/uni/ university and college Jow Forums thread

>3rd all nighter this week at college
>at least I got my essay done
>the adrenaline from sleep deprivation stops me from killing myself
Natty mental health gains

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/12-Rules-Life-Antidote-Chaos/dp/0345816021/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1522846867&sr=8-1&keywords=12 rules for life

Having your body full of cortisol is worst feeling in the world desu.

good for losing weight though

Damn OP this is me right now. Should have been in bed 2 hours ago and still have 2 hours of engineering homework ahead of me. And I had a fuckhard lower body workout today in supposed to be "recovering" from. As my roommate and rival in (((business))) sleeps like a baby for 10 hours a night. How can engineers even compete?

holy fuck, what drugs do you think /ourguy/ Connor Murphy is on?

i dont understand how hard it is to lift and study
lifting only takes up max 3hours of my day (travelling, working out and preparing meals). u have another 10 hours or so to study...

my daily schedule -
wake up at 8am
eat a light breakfast, pop an ECA stack
go to the uni library at 9
write my thesis until 6pm
go to the gym
Eat a big-ass dinner afterwards

I dont manage my time well and if I dont get 8 hours of sleep I decide to stay up all night. I fucking hate waking up groggy.

kek, don't mire. It's just that I need to finish it in a couple weeks and I'm only half way done
I'm terrible at managing my time too, so I need to go all out to get something done

must be nice having parents to pay for your uni. Some of us spend some of those 10 hours at work

You see, I don't know this feel because I am very smart :^) Inb4 you claim my grades are bad OP because I know you're itching for intellectual stimulation.

>Have a 44% in calculus with 1 test and the final left
Should I drop the class so it doesn't affect my GPA then retake it during the summer or should I just bite the bullet and hope I can still get it up to a D or a C-
Too late to realize I was a brainlet for comp sci

>Have a 50% in calc
>2nd time taking it
Now it's balls to the fucking wall, wish me luck fellow brainlets

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I always knew Jow Forums was the brainlet board
t. /sci/

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Drop it and study until summer

What? How? I’m a senior in college and have pulled zero all nighters. Why don’t you do your homework during the day?

I'm a senior in comp sci, I have had at least a two hour break in between classes and I go to the gym during that time. Then I go straight home after class and do hw until friends get online to play vidya.
I probably have enough time to work but I'd rather play video games and be in debt than way too stressed and maybe a few thousand dollars less in debt.

How autistic are you and how do you git gud at CS?

Did acid a month ago.
Zero point zero motivation to do well in last semester in school
Skipping classes left and right
Realize my casual friends are shitty
All my roommates have other main friends
Have dropped all of my hobbies, besides music and lifting.
Music is no longer fun or deep for me, just do it to pass time
Have one close friend, and she is sick beyond belief with an auto immune disorder but the doctors can't fucking help. She's lost 50 pounds in the last 4 months because she doesn't want to eat and her severe joint pain means she can barely leave bed. She's depressed as fuck and has admitted she wants to die. I spend all the time I can with her but it's soul crushing to watch.
But on the plus side In a month (hopefully) I will have a degree and no student debt.
I still feel dead on the inside when I lift but it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something

same, but instead of going home after class I go to the computer lab for 5 hours nice
>how do you git gud at CS?
umm write a lot of code and study math

skipped all my classes and gym today to finish my essay. woke up late and ended up fapping to traps and hentai and now I'm browsing the 'ch0n. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK

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who pays for your uni, gym and big ass dinner expenses?

How do you actually organise shit like studying with girls? I'm on really good terms with a few over different courses but I don't talk to them on fb or anything outside of class
Not even a sperg but I just don't go to the effort, is randomly messaging girls normal?

PHD physicist here. Getting JUSTED by labs and lack of sleep. It's not like we have a lifting environment in the office either, everyone's fat and dyel so I have no one to lift with

and hair

Wait until revision/plans for your day comes up in a conversation
"I'm going to the library later today, wanna join?"

If you can't afford going to Uni and are salty about people with good families just leave Uni and go for a trade. Nobody forces you lmao
Uni isn't meant to be for everyone

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>be european

>be me
>11pm can't sleep.
>get to sleep at 3am
>wake up 11
>go gym or carryout task like shopping
>can only revise 2pm to 8pm.

