/fast/#161 - wightloss edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.


While you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.

>Weight loss
>Better skin

It's when your body takes apart useless, shitty cells. (Cancer cells, cells with broken protein, acne, loose skin, etc)


>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.


If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.

You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.

This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.

"Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."

>Sugar is more addictive than coke

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Other urls found in this thread:


Eating one meal a day 150g of protein, and anons got an idea on the effectiveness of this.

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Yeah that's pretty much a protein-sparing modified fast

will regular sea salt work?

Did a 7 day fast and now I am doing 48hs between each meal like it’s small time

Thanks Snake Man

Still have 25 lbs to go

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No, you won't be getting potassium

Questions for you user!
How much did you weigh when you started the 7 day fast? And how much did you weigh at the end of it?

Also do you still drink snake juice during those 48 hour fasts?

231-216 on the 7 day

I only drink snake juice if I feel weak or have a headache which I don’t usually.

Usually when I refeed I gain 2-4 lbs and after the 48 I lose 6. Sometimes if I don’t shit I will go 72 to prevent myself from cheating. I don’t eat unless I see 2 lbs gone from last fasted (no food/water) weight.

Protein metabolizes to glucose, you're breaking your fast and making sure to stay out of ketosis.


Completed the first day, where do you get your potassium from? Like, give me a brand.

Doc prescribed me phentermine, worth trying the first few days for the fast?

No before pic actually, since I didn’t think I would be able to do it on the first try since all other diets have failed except fasting

Fasting works for me because it forces me into structure, and since I have had an healthy relationship with food I will accept being a slave to the scale until I hit my goal. Once I hit my goal I will do OMAD and weekly weigh ins to stay there, fasting down as needed.

Once you do a long 5+ day fast the 2-3 day ones are easy, because you learn to appreciate your opportunity to pig out after working hard to lose weight those days.

I need to get to 180. I think with my frame that will look good at 6’1”


>Once you do a long 5+ day fast the 2-3 day ones are easy.
I also feel like I could more easily distinguish between hunger and boredom. A lot of my weight gain was honestly sedentary boredom. The feeling of actual hunger was new.

You can find NoSalt at your local walmart in the salt aisle. It's got potassium

Clocked in 51 hours so far. When will I stop feeling like garbage and get all the "mental clarity" and high energy people talk about? the 72 hour+ mark? I haven't been feeling hunger but goddamn I feel tired

>It's got potassium
Nigger, it IS potassium

I realized that too

More than anything else on the fast I was bored because I wasn’t eating or planning to. Overcoming the physical cravings is easily but fasting helped me start to realize how to get over the boredom driven impulse eating


I don’t know

I didn’t get it

I felt like a zombie that wasn’t hungry the entire fast even with snake juice

Make sure you're staying hydrated. Also realize that the "energy level" in ketosis is characterized by low blood sugar necessarily. People are very used to those carbohydrate glucose sugar spikes of energy and this is not like that. It's not "low" per say but its mellow and steady, you may just be just missing the spike you're used to. This we would classify as "sugar addiction" in which case you'll adapt and get used to it.

moot was fat? I assumed he was always a skelly

damn anyone knows who this guy is? good progress :P

no one in this thread lifts right

dont see any good before/after pics from /fast/ ever

Not him but, was keto before, did 7 day. 206 fed, 200.0 18 hr into fast, 192 @ end. Measuring from 18 hr in and starting from a keto state allowed better determination of fat loss bc less water shifting.

I lifted and cardio'd when doing OMAD. But right now I'm doing the meme snake diet and on day 9 currently and I haven't lifted at all

In one of his videos snakeman said he had people pass the fuck out from exercising while doing the snake diet

He was one of the reddit founders

Any1 else here /fast/ & /nofap/?

Right here my dude. I'm on day 33 though and I feel like I've been flatlined since like day 5. Zero sex drive. Shit sucks, but I haven't fapped at all so I'm hoping one day I'll wake up and see some benefits.

What's the ideal amount of protein to eat on re-feeds if you're lifting?

