day 1 of /no game/
who else is doing this/have tried this?
I'm going to be going 90 days with not playing a single video game in hopes of getting more productive shit done.
day 1 of /no game/
who else is doing this/have tried this?
I'm going to be going 90 days with not playing a single video game in hopes of getting more productive shit done.
You just replace game time with imageboard time.
>You just replace game time with imageboard time.
For the last decade my biggest timewaster has always been Jow Forums. At least games are stimulating, you can succeed or fail. Yet here I am browsing Jow Forums at 11:30PM instead of doing literally anything else.
state your ages
Fuck, were so fucked
user where u hailing from?
I'm the 1108 poster. I am 29.
dat feel when college takes too much of your time so you're on /nogame/ without your choice
who here knows dat feel?
how little self control do you have to have to not be able to responsibly partition simple entertainment and daily responsibilities?
How is this even a challenge. Are you fucking 12?
I'm in Mass. Apparently it's actually closer to 12:30 than 11:30 but I haven't looked at a clock in a bit.
Kill yourself OP, at least nofap has benefits
Im in ill. I havnt looked at the clock since day 1
I know dis feel
I'm in uni too I just say college or school whenever people ask
>not being able to go a day without muh vidya gaems
why would i give up something i enjoy
I just only game on the weekends
>TFW not casual so wish there was a videogame worth getting addicted to
>no game
>posts a PS4
Well that wont be hard, you didn't have any games to begin with.
No it doesn't. Nogame is far more beneficial that stopping fapping
how about no Jow Forums
>muh video game boogeyman ruined my life
>better start being productive
>so i will start blogging about how i dont play video games and browse Jow Forums
people like you are destinated to fail at life
I'm 21 and just naturally lost interest, it's been around 8 months. I'll go longboard or launch my kayak on the river in down time. There's just so much more to do get out of a day than sitting on your ass.
This. No4chan is the ultimate test of willpower.
>be me
>start learning how to program
>start programming my own games
>suddenly cant enjoy games anymore
i dont know why but i just cant seem to enjoy games fuck all anymore, i lose interest in them in less than an hour now
I wish there was something to do outside, but this climate is absolute dogshit. I mean, it's fucking now outside. Then it's gonna melt and by the end of the day it will snow again. Summer is the only time when I can do something fun outdoors
This. I was actually more productive when I was only playing games. I became less productive the more and more I went to Jow Forums
Video games are for little kids bro. Might as well play with legos
I don't enjoy games anymore, seems easy.
Been doing NoGames for 2.5 years now. Never felt better in my life. The problem with games is not only time wasted, but they also make you an angry person if you play competitively.
I make fun of 80% of my close friend group because they play fortnite daily and I literally think it's a game for children and man-children.. then they all make fun of me for not playing.
I can't get into games anymore, last game I did was Halo 3, but ever since games just seem childish af and downright boring.
Sure, if you're a shit cunt. Or are u an overwatch player?
Just hit one year of /nogame/
Now I just need to start /nochan/
Look at all these grown, alpha men who don't play little boy video games. You guys must be proud of yourselves, a real feat to recognize. Well done lads, you guys are the future of alpha males.
Don't force yourself to play normie night you'll be playing with literal kids. It's like going to the water park to see hot babes in bikinis only to be disappointed when you see everyone and their family shit up the water park
nah I played csgo on a team for my school. We did pretty well. We were practicing 4 hours a night 3x a week. It was like a workout routine where everyone had to work together.
Many years before that i realized how retarded any RPG or MMORPG game is and how it can devour your life. The competitive gaming / teamwork gains part sucked me back in but it went too far.
I havn't played a game since then. Now im the guy on Jow Forums that yells "gayming fags go back to /v/"
yeah well it's a "free game" but my ps4 subscription ran out, so I'd literally pay $80 to play 1 game.. so it's not really free for me.. and I don't want to get involved in it because I legit cringe constantly when I see fortnite shit, why the fuck are people so immature
tried /nochan/ for a bit but honestly I would trade any other "bad" form of entertainment for more chan-time now. I like it because i can usually multitask while shitposting
I don't have the time I wish I did to play vidgames. I work full time, lift most days and spend a lot of time doing household chores and cooking food. I live alone so I take care of everything. I also need large amounts of sleep to recover from lifting, like 9 hours+ and that's not easy to fit in to a normie schedule. I mainly have time to kill on the weekends and then I usually have
missposted lmao
cont... usually have friends wanting to do stuff or girls I should be boning
I don't know if you noticed but broadcasting culture has become popular (and so has Jow Forums I n general. People like Normie nite because you spend most of your time spectating good players. Voyeurism has replaced skill. It's like watching your first Hitler speech and becoming a Jow Forums nazi thinking you want to change the world like Hitler did. The good players aren't actually good because they waste their time learning a bad game.
sounds lame as shit
meanwhile I waste my time either at the gym, doing work for my studies or binge watching tv with my gf.. probably rather do that.
>not playing games for dem reflex gains
never gonna make it
1year and 3months, Ive started lifting and I finished my school.
Feels good.
Best way to practice talking to people is by talking to people online. CSGO surf is prime socializing practice
>tfw quit WoW/LoL and bought an Xbone instead
Damn I'm glad I made the move. I used to play PC 4-5 hours a day, but with console I only play an hour or so, and some days I don't even play at all.
Some dope games as well (picrelated)
There are still people on Jow Forums who fall for the virtual jew? Get rid of that gains goblin brah ASAP and start doing something with your life
Pretty much any pastime is okay so long as it doesn't encroach on time allocated for something else.
Your issue is poor time management, not video games.
I was the biggest gaming addict. As a kid-adult I played games almost daily. Sometimes it was 8 hours a day or more. There were certain points in my life where it was even worse if you could somehow imagine that. Where I'd do nothing but game for long periods of time stretched over weeks or months.
As I got older past my early 20s, I started to stop playing nearly as much. Once I hit 24 I think it was I was playing so much less that it was probably half of what I was doing at any point in my life. I am currently 29 years old. It was a few years ago now but I actually went a full year without playing games. The past few years I play so little it probably doesn't even amount to a days worth of time for each year. That is how little I play these days.
Its not even because I hate games. In fact I still love them and I am constantly on the gaming boards here. My passion is just dead for playing them. I have bad depression and feels. Playing games anymore than I do now is just going to keep reminding me what a failure I have become in life. The vast majority of the world still sees games as kiddy shit. Don't let gamings massive popularity fool you. It is still children's entertainment to the vast majority of people out there who have their lives together.
If I had my life together, a gf, wasn't a virgin, was basically normal, I'd force myself to find time for games again. As it is now, it is bitter sweet. I love them, but I know it is just going to depress me since I'm not supposed to be enjoying them so much anymore. I was supposed to move on like the rest of the normal people did.