This is a thread for discussing the use of selective androgen receptor modulators. What is everyone cycling? Are you considered natty if you use SARMs?
/SARM/ thread
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Just do Test, ya fuckin dingus
I know it's not a SARM but gets lumped with them - MK677 has been super great. 6'0, 135 for four years to 160lbs after MK. Noticeable skin improvements, improved appetite, sleeping five hours feels like I've gotten eight hours.
I think it's a good starting point for people looking at performance drugs but not looking for the sides of test. RAD140 I highly recommend looking into if you like a little of what test has to offer without fucking yourself up.
fell for the memes and did mk677 in hopes to gain some height when I was 18yo. Didnt gain a cm but gained a lot of weight.
Yeah I just bought 677 and 2866 to do a 8 and 4 week cycle respectively.
Sounds like your growth plates had already closed over, was worth a shot anyway man.
Will cardarine give me cancer when I get older?
How can I morally justify using sarms
just do test you fucking nerds
>not looking for the sides of test.
Exactly why I'm interested in SARMS
>drug touted as steroids without the typical negative side-effects
>lol just do steroids you retards
cannot understand this line of thinking
>not stacking sarms with text
Is MK-677 good? What effects does it give for muscle/fat? I'm not a manlet so I don't give a shit about hight but I'd like more mooscles.
as someone with a lot of anxiety when taking drugs, should i even fuck with mk-677? ive been trying to read about its safety and it *seems* pretty safe, but i gotta be sure i can take it and not get a fucking brain aneurysm before i do it
Cadarine is amazeballs.
test has been used for decades though, we pretty much know what to expect
SARMs on the other hand are pretty novel and I for one would not use them yet. They are an interesting concept for sure though
I'm not hopping into test-e because I'm scared of hairloss, do sarms cause any hairloss? I don't trust anything shills say in sarm forums because they're trying to sell them
Test doesn't cause hair loss, genetics do it'll definitely speed up the process tho
Had some experience with mk2866(ostarine) gained 8 pounds lbm but it suppressed my test alot, haven't touched it since but would consider running it with test for some nice gains
>be me
>come from /lgbt/
>where our performance enhancing drugs are AAs, E, and SERMs
>visit Jow Forums
>talking about T and SARMs
SARMs are pretty great, and can be quite useful, though they can give you sex drive issues as theyll suppress you, but recovery is quick for mos people as FSH and LH are still there and the half life is short.
"Just do test".
Test + LGD > Test imho.
But you should be careful and have an AI, LGD crushes your SHBG levels, giving more free test and thus more estrogen conversion, and a lack of SHBG for the estrogen to bind to, thus more "free estrogen".
Also high dose ostarine (50mg ED) taken with test was the only thing that really fixed up my "joints" (ligaments/tendons).
I have been taking MK677 for around 3 months and have gained about an inch in height and have become a little leaner. My sleep quality has also improved.
>18 y/o
Does mk677 cause any spooky sideffects? Also can it shut down your natural GH production the way that androgens shut down HPTA?
So like, if SARMs reduce T, can we use them instead of Bica? Does it reduce DHT effectively? The conversion of free T to E sounds wonderful for tiddy gains.
Not exactly since it isn't really a SARM, it's a secratagogue. Many claim that the side effects are negligible and almost non-existent.
I have some recession on temples and its very very slow so i dont want to speed it up, that's why I wont risk real roids
Waste of money lol.
>Test and DBol ftw
Holy fuck neck yourself
I came here to also post this response.
Dylan Gemelli always shills cardarine, but apparently it gave cancer to lab rats. Granted, I think the rats were given incredibly high doses, but it's still too new for me to trust it. And Dylan Gemelli is a weird looking faggot.
SARMs are fine if you're a fat lazy fuck.
If you're going to fraud, at least properly fraud.
Anyone know a good place i can read up on ibuatamoren. Cant find any much non shill related stuff.
Watch out. Ostarine can fuck your cholesterol up.
Here is a great source for anyone using PEDs
the "Ask the Doc" series.
>Test + LGD > Test imho.
You fucking retard. LGD and Test use the same receptors while LGD has a much higher receptor affinity. When you saturate the available receptors with LGD then the added test will literally do nothing except create side effects like increased estrogen + resulting consquences. You don't mix Sarms with Test. You either use Test and then bridge with a Sarm, or use only Test or only a Sarm.
Seconded. Also ligandrol. And ligandrol + ibuatamoren stack. I also cannot find non-shill info.
Pls someone?