Uni gym also free
I spent like 5-10$ daily on food. Scholarship is more than enough to pay for that.

already have a trade, doing uni because trades offer no career progression, and while you earn well while you're young you'll be earning the same/doing the same job at 50+.

But, I think the trade route should be mandatory for engineers

Unitoil is a joke, wait until you hit actual toil.

I'm going back to uni in September and I can't fucking wait.

>tfw want to work out but have a 300 word essay due by tomorrow
life is truly suffering bros

Sort yourself out m8 if you've only got a month left there's no reason to throw it away. Fucking man up and take responsibility for your own life.

>tfw too old now to hang out in uni threads
Heh heh... when I go back for PhD c-can I join you guys?

>wake up at 7, take yohimbine and caffeine
>snooze 1h
>get up, grab stuff, walk 40min to school
>low dose lisdexamphetamine, low dose kratom + l-tyrosine, caffeine
>study for 3 hours
>study for 3 hours more
>go home and do whatev
Like a breeze.

Without going to school to study and without substances I'd fail so hard. Doing CS.

still fuckin' browsing. I CAN'T STOP

How the fuck do I do college full time without being in insane debt? I'm going to community college and dropped everything to get a shit part time job and move back in with the family and I'm so miserable and have another 2 years to go. Sometimes I wish I was stupid enough to take out 8k a year in loans to live off. I don't know what to do and I'm so depressed and overwhelmed it's fucking awful.

I fucking hate everything fucking shit fuck I never got a chance to do this when I was younger and wasted so many years working for nothing, so many years.


If you arent a brainlet then there is no excuse for having more than 1 difficult semester ever unless you are a double major

>300 words

sick of seeing this shit. i go to school online and have to make 300 word forum posts for 5 classes every week fuck you this is nothing, literally 10 minutes in microsoft word you brainlet learn to fucking think

>tfw godda write 12 finals this semester because I slacked the other ones

But I think it's possible


Lmao yeah.
But I have to leave this room, I am like stunned in here. All I did all my life here was playing games and chilling, I am unable to work here somehow

holy shit college being hard is the biggest meme. I go to a top 50 college and study 2 hours a day and have a literal 4.0. The only people who struggle in college are people who do no work and then try to cram it all in last minute. College is the easiest phaze of pife desu.

why choose to fail at life because some people die. You have to except that death is a part of living and that you have to live your life to its fullest.

nice get faggot

let me guess you live in a dorm with no other responsibilities? hard to devote your only 2 hours off work and life to studying fucking english when youre doing a degree in electronics engineering

>go to uni Monday to Friday
>wake up at 8
>make breakfast (eggs and vegetables usually)
>at midday prepare huge lunch (chicken breast with salad)
>go to class 3 pm to 5 pm
>dinner is fruit with yogurt
>every Tuesday and Thursday rugby training

>feels good man

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Plan your time better. It sucks to have to pull all-nighters and its 100% your fault. This is uni not a 6 figure job there isnt that much work to do.

>still in college
>college is the easiest phase of life


Working life is easier. Actual free time, disposable income, and way less stress.

I live 20 mins off campus but the commute doesnt add that much time. Im in business management which is more of a middle difficulty major, I feel for you engineering fags. I have no job but could easily get one part time if I wanted to as I have upwards of 8 hrs of free time a day. im just living off of the money I made in high school which I tripled with the bitcoin meme and taking out loans for most of the rest.

im just passing it off 40-60 hrs a week plus a commute. Also in college you have tons of a vacations compared to jobs where you get a few weeks off a year if you’re lucky.

>part time if I wanted to as I have upwards of 8 hrs of free time a day

problem is they dont work like that much anymore, mine is 8-9 hours a day 4 days a week and ive got obligations on my day off and it just didnt work out as easy as i thought it would being part time, i thought it would be easy but its just as exhausting and taxing on the mind as working full time just with SHIT pay. looking for a new job but im afraid to do something full time because i failed before a semester doing it. i just wish i didnt have to work for a few semesters and the student loans are tempting but i am only 1,800 in debt so far over 3 semesters.

Depends on how you structure your life I guess. I live close to my job, work 28 hours a week, and get about 6 weeks vacay a year. Am yuro though.

