>day 2 of nofap
Day 2 of nofap
>5 minutes into nofap
>tfw you find the cheat manual
s...should I read the Bible to keep me from fapping or is it fap material?
Read the Bible and it will calm your soul
Day 4 here.
Superpower onset is slow but steady. I'm slightly more confident and talkative. I broke my week streak and I really had powers then. I want them back.
Nice to find a board that accepts nofap as being completely tangible.
Good luck trying to convince Jow Forums this shit is good for them
>wake up with a throbbing cock
>rub it a bit
>nnnnngh must resist
>get in the shower
>it’s all veiny and swollen and even the water hitting it makes it twitch
Easiest way to cruise through nofap is to get a couple of hobbies that you can do both for hours on end and at any given moment. Reading is a patrician choice, although you have to build up your reading endurance beforehand. Jow Forums stuff usually isn't too good with nofap, besides maybe meal planning.
Whenever you get the urge to fap, just go back to your hobbies.
Another pro-tip: do NOT intentionally give in to even the smallest urge (e.g. "oh what's the harm in looking at some porn?" Or "what's the harm in edging?"). 99/100 times you end up failing in the next 7 days because you've already primed your brain to think that satisfying your urges (in any pathetic way) is OK.
I didnt fap for a full 7 days, last week and by the end i literally felt like a 14 yr old again and couldnt focus on anything other then sex. fun feeling but pretty much ruins focus completely
i am honestly tired of you faggots, you virgins fill up this board using it as your no fap central because all of you fat fucks are too lazy to go to the gym so you think not jerking off is some magical shortcut to becoming confident and happy with yourself
T.porn addict
Jow Forums is so pathetic they couldn't even fuck a trap if she (he) asked them
day 17 here user, feel great - so much more energy, especially at the gym
dont give up - youtube.com
the porn addict's prolactin filled brain causes him to lash out, hysterically, as his addiction is challenged.
much the same happens when you tell druggies to fuck off because they are destroying themselves. All sorts of damage control and misplaced rage comes out of their mouth and they treat normal people, ie non addicts, as hostile. Same is happening here to this porn and fapping addict.
Seriously though every "rebuttal" to nofap is just a thinly veiled politicking of someone trying to justify consuming so much porn.
I'd find it a bit hard to come to terms with too if it turned out something I constantly engaged in that made me feel good were bad for me, but that doesn't change the truth.
look, i'm truly sorry that you guys are so pathetic, boring and stupid that you think not jerking off is going to get you a gf, fix your crippling depression and social anxiety or fix any of your problems.
porn and jerking off is just the scapegoat you discovered and instead of, you know, actively making changes to your life, changing your mindset and breaking free from negative ways of thinking, discovering and dealing with your problems head on you just think keeping your hand off your dick is the antidote to all these ails. even worse, your delusions become justified by the retarded echo chambers you faggots consistently prop up on this board, and EVEN WORSE, you probably browse leddit to look for some retarded fedora wearing vaping faggot to back up your stupidity.
is porn addictive? it can be. are you actively avoiding sex to watch porn instead? are you avoiding social or familial obligations to jerk off? do you call out of work to go on a hour long bender on pornhub? do your masturbation habits effect your relationships? oh wait...you're all KHV's, neets with no jobs or any friends...so i really doubt porn is causing any real problems in your lives.
if i wasn't doing shit with my life i'd probably be jerking off all day too. but if i actually wanted to turn it around i would actually DO SOMETHING USEFUL instead of some retarded placebo pseudoscience bullshit '''backed up''' by idiots and redditors.
fuck off to Jow Forums, /b/, or some other shit board. not touching your dick isn't fitness related at all you dumb fags. go jerk off.
t. porn addict.
You prove it right away by proceeding to write a multi-paragraph emotional rant defending porn and fapping.
Any rational person would have a chuckle at most, and move on with their live.
>ignores my entire post
>hahah dude ur just like an addict or something xD
im not the one posting in a thread dedicating to abstaining from something. if anything, you are the addict lol
>if anything, you are the addict lol
Nice try brah.
Good luck preaching your message
>porn and jerking off is just the scapegoat you discovered and instead of
No, it has very deliberate implications on your biology. It isn't just a personal ideal.
You want to knock people for being "misinformed" and you don't know the first thing about what this is.
>i saw it on reddit so it must be true
For nofap to work you need the motivation to go do anything else with the energy. if you do nofap and just sit around all day, it's not helping you really
I tried it myself and it made a profound difference in me as a person.
never gonna make it
if anything ever gets you this heated, you should seriously ask yourself why.
instead go outside
I dropped no fap cause i started OMAD at 800kcal a day and it was honestly impossible to keep both, i need to fap to calm down
My pre-NoFap life was probably objectively better than yours using the criteria you seem to value.
