Please don't
D'you think your dog would want to kill yourself?

y not get a new dog

>implying dogs dont take after their owners
If youre a lazy, fat fuck, then the dog will be a lazy fat fuck you fat fuck
And some owners dont like people touching their dogs because theyre socially retarded

Does thinking pic related is best dog make me a fag?

what if someone bails out of a squat onto its head. i have never understood animals in gyms.

Not that guy, but I've kind of wanted to die since my dog died three years ago. Knowing he wouldn't want me to is a large part of why I haven't off'd myself

elaborate on inawoods hooking up. Their guard is so up because it's just you and them. how did you do it?

Dogs are too precious for this world.
I have a better opinion of them than most humans.

It's behind the front counter sleeping about 90% of the time. The owner only lets him wander if there are 5 or less people working out.

Fuuuck i want a bernese so bad but im never at home. I guess i'll wait till im retired

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