/cbt/ - Current Body Thread

Summoning that other user's shoulder routine from the thread that just maxed edition.

Last thread

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Still on a cut and hoping to get down to under 10% bf, currently maybe 15+. Do I have enough muscle to pull it off or will I have a baby chest?

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I've honestly just accepted the fact that no matter how much incline I do I will forever have a baby chest.

The gap between my tits is a mile wide and I have no idea how or even if I can close it :(

Doesn't that just come from insertions and there's nothing you can do about it? Just like how some people are destined for never having a V shape from lat insertions, and others could fucking glide down a mountain since their lats are attached to their ass? I thought that is kind of how it worked, just like how some people have "zipper abs" and other have perfectly symmetrical ones with good proportions.

Military press
Shoulder fly
Arnold press
Face pulls
Cable shoulder rotations

There’s a guy in my gym and I swear I could fit a whole flat palm in between his pecs. The dude has low body fat but I feel so bad for him. It looks like Mr Garrisons boob job from south park

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Dedicated shoulder day? I do full body 3x a week is why I'm asking.

Shamelessly reposting from previous thread, 20 years old, 183 lbs, 5 foot 10.

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Cut or bulk? In the midst of a cut rn, trying to hit single digits before trying to regain mass.

Also bf estimate?

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Bulk, 12%

Pls no bully

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12%. In your current state, I'd slow bulk but depends if you just wanna be shredded as hell for summer, I'd cut a bit more.

It looks like someone photoshopped a sickly basketball players legs onto the torso of a high school JV quarterbacks first snapchat he sent to a girl.

Oddly specific but thank u

I constantly see you faggots with the same or almost the exact same stats as me yet look way bigger. Im 6’1 165 and look like a fucking skeltal. Fuck you for looking better than me faggot

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lmfao, that's pretty accurate.

Bench 335 lbs
Squat 415 lbs
Don't deadlift

>Don't deadlift

21yrs old
335 squat
420 deadlift
300 bench

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get accutaine or some shit dude holy fuck

Already on it for 7 months, highest dose possible, really has it helped much at all

mirin those lifts
Also 6'2, ~198lbs. Hit 185x1 on ohp again today and trimmed my nips recently. Feelin pretty solid.

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Holy fuck your legs abysmal

Nice tris kid

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Mirin the pecks brah, you get gyno surgery? I had it done about a year ago, best decision ever, worth the money.

You made it. Nice physique. You take any gear?

no gear yet. I tried MK-677 once a few years ago but that was it.

Nope. I just get a ton of nipple comments from people on here so I decided to trim'em up again. Here's an au naturale pic

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Also I shaved my arms, got too the chest then the blades dulled out and i cut my chest. Waiting on my new razers to shave the rest lol

Still dyel af but fuck im feeling good for the summer

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6'1 217lbs
Someone give me a bf% estimate?
Also currently cutting right now is that a good idea?

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I hope to one day have delt veins like you fuarrrrk

Maybe around 20%. Cutting would be fine, definitely work your abs more

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Are you pinning or something? That acne is worse than I ever had it when my shit was raging at 13 lol. Is your diet full of dairy and grease? Do you not change your pillowsheets?

You are retarded if you seriously think that is less than 20ish bodyfat

bulk, 14%

Nah all that's under control, I change my sheets weekly, and I've been vegan for about 6 months

good job user, otter mode achieved you are closer to making it

You're fucking delusional if you think you're at 15

Legs before I get shat upon

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Do core

Shit man, that's all I know to do besides hit the sauna as much as you can. That fucking sucks bro. Maybe you are like me and are getting a second late growth spurt. Everyone in my family gets 2-3 inches and 20ish pounds in their early 20s.



How long you been lifting?

I honestly don't have a routine. I just work out what I think needs more work.

I started lifting in 2013 but didnt really know what I was doing until about 2015-2016

how tall are you ?


What kind of volume? Days/week and lifts per session?

I usually do Thursday and Sunday as rest days. Some lifts like bench press I'll do reps of 16(115), 16(225), 8(275), and 1(315). then stuff like dumbbell flies I will only go up too 45 but keep it slow and controlled.
I like to mix different body parts like one day will be chest/quad or bi/shoulder, tri/shoulder, quads/hams.

I don't have an order on what I lift. I just use what is open.

198 currently, trying to cut down to 190.

I think the major cause of it is stress and hormones more than cleanliness, like I said I'm on accutane, change my sheets regularly and exfoliate daily and use a prescription acne cream. It's incredibly frustrating but hopefully if I keep on the acutane I will have some relief soon.

manlet reporting in.

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because they're all lying about their heigh. this guy is 5'6 max.