My NoFap life is even better. It actually matters.
It's kinda funny to watch idiots like this come into a thread where people are trying to better themselves, even if misguidedly. What are you gaining from coming into this thread to say stupid shit? Seems like you're just trying to reinforce some vision of yourself.
All you people seriously trying to tackle this should never give up. More than anything, this is an exercise in self control and school sure as hell ain't gonna teach that to you. Just realize that you can literally will that shit into obedience, but if you gave it life in the first place by always "having a fun time" with it, then it's like fighting an unforeseen beast whose bites instills desire within yourself. True virgins can attest to the fact they aren't always aroused because you can't miss something you never had. Thinking about it will make you think you do though.
Well, because this mirror isn't showing him what his bathroom mirror shows.
I hear you. I did nofap while on cumstack + horny goat weed. This high school senior was working in front of me with pants so tight that it separated each cheek. I started getting hard and had to use all my will power to not look in her general direction. Figured I had enough after that, too much anxiety.
I fapeed today mainly cause of self issues after like a week and half. Also can anyone answer why I was sweating a bit from my chest like 10-20 min later it was quite a bit desu.
Did I just put desu in a post without realizing
same, almost fucked up the other day but I won that battle
(DESU) becomes Desu automatically.
what does
you're a weeaboo now m8
Do not read the bible. Lots of fap material inside.
Got to day 60
>no benefits whatsoever
>hair didn't grow thicker on thin spot
>voice didn't deepen
>confidence didn't change
Only thing that happened was I saved time , nofap is a meme
>second 1 of nofap
Day 52 here- you can do it bros.
i know this feel user
Last month I went 28 days without fapping, made me learn about which things lead me to wanting to masturbate. My self discipline skyrocketed too.
The only bad thing was that in the last week I couldn't stop thinking about getting a girl just to fuck, kind of do or die mentality, which only went away when I finally fapped.
I'm in day 5 and my goal is 2 months, wish you guys good luck.
>fap daily to pics, rarely to videos
>have gf
>have sex with gf often
>making gains in gym
>don't have autism
How will nofap help me?
use this if you are addicted to porn. Another Jow Forums user posted it a week ago and its better than anything else I've tried
I gave in to the wet dream. Second time I failed at day 4. Kill me. I can't stop myself when I wake up horny with nothing else on mind. How do you guys do it?
I feel like it's fucking impossible to do nofap/noporn and still actively browse Jow Forums at the same time.
Every single board is a porn dump. Every other post is a half nude girl.
Filter these terms: fap, nofap, noporn
Done faggot, now enjoy your average gains and erectile disfunction.
The fuck is wrong with you people? Even on tren I can handle not fapping for 3 days. It's an addiction, once you jerk it you'll feel the need to jerk it 3 hours later again and again.
Bust a nut once a week for prostate health and test levels, but otherwise don't do it.
Then fuck off if you don't like it, but you're obviously Assmad enough about it to post a negative comment in this thread so you clearly are in some denial about your porn usage or the amount you jerk it, there's literally no other reason why you would take the time to post that. Give nofap a chance user, just for a week, join is and make a positive change.
>day 15 of nofap
My milf colleague wants the dick, I'm sure. Not gonna mess this one brehs.
baka desu senpai
Day 65 of nofap.
>try to be a good Christian and read the Bible from Genesis to Revelations
>get turned on and jack off reading Jacob fucking both his cousins
>highway to hell.mp3
holy shit i have never seen such a fucking cope from a porn addict before, get a grip my man
>day 24 of nofap
>not just noporn
You're just crippling yourself
nofap would work if the retards here would actually go and and find a woman to fuck
let's be realistic - that's not gonna happen and it will just lead to sexual frustration
nofapper here who actually did find a woman to fuck because of the sexual frustration somehow making me into a more dominant, playful individual
i will never not recommend nofap to people now, i've converted to the internet's version of veganism and it is glorious
Nofap has forced me to do exactly that. It has changed my life dramatically for the better.
>32 nanoseconds into nofap
I'm on nofap/noporn myself, but that hackbook thing is just unreadable and a crime against the english language. Stop shilling it.
>day 5 into nofap April
>tfw you find the cheat manual
>fix your crippling depression
hard to do when you waste all the dopamine you produce on fapping
Try spending as few time as possible alone in your room.
When you're done doing the necessary things, head out and do something with your friends, go to gym etc.
If you have the urge to fap take a piece of paper and write it down, with the date and time.
Now truly aware of it, try replacing it with something productive. Running would be my choice. But it can be anything. See also above. Just leave your room.
Write down, what you now should better be doing and why.
If you give in to fap, afterwards write down how long you did it, and how you feel about it now, and then why you want to quit it. And why it is better to do activity x next time.