>paying for education
3rd world is a silly place

8-9 hr a day seems more like full time to me. The people I know how work part time is sub 20 hours a week. Also im OK taking out loans because my major starting salary near 6 figures is realistic, also my daddy is paying for around half of the tution
In the US most people work atleast 40-50 hours a week plus commute. The set-up you have is very untypical in the US

My country pays for my education.
Gym and dorm room cost me around 100 Euros a month. about 150 Euros per month on food
That shit is peanuts. I took a year off and worked in Scandinavia, earning about 100 Euros a day, so I'm pretty much set

College is easy as fuck. 3.4 GPA pulling As and Bs and I could skip half of my classes if I wanted to because attendance isn't graded. I have no idea how the fuck people fail out. The only thing that's time consuming is my sr. project for which I'm building an app, but even then it's not hard it's just long.
Cybersec major btw

take ashwagandha.
cortisol: gone

Fucking nerds
How do you keep a strong discipline to study?

Oh, just wait until you get into college.You'll have your share of all nighters. I was able to coast through high school and stay in the top 10% of my class with minimal effort and rarely giving attention to school outside of actual school. If you want to do that well in college though you will have to put in the work.

Lol this. After a series of all nighters and several cram sessions I came back home 15 lbs lighter losing tons of hair everyday.

Read this man. It will help.

amazon.com/12-Rules-Life-Antidote-Chaos/dp/0345816021/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1522846867&sr=8-1&keywords=12 rules for life

As a failure at college what helped to start over are "goals and discipline". Define studying and uni as your job, the reward are accomplished goals. You dont skip your work or only go when you have to, you do it regardless, treat studying the same way, nothing else to it.

Self reflection, helped a lot.

This is basically my CS program. I don't have any friends to lift with and it really bothers me. All I want is a lifting buddy that is similar in strength and can help keep me disciplined.

How's that gender studies degree? Highly doubt you're STEM. You have to put in actual work in a good STEM program.

What type of goals do you set for yourself?

Okay guys slightly related but:

In my compilers class this I found a lab partner but a few hours later this girl who likes me emailed me asking if she can be my lab partner

What do I do?

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Do I switch?

Do I email her no?

user, as a soon to graduate CS major, i can tell you calc was by far the hardest part of the degree. but that's different for every school, i guess.

>Not probability

>bros before hoes

if the guy is anything but a brad or above just switch otherwise youre a cuck

>Not the lack of grillz

> top 50

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I segment them in big and small goals.

What I need and want to achieve and how to get there.

Big boals:
-Happy family
-Good friendships
-Great job in my field
-Finish uni
-Travel the world with my friends and so (and future children).
-Being a better version of myself

Smalls goals (how to get to the big goals):
-For happy family and good friendships I force myself to socialise with all types of people, even when I dont want to, am an introvert. Hopefully it will become a habit and I wont feel forced to do it when I am mentally exhausted. That means having a 5 min conversation with some stranger, as weird as that sounds for Europe bros (jelly of Americans and their extrovertism), or asking an acquaintance for coffee to cutch up instead of just saying hello. Talk to girls, etc. Basically cultivate charisma and personality, have active social life and time for friends/family, not sit in my room all day refreshing Jow Forums and masturbating to hentai.

-Great job in my field requires networking with colleagues and professors, attending events and presentations in other Unis/countries.

-To finish Uni, study. I treat it as my job, 5-6 days a week its 8-10+ hours a day studying (including classes). Not fucking around, no shitposting. Promodoro technique, vocalisation, writing shit over and over. Whatever works.

-Being a better version of myself is the hardest for me. I have to stop lying to myself and force to improve.

Am a brainlet. Life is not easy, you have to sacrifice something to move forward. Humans are creatures of habit, discipline is the most important thing for success. Nothing else to it. It doesnt matter how old you are. This is the only life you have. You will either continue lying to yourself or face your inadequacies and move forward. Changing isn't easy but it can be done.

I created my own fear, fear of missing out. The rest is history.

>Typing this on the toilet, the shit has already dried. Pic related

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"college" isn't difficult, use your time efficiently study from textbooks and do problems often. I had a job for a bit then quit to revise for exams. I've never pulled an all nighter in my life, I've worked late everynight for like a month (software Msc project) but I wouldn't say it's that hard.

Forgot to add, If reflection isn’t a habitual part of your life, you’re living life wrong. It may sound autismo and thats ok with me but at the end of the day I reflect on how the day went, what went wrong or could have been better or if I did a great job.