Started at 240 pounds. Switched my diet around and started to walk 6 miles a day while partial fasting. I brought it down to 205. But i still have a gut.

Hey guys, is there a discord server for this fast community? It would be nice to have an organized non self-deleting place to look up or archive things.
I looked on reddit, but they call shit like eating 2 times a day or eating/drinking something regularly (other than water) fasting, that is just ridiculous.

You are in a thread where people talk about it curing their cancer and cavities and foot fungus. But its stupid to think it can help IBS?
You retarded?

I'm 2 days in guys. I get that feeling like "maybe I should eat some food." Is that normal?

Doc prescribed me phentermine, worth trying the first few days for the fast?

Attached: phentermine.png (400x400, 271K)

Explain more about this feeling so we can determine if it's an actual concern, or if its just mental gymnastics trying to make you fulfill your fatty cravings


Can I still lift and cardio when I'm fasting for a week straight on snake juice? Or will I fuckin pass out

Don't bother. You're not taking in protein, so lifting isn't going to do anything other than burn a very negligible amount of calories.

From the exact same study that you linked to:

> ... Testosterone and insulin-like growth factor 1 decreased significantly in TRF (time-restricted feeding subjects), with no changes in ND (normal diet subjects)

pic related, its you

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That snake shit is gay as fuck

Speaking of, I had a several visible cavities before I started fasting. They seem to be patching themselves up now.

hey fatty

So if I want to fast and stay nutritious, can I use multivitamins even if it says to take them with a meal or is that just more of a suggestion

without food you'd just piss out most of the vitamins

Good point. What does a normal fasting diet look like?

Yeah, he may have kissed a few guys and may or may not have gotten a blow job from an asian guy while passed out drunk, but I could give a shit.

Hell, I just found out today that he's half black.

Do Cole's most recent routine if you're ripped. If not then just don't fucking eat.

But who knows? Maybe you won't.

Not that I know of, but that's a damned good idea.

I looked for support on a pro-ana site of all places because I'm below 20 BMI and it's getting hard. You talk about a community that's addicted to food. There are very few real fasters there that I saw, just a bunch of one cracker every two hours people.

Can you guys tell me ways to prevent hair loss at all? I am down 65 pounds so far but its fucked my hairline. I started taking Optimen vitamins that seem to have a good combo of shit but I don't want to use Rogaine because I own cats and its toxic to them apparently.

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I'm 115 lbs and still have a gut. Looks like my skeletor weight might be double digits.

Do any of you guys lift?

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Hair loss is a symptom of anorexia or extreme starvation, as opposed to fasting. Are you taking vitamins? Maybe you should fast for shorter periods of time.

I think Cole talked about that but I didn't pay much attention.

Honestly though I wouldn't worry about it. Getting rid of the weight is far more important. I lost and am losing hair as well, which is not unheard of because fasting is a shock to the system, but I trust it will grow back. At least I hope so, but if not then I'll be skinny bald and still not giving a fuck.

I don't take vitamins at all so can't advise. Do keep Rogaine away from the kitteh though.

You are fucking retarded m8

Jesus it's these differences of opinion that is why we need a discord. Setting that shit up now.

My chest feels very jittery. My heart is not pumping fast or I'd feel it. I'm taking snake juice and water and I don't know what to do and its scary help

In the unlikely event you aren't a concern troll. . .


God DAMNED it people are stupid. If you feel bad, break the fast and fucking figure out why. This is not a one size fits all, it's special snowflake just like your sorry fat ass is.


There's already a discord you stupid faggot. We had a whole thread about this.

Its not a difference of opinion is a fuckin dipshit because he can't even read that I am taking vitamins and even put it in the god damn picture, and doesn't know that weight loss in general causes hair loss. Literally just asking for an alternative to Rogaine or what you guys have tried.

>it IS potassium
You mean it HAS potassium?
Pure potassium is illegal to sell in regular stores in most countries. You can probably google the effects it has if dropped in water.

Well unlike you I'm not here 24/7 to read every fucking thread there is. Dick.