Do not write something of the sort that fapping is pathetic and only losers do it, that might reduce self-confidence and lead to depression.
If you need porn to fap, delete all the porn you have, and if possible quit your private internet access and use public ones. You now will think that is impossible.
But how much really necessary and productive things do you really use the internet for?
>3 days in
>rape fantasies intensifies
>actively making changes to your life, changing your mindset and breaking free from negative ways of thinking
Quitting porn and masturbation is an active change
> oh wait...you're all KHV's, neets with no jobs or any friends...so i really doubt porn is causing any real problems in your lives.
Straight up wrong. Are you projecting?
>go jerk off.
>day 4 of nofap
>also snake fasting
>no sex drive due to conserving energy
going hand in hand might help, especially to get over the first few weeks.
Train with noporn
>writing a book because some posters feel better when they don't masturbate
>day 50
>gf didnt put out last night
>Day 5
>The urge to watch porn is dead
I've made it lads, time to find some chicks now
Yeah, you're right. If I follow your advice I too one day be could be well adjusted enough to write an seething essay to people who just don't want to jerk off to porn anymore because it makes them feel bad.
Does sexting count as porn, or is it a grey area like using your imagination?
Sexting without pictures. Obviously nudes count as porn
>go weeks of nofap
>see suggestive ads
>get turned on
why dudes, I'm like a drug addict that cleans up and then fucks it up again over and over
I've quit smoking cigarettes and herb, I've quit drinking alcohol, coffee, I quit soda ages ago. I quit junk food, I quit vidya, TV.. I can quit fucking anything.
But not porn. Why?
I live with my gf, but we can't always have sex at a moments notice, and that's when it's really the dangerzone. I start making up excuses like I haven't cum in a few days and it's good for my prostate, etc..
And then I look at porn.
It's not the fap I have trouble with, it's the porn. Why can't I fucking stop?
porn addiction is almost opiate tier. best to just go cold turkey and never look back. harder said than done but no other way around it.
i dont do nofap but I just realized i havent jerked off in 5 days, whats up with that am i dying?
It won't really do that much for you my man
thank you based Totodile
Wet dreams dont count, r-right?
Hand on the cock reset the clock nocturnal emission keep up the mission
t. schlomo shekelsteinowitz
Nofap got me a gf and gave me more energy because I'm not using up my zincs multiple times a day to make new seed. Also I'm not fapping for dopamine hits to cure my depression anymore. Not everybody is just like you user, now pls kys
It hasn't really kicked in yet, give it 2-3 more days and you'll be aching for a wank
>Day 10 of no-fap
>The urge has reached it's peak
>i m doing no fap
So uh, how does ERP factor into nofap?
I don't watch porn but I do roleplay online a lot and I'm not sure if that's just as bad.
A-At least I'm not a cuck, right?
>Not jerking off got me a girlfriend
Not only are you retarded but you are fucking insecure as shit
>i only got a girlfriend because i didnt touch my peepee cuz makes me feel bad :(
>i didnt get a girlfriend because she loves and values me as a human being and enjoys my presence its just cause i stopped fapping
>not insecure btw lol
>this is how people cope with porn addiction and increased estrogen
>muh estrogen boogeyman meme
>half of the studies you posted are on rats
>the other have extremely low sample sizes (10-15 people)
Look I'm sorry man but you are legitimately retarded. Like please go to the doctor and get your brain check because you are an absolute fucking dimwitted faggot. Ignoring and loling at the fact that you think masturbation is going to give you a SIGNIFICANT and LONG-LASTING effect on estrogen levels, studies have actually shown masturbation leads to better sleep, less stress, improve relationships with a partner and allows people to learn more about their own bodies and what they like sexually. In fact, even recent studies have shown that watching porn actually increases your libido. So what's your response to that, huh?
You are not a neurosurgeon nor are you a neuroscientist, you are a fag on an anime message board that knows nothing about how the brain works, so I seriously take your "interpretation" of data that is way over your head with a grain of salt. If you are doing nofap because porn and masturbation became a problem for you, and it seriously affected your life and your ability to function in society then good for you. But neither porn nor masturbation is the problem. It's merely symptoms of bigger problems that you are experiencing but refuse to tackle head on, instead taking a 'shortcut' down a shoddy path with barely any scientific evidence to back it up, but with plenty of anecdotal """""evidence""""".
Come back to me when you have a study that is a) peer reviewed b) reproducible c) have a large sample size and d) is not 15 years old. But you won't, and as evidence continues to build in the other direction you'll desperately cling to your subreddit hoping for that one weird study by a Chinese guy that you hold up above your head as the absolute holy grail of truth despite all the other studies that tell you you are a dumb fucking retard wasting his time.