Let say, I had to study for 8 hours. Did I study all 8 or 6, or 4 ? If I studied 4 instead of 8 but did all required reading and did all exercises? If yes, then good, I did great. Then the reward of playing 4 hours of video games was a good decision.
Dont forget to find a balance as well or you'll burn out.

But how do you study 8-10 hours with a job? I don't get how this shit is fucking possible while supporting myself. I take 5 classes and work basically full time. I am so miserable and just lay in bed trying to not break down every single day. I have Bs and Cs in class, the assignment due dates just appear overnight it feels like. I am living a blur, I am so lost, I had a dream that now feels like a mistake and no one can support me during it. I wish my parents were fucking losers who would help me through it when I was younger. I just want to finish a degree. Send help brother because I need it.

Lol that's gay

Keep a sticky note with due dates for the week on them

That's what I do

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Whatever works user. If you cant study for 8, study 4 but make them count. Define clearly what you have to do, try to join a study group or make one if you cant. Talk to professors and ask to explain concepts that you forgot/didnt quite get.
Instead of always thinking of the big picture (have to finnish uni), think of small steps (have to read that chapter today). I know its hard user. But you can do it. Its ok to feel down, just keep moving forward and take responsability for your actions.

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>Lol that's gay
But it works for me and thats what important. I dont play vidya anyway, it was just an example.

why should i just take out loans and be fucked in the ass 3 years from now instead of wasting more of my life (approaching 30) working wagecuck job and barely passing school

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Because they are too busy wanking, playing videogames or watching anime.

Having no friends is a big one too. The best I've ever studied was with my mate who was an econ major and we were both on the swim team so we became room mates for 2nd year and we were so competitive with each other like brothers would be that we would force each other to get out of bed in the mornings, Schedule study sessions and then go gym together. Shit gets easy when you have someone always there. Motivating yourself is hard.

Its something I try to do by getting helpful relationships, make friends with nerds and study together. Get a gf who cooks food for you. ect ect.

lel kek. Lifes unfair, get loans faggot.

Calculus based physics is killing me, Calculus 2 is easy compared to it but I just can’t understand physics.

You have to decide it for yourself user. The goals you want require sacrifice, what you sacrifice is up to you but the reward will depend on the sacrifice.

whats bullshit is i supported my girlfriend for 3 years while she went to school and we broke up now she's about to graduate and i have no one to help me and she is only 5k in debt. everything is just bad user its all bad. i'm a brainlet but im fucking trying

oh yeah and don't do this, don't invest in another person EVER. as you can see i got nothing out of it and neither will you

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It's a meme you dip.

I understand but the simplests truth is that life isn't fair. You are not quite there but when you hit rock bottom the only way to go is up. Believe in yourself and keep going. Fuck your gf, fuck whatever everybody else thinks and keep going.
>Fuck your gf

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Latestagecapitalism is calling you, fucking commie caling yourself a wage cuck

Supporting your girlfriend for 3 years. You were a man cuck. A wage cuck wont be much different.

I dont agree with this, but doing it to a gf who is just a leech is a terrible investment. If its a one way street then you opening yourself to be taken advantage of.

If a girl is paying for all your shit no questions then fuck it id stick around.

it's the exact opposite man

cortisol elevation is one of the things that makes dieting for extended periods hard

what about physics are you struggling with?

This is probably a product of major grade inflation in American colleges. I go to uni in Canada, and I have classmates who are fucking geniuses (think Top 50 in competitive programming/math in the world) and they spend literally 15+ hours weekly working on assignments for single advanced classes (we have five classes a term, three of which can be advanced. You do the math) and end up with averages in the low-mid 90s. I waste a lot of time and am a brainlet compared to these guys, but I still spend 20 or more hours a week to get an average between 75 and 80. Your experiences are not universal - because frankly you probably are in a program where such a GPA is not an impressive feat.

physical attraction

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Literally finished classes today for my last semester. Graduate near the end of may.

Honestly would rather just stick in university as long as possible. It really is the best part of your life and everything after that sucks.

Lifting while handling a college schedule has been great for my time management skills. I've been doing SL 5x5 since the new year (I lifted before that, I'm not a nyr fag), and have gained back the 10 lbs I lost last semester. Feels good man.