Depends what kind. The ones I have are liquid gels with 2g oil per serving/3 gels. It might be 18 calories, but I bet it helps things absorb

Why discord? This is for the masses as well.

Biotin should help. Should be fine on a fast, hopefully you can find one without carb fillers

I did some research and I think maybe it's heart palpitation? Getting mixed answers of whether or not it's a concern or reason to stop fasting

How tall are you? Any yohimbine idk use yet? Some areas of fat storage have more of certain receptors which tell the body to preserve the fat and not burn it. Yohimbine interferes with those receptors, purportedly easing burning of stomach and lower back fat stores if you're in an otherwise fat burning mode.

hey fattie

>Fasting curing stuff
NTA, but IBS and lactose intolerance are entirely different things.
IBS is an inflammatory disease probably triggered by bacteria gut health.
Lactose intolerance appears when your body stops making enzyme lactas. You need thousand of enzymes and your body won't waste resource making all of them in large amounts, just in case, so some of them we have less than others or eventually none at all.

Very small cavities regularly repair themselves. The saliva contains the agents needed. That's why reduced saliva (dry mouth) often results in more cavities.
For the saliva to work, the teeth need to be clean. That's the main reason to brush. For someone on 6MAD while sipping drinks, repairs can only be done during night presuming they brushed carefully and don't sleep with their mouth open.
How large a cavity can be and still be repaired I don't know, but fasting sure gives a long time for repairs without any interruptions.

I've been lifting pretty easy light weights im on day 4 of a 5 day fast. Not to improve my lifts or gain muscle or burn more calories but moreso to stall the boredom. Do some stretching and fun light stuff if you really want it wont hurt!



>various stress related symptoms
In order to get an idea of what may be the cause you need to describe the time you've been fasting, the electrolytes you've been taking during this time and any other supplements (magnesium?) or "tastebud refreshers" (coffe?).

You can always break fast by drinking some milk. It doesn't give you tons of calories, but it is one of the recommended nutrients easily available during refeed.

Im not a fat ass (14% bf) but I definitely want to speed things up because in about 70 days I'll be interning in a company in a coast city full of babes

with some ephedrine I'm positive I can jump instantly into the 5OMAD + 48hr fast bandwagon. my only doubt is ... what is a good macro ratio for it?

Thread theme: youtu.be/83bmsluWHZc
Lets fast until we're not fat

What does ephedrine do? Appetite suppressant I'm assuming?

I looked it up and it says it's prescription only now. Is there an off version?

Please help me I'm fasting and I've had a headache ALL DAY since the morning and I'm trying to sleep And I can't

Fasting for about 55 hours now
Drank 1 litre of snake juice throughout the day with 1 tsp of nosalt and 1 and a half tsp of Himalayan pink salt in it as well as 3 water bottles

Im getting bad headaches consistently too

>day 2 snaking
>feelin fine

maybe because im a fatty but hopefully the road ahead isnt like this

Forgot to mention that I take ZMA every night

2 tsps of potassium (nosalt)
unless thats somehow too much but it shouldnt

holy fuck snake juice is fucking salty.

how do you bastards manage to drink it?

Seems about right. But he does NoFap, and talks a lot about chastity, suppression of desires, self sacrifice, etc. All traditionally Christian values prior to the 1970s. So his advice is good. I don't care if he's part nig or kissed a dude once (though I'm not sure he did either).

He also seems like he could be alt-right or definitely close to it. He shit talked Trudeau the other day and hates on fat chicks.

Moot is pretty chad looking, how tall is he?

Just completed a 48 hour fast. Had some toast with salami.

yeah man, it absolutely smashes your appetite. a 800-1000 deficit feels almost like maintenance eating if you're responsive to the substance. plus for the first 4 weeks it gives you (with caffeine) a lot of energy, kinda like an alertness buzz

You can't easily get the pure substance. I'm from Brazil and here you can get it through asthma medication. If I'm not mistaken a lot of the OTC ones in the USA also contain ephedrine, Bronkaid being the most famous one over there afaik

Just completed a 30 day fast, someone read my blog and tell me, is refeeding really this easy or am I going to kill myself or what?

>finish 30 day fast
>super afraid I'm going to screw up refeed and die
>eat half an avocado and 1 oz cashews, prepared for stories of people being inordinately stuffed by the smallest amount of food
>wasn't really hungry to begin with, but feel fine afterwards so I finish the avocado and eat another oz cashews
>felt like I could've eaten more but had no desire to, fearing that I'll binge or get sick
>still feel fine, go about 14 hours without eating and feel up to try some soup at a Chinese place after work
>carefully drink soup, try not to go too fast, refrain from eating those bits of fried dough they give you to dip
>still fine, eat mild meal of scallops with cabbage, bell peppers, etc. very slowly along with jasmine tea
>accidentally eat one of those really tiny dark peppers, the dry shiny kind that sort of disintegrate when you bite into them that they put in those types of dishes that are always more spicy than you expect
>oh boy this is where it ends, haven't had anything spicy in weeks (obviously) and this is super spicy, I'm definitely going to feel it in my stomach
>nothing happens
>avoid eating very much of the rice to avoid majorly spiking my insulin, same with egg roll, honestly feel like I could have finished the whole meal but I box up the rest thinking I've probably eaten a nearly dangerous amount already
>expect to feel my stomach erupt in anguish later from what clearly should have been enough food to do me in
>45 minutes later, still feel fine, afraid I've indulged too quickly and I'm going to go home and binge
>6 hours later, eaten nothing, feel great and no desire to binge
>going to fast all tomorrow and eat my next meal Thursday

This is easy, is refeeding only an issue if you break the fast with nearly pure sugar? I was really under the impression that 21+ day fasts could mess you up if you don't refeed right.

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yeah man, it absolutely smashes your appetite. a 800-1000 deficit feels almost like maintenance eating if you're responsive to the substance. plus for the first 4 weeks it gives you (with caffeine) a lot of energy, kinda like an alertness buzz

You can't easily get the pure substance. I'm not from the US but here in my country you can get it through asthma medication. If I'm not mistaken a lot of the OTC ones in the USA also contain ephedrine, Bronkaid being the most famous one over there afaik

before and after pics? really impressive dude


I'm fasted about 60 hours now. I started getting really hungry around the 55 hour mark so I went to sleep.

Woke up and I feel fine now.

Started again since I'm getting close to my ideal weight (around 77 kg). Right now I'm eating a large meal (2500+ calories) on lifting days, and fasting on rest days. If I don't make any gains I'll do OMAD eating at a slight deficit on rest days.

Where do you think you are. This is all lasting larping

Congrats, user. Refeeding is kind of a meme. It was discovered from literal POWs in ww2 or something. Not really an issue for /fast/ers here. You could have probably eaten a lot more stuff, but you played it pretty well to be safe.

Your supplements look fine to me. Your symptoms sounds like low blood sugar.
If you haven't done ketogenic diets earlier, the liver is usually bad at making enough sugar.

If it's also slow to start ketosis and production of ketone bodies, there may be too many cells fighting for the glucose and not enough for everyone and since the brain craves it, it complains with headache.

I prefer to slow start my fasting with 2-3 days of low-carb diet (< 50g/day) before the fast.

That's a good strategy. I think I'll try it myself.
Still have about 15 lbs to go though. I think I'll be done in two months...

I've tried putting together a Refeeding FAQ by modifying the Wikipedia page.

Thoughts and suggestions from people are welcome. (Or steal ideas and make your own if you like.)

Attached: Refeeding syndrome - modified Wikipedia.png (957x1469, 40K)

Another day of no progress pics. Enjoy your larp, I guess

not really though, im not that guy but i did a 43 day fast back in october.

there isnt much difference past the first few weeks of fasting, you just get slightly weaker each day, but every day turns into the same shit.

>gimme pics of sexy bodies
Nah, this isn't /CBT/.
We also stopped posting pics since people claiming fake and larp only used them to harass.