Bro who stole ur abdomen

You have a skin infection user.
The constant exercise without properly cleaning and skin care and gear abuse has given you a skin infection that is causing a chicken pox like outbreak.
Go get your shit checked out by a doctor.
Make sure it's not a staph infection or something.

he is only 165 because his completely absent leg development, lol. should be around 175-180 if he had wheels

Haha well first off I see the doctor monthly for my blood test required to take accuane. And also I've never taken gear in my life so that's not the cause.

Damn dude. Maybe meditate and smoke more weed, idk what to tell ya. What is so bad that you are stressing about? Are you just an anxious person?

Very anxious person, but most of the stress comes from classes while working a job through school and the usual girlfriend Shit

Fuck you and your beautiful insertions user


give example shoulder routine or routine of last week maybe? just curious.

Still super fucking skelly mode here and no six pack. I want to die

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Last shoulders was
Standing DB shoulder press, Kept going up weight up too 85lb's. IDK how many sets

Forward bending Lat raises, Low weight slow and controlled for 6 sets(12reps)

Fixed barbell shoulder press 6 reps, 12 sets up too 75lb's.

Then I'll toss like a triceps push down and a dumbbell rows.

ty user

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Furiously masturbating.

Well, how am I doing?
>155 lbs
>king of manlets 5'11

>OHP: 110
>Bench max: 250, 225 for 5 reps
>Squat: 205
>Conventional Diddlies: 300 max

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I know you are lying from your lift splits and your weight/height

Why would I lie? Come lift with me and I'll prove it lmao.

t. dad benched 315 in highschool weighing less than me and held football rushing records for 20 years

if you can bench 2pl8 for reps you should be well over 1pl8 OHP for reps, especially with those shoulders
but which is more likely: you lying about how high your bench is or lying about how low your OHP is?

this is why you should never skip leg days

I need work pretty much everywhere.

5'9, 77kgs
Bench 70kgs 5x5
Deadlift 130kgs 3x5
Squat 100kgs 3x3
OHP 40kgs 5x5

Only been lifting for about a year, with intermittent breaks due to various events. Trying to be more serious about it now that winter is settling in.

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If you are 5'11 you look like you weight 170+. If you bench 225x5 you don't hit a fucking 110 ohp, it should be closer to 165-185. I know because I bench 225x3 and my OHP is 165 and I know its low. Also that bench for your weight is between advanced and elite and not proportional to your absolute shit remaining lifts... to name a few.

My OHP is weak because I've only been doing it for a few months. I fucked around in highschool benching after school with my friends for years (didn't eat enough though), but I neglected legs as you can tell.

Again, why would I lie, and if I lied, I wouldn't be saying that my OHP is what it is.

>1 inch taller
>2KG lighter
>same squat weight but i do it for 3x5
>substantially weaker diddly (100KG 1x5)
>7KG heavier OHP for 3x5
>same bench for 3x5
>about as chubby as you
yet you look twice as big as me. what the flying fuck? is this just the starting strength victim’s burden?

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6’1 200lb
Squat 365x5
Diddylift 455 x5
Bench 275 x 3

20 years old been liftan pretty regularly since I was 17

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I think it's the traps. I've noticed they definitely add the perception of size.

Do some farmers walks and reverse shrugs.

That doesn't matter OHP being that hilariously weak means you have like a fucking shoulder injury or are lying. Bench develops anterior delt and tris as well which are the main muscles used in ohp...

Just lmfao

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yeah, my traps are absolutely cucked. im also in desperate need of the neckpill.
may zyzz bless me with your joocy necc one day

Does the M stand for Mom?

Not sure if I should bulk or cut. I’ve kinda stopped counting calories and just try an eat clean but my weight has stayed consistent. BF% estimate?

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It's honestly probably because I do STRICT form. No legs to get the bar out of the bottom.

i wish i was you%
you could go either way desu. judging by your insertions you have top tier potential. might as well start cutting for summer but holy fuck you’re gonna look like a brick shithouse this winter

i OHP more than you with absolutely 0 leg drive and bench 155
youre full of shit

6'0, lifting for 8 months. very tempted to cut for the abs and face gains.....

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Thanks man, just started lifting in December but I live in Miami, the middle of the winter is 75 degrees so I don’t care when I cut or bulk

Pic related is why everyone thinks you are either retarded or lying. You fucked up man.

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I guarantee you've been OHPing for more than 3 months nigger. It's a new lift to me.

Also I usually OHP AFTER I bench.

Gotta keep bulking

Lifting my feelings away.

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Using legs isnt ohp its called push press fyi

don't let them bully u friend. i bench 205 for 5 but can only ohp 115 for 5

holy fuck great progress. how long, what have your lifts/stats gone up like, whats your routine progression been and do you think affirmative action is necessary, effective, and fair?