An adult male cannot bench more than 115-135 pounds (if plateaued) without eating at a surplus

>an adult male cannot bench more than 115-135 pounds (if plateaued) without eating at a surplus

Do people on this shity board actually believe this? HAHAHAHA talk about SHIT genetics, Jesus Christ. Every thread:

>hehe xD stuck at 115-135 bench 6 months pls help fugg :D

>eat more :Pp

It's not your diet, I can get an untrained person to a 225 bench ON A CUT in 8 months. Cope more gymcels, your shitty genetics follow you wherever you go

Attached: IMG_8851.jpg (595x472, 106K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gymcels when will they learn , most people, including me, bench a plate first day in the gym. thats just from being active in your teens

Uh... Been cutting since September and just hit 225 for reps, big guy.

Attached: thisisbait.jpg (625x626, 20K)

Can confirm I started lifting sometime last year and I jumped in at 165 or some shit. Didn’t really play high school sports never lifted serious.


I can rep 1pl8 7x5
I have no spotter and a cheap bench at home so I don't want to go too much heavier
What's my max?

>tfw from 105 to 145 in a month of SS
>eat like a pig and still no weight gain

maybe rip was wrong

To all you 2pl8 benchers. How much do you weigh? I'm just about at 2pl8 for 1 rep now and I weigh around 81 kg / 178 lbs. I usually only see somewhat fat guys benching 2pl8 or more.


yeah it depends on your genetics

took me a couple years to bench 225 but i was also pulling mid 500s

Put 3plate up last week, did it a week before that but with shitty form and a spot; weigh 89kg. Buddy of mine can do it for reps but he's also a fat fuck with muscle under.

110kg at 80kg bodyweight

Bench press is weird, it seems more common for people to fail spectacularly at bench than other lift types. I think because it’s such an unnatural motion to lay under something and press it up like that, plus people are afraid of crushing their heads or necks or embarrassing themselves. IMO for these reasons bench numbers don’t mean much.

Do dumbbells if you're that afraid.

Deadlift and push press are the only real numbers desu.
Or to be extremely precise, olympic lifts are the true measure of full body muscular strength.

Bench 2pl8 for 6. Weigh 220lbs.

>the 30 year old who still cant bench a 1pl8 lmaooo

79kg also for 1rep
took far too long to achieve it though

81kg can't even bench 1pl8. What's wrong with me?

bad routine or haven't been training long enough

65 kg can bench 1 for 100 kg

>>an adult male cannot bench more than 115-135 pounds (if plateaued) without eating at a surplus
>Do people on this shity board actually believe this?
Are people saying this?

Attached: 1489369459050.jpg (486x427, 38K)

>8 months
>somehow untrained
Here’s your (OP)

>tfw I could bench 50kg my first time ever as a skinny dyel at 68kg

>two years and 12kg later still can't bench 100kg

Probably just the teenagers bro

lmao 1.5 pl8 for reps at 68 kg 5'8

How do you guys get that back arch going when you bench? I just can't do it. I'm at 190 5x5 flat

4x110kg@78kg bw

176 lbs right now and I benched 225 for a triple yesterday. Cutting rn though so meh

this board sucks so much

I bench 2pl8 for 5 reps weighing 155 lbs
250 is my most recent max

>sub 1 plate bencher detected

>benched 65kg today
Heh, see you later 1pl8irgins, I'm a 2pl8ad now

>not counting the bar

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

I bench 2pl8 for 14, 3pl8 for 3 at 230lbs

>It's not your diet, I can get an untrained person to a 225 bench ON A CUT in 8 months. Cope more gymcels, your shitty genetics follow you wherever you go

So if genetics are the reason we can't bench 225 after 8 months and you can get any untrained person there in that timeframe ... then are you some sort of space wizard that can alter my genetic code at whim?

Attached: af2.png (741x568, 29K)

3pl8 here
5'10, 195lbs

I bench 2pl8 for 3x8 and weigh 180lbs

I'm stuck for like 3 weeks at 145. Some weeks even less. Fucking cut is almost over.

I can arch my back, but not at the contortionist level some PL wannabes show at my gym. How bad would it be?
Also, tried to do some leg drive but end up feeling very unstable.
And finally, i feel like i lose all my back tightness when i unrack the bar.
Tips on how to fix these?

shit genetics need more fine tuning in their program, 3x5/5x5 ain't gonna cut it. I could probably get most people to 225x1 in 8 months unless you have some sort of genetic disease

Having someone Unrack the bar for you would definitely help

You really don't need a liftoff if you know how to unrack properly.
This video is pretty helpful.


I'm 6' and weigh 165lbs and can do 4 sets of 10 with 135lbs on flat bench, been lifting for 8 months
Never tried my 1rm what would it roughly be?

Mirin hard

2 plates and I weigh 205 lbs. Bunch of skinny fat DYELs ITT.

but you're just fat fat

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-03-17-49-25.jpg (1080x3541, 436K)

ohp nearing bench crew checking in
benching is for fags srs

152 lb/ 70 kg
bench 225 lb 2 times

OP is stuck on 120lb bench and made this thread hoping for advice.

more fine tuning = actual fucking volume

seconding on 3x5 not being enough, SS got me to a whopping 205x1 bench and a 500x1 deadlift

how tall are you? because not being able to bench 2pl8 after two years training and being 80kg suggests you might have long arms, but bencing 50kg at 68kg first time suggests you have manlet length arms.

5'11 with 6'2 armspan

damn, long arm boys unite, I know that feeling. But how in hell were you benching 50kg at 68kg with those fucken noodles on your shoulders?

is having short arms a disadvantage?
t. 6'3 with 6'7 armspan

for bench long arms is a disadvantage I'm pretty sure, but it'll help your deadlift

I have a friend who has a pretty good vertical, but he can't dunk because he's an armlet.

Any Instagram whore tier pornstars out there? Instagram models seem to be way hotter than most pornstars out there. Are there any pornstars with just really good asses like pic related or give off that vibe of royalty or who seems like her daddy is rich?

Deconstructive bait thread that serves no purpose other than to give OP attention and make people feel bad.

Reported and saged